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Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

Section A

1. 现在完成时 (1)基本句型:

肯定式: 主语 + 助动词have/has + 动词的过去分词. 疑问式: 助动词Have/Has + 主语 + 动词的过去分词? 否定式: 主语 + 助动词have/has + not + 动词的过去分词 (2)主要用法

a.表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常和副词already, yet, never, ever ,before ,just等连用。. I have finished my homework. I am free(我已经完成了家庭作业,对现在造成的结果是很有空) b.表示过去已经开始, 持续到现在的动作或状态.

常与since + 过去的时间点,for + 一段时间,so far 等时间状语连用。

I have learnt English for more than ten years.我已经学了10多年的英语。(10年前开始,持续到现在还在学) She has swum since half an hour ago.我已经游泳了半个小时(半个小时前已经开始游泳,到现在还在游) already/ yet的区别:

(3)already 往往用于肯定句,用在疑问句时表示强 调或加强语气;yet 用于否定句和疑问句。 He has already left here. 他已经离开这里了。

My teachers haven’t had breakfast yet. 我的老师们还没有吃早饭。 Have you written to your parents yet?

2.What’s it like? 它怎么样?

(1)某物怎么样? What’s +物+like? How+be + 物? (2)某人怎么样?What’s +人+like? 用来提问人的性格 (3) What do / does +人 + look like?用来提问人的外表。

3. full of 充满 be full of = be filled with 充满

4. grow up 长大;成长 I grew up in Beijing.

grow into 长大成为 Mary grew into a beautiful girl.

5. hurry up 赶快;急忙(做某事)(用在口语中,用来催促别人快走) in a hurry匆忙地 hurry to do sth 匆忙去做 hurry off 匆忙离开

6. due adj. 预期;预定 , 通常只用作表语 be due to do sth 预期做某事 You are due to hand in your composition on Friday afternoon.

7. in two weeks 两周之后,in在......以后

in+一段时间 用在一般将来时的句子中,在......(时间)后 He will be back in a week. 一周之后,他将回来。 【注意】after 常用在一般过去式的句子中。

He got to Beijing after two hours. 他是两个下时候到北京的。

8.nothing 没有什么;没有东西


There is nothing in the fridge. She has nothing to do .

(2)当有修饰词来修饰nothing等不定代词时,要放在不定代词后面。修饰词可以是形容词、动词不定式等。 I want something to drink. I have nothing special to tell you. (3)在英语中,不定代词有:

something anything everything everyone everybody someone anyone somebody anybody no one nothing nobody

Would you like ___________ (吃的东西)?

9.bring 带来 fetch/ bring/ take

(1)fetch v 去拿来=get 去(某地) 拿来(讲话者处)

(2)bring (brought, brought) v 带来从(某地)拿到(讲话者处)

bring up 养育,养大 bring sb. sth = bring sth to sb. 给某人带某物 (3) take v 带来 从(讲话者)拿走 take →took → taken

take care 小心 take charge of 负责,看管 take hold of 握住 take off 脱下 take out 取出

take a look看一看 take away拿走 take exercise做运动 take it easy不紧张 take one’s time从容不迫

10.else 其他的;别的

(1)other adj. 别的;其他的 修饰n. 放名词前作定语。 on the other hand 另一方面 (2) else adj. 别的;其他的 放疑问词或不定代词之后。 ①. What _____ do you want to say?

②. What ______ thing do you want? A. other B. others C. else D. till ③. There is _______in his home. A. other nothing B. nothing other C. else nothing D. nothing else

11. see sb. doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 see sb. do sth 看见某人做了某事

12. have been (in) 待在某地

(1)have/has gone to到某地去,说话时该人不在现场

Where is Jim?吉姆在哪里?He has gone to England.他去英国了。(尚未回来)

(2)have/has been to曾经去过某地, 现在已不在那里了,后可接次数,如once,twice,three times等,表示 去过某地几次, 也可和 just,never,ever等连用。

My father has been to Beijing twice.我父亲去过北京两次。 (3)have been in表示“在某地呆了多少时间”,常与时间段状语连用。 I have been in Shanghai for three years.我到上海已有三年了

13.the other 另一个 词条 含义 用法 other 泛指其他的人、物 作形容词或代词,其后接名词的复数形式 the other 指两个人或物中的一个 通常用于固定短语one... The other ...中 others 泛指另外几个,其余的 是other的复数形式,在句中作主语、宾语 the others 其他东西;其余的人们 特指某一范围的“其他的人或物” another 其他的;再一个;另一个 只能用于三个或更多的人或物 14.towards prep. 朝; 向;对着(移向某处,只表方向)

go/ walk towards ... 走向...... drive towards ... 向.....开去 She was walking towards the town when I met her. towards / to towards 表示“向着某个方向”,没有“到达”之意 to 一般接在come, go, move 等动词之后,表示“向、往”,有 “到达”之意。 15. name v 命名 n. 名字;名称 adj. 位于所修饰的名词之后, “名为......的” = named

16. Would you like…?

(1)would like 想要、愿意=want 比want语气委婉、客气。后接名词、代词宾格或动词不定式。其中would 是情态动词,常可缩写为’d

Lucy would like some eggs.露茜想要一些鸡蛋。

We’d like to watch TV after school.放学之后,我们想要看电视。

(2)would like的固定句型

a. Would you like some …?你想要一些……吗? 该句型常用于征求对方的意见。 肯定回答常用“Yes, please.”, 否定回答常用“No, thanks.”


Would you like some apples?你想要一些苹果吗?Yes, please. 是的,我想要。No, thanks. 不,谢谢。 b.Would you like to do sth ? 你愿意去做……吗?

该句型表示向对方有礼貌地提出建议或发出邀请,其中like可用love替换。 Would you like/ love to play football with me?你想要和我一起踢足球吗? Yes, I’d like / love to. 是的,我非常愿意。

I’d like/ love to. But I’m too busy.我非常愿意,但我太忙了。 c.Would like to do sth. 想要做某事;

Would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人去做某事

He would like to go out for a walk.他想要出去散步。

Our parents would like us to study well.我们的父母想要我们好好学习。

17. wait v 等,等候,等待 → waiter n 侍者 can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事

(1) wait for 等候 (后接名词、代词)Please wait for me at the gate. Wait a moment! 等一等。 be kept waiting 一直等着。 keep sb. waiting = make sb. wait 叫人等着。 (2)wait to do sth 等着做某事

18.What do you think of…? 你认为……怎么样? think of / think about / think over辨析:

(1)think of 提到(某人、某物、某事或某主意等),考虑,思考,对….有某种看法,后接名词,代词、动词


What do you think of your Chinese teacher?I like her very much. (2) think of 思考,考虑,对….有某种看法=think about

What do you think of the movie? = What do you think about the movie? (3) think of 相出,想着,想起,不可用think about 代替。 I always think of my childhood. (4) think over仔细考虑,认真考虑, 强调思考的程度比think of/ about深。=think about….. carefully. 其中over 是副词,宾语若是名词,则可位于over之前或之后;当宾语是代词时,则必须放在over之前。

Think it over before you do it.

It’s very important for you. You must think it over.

Section B

1. fight over 为……争吵

fight for + 抽象名词(事业、自由、权利) 等 为......而斗争 have a fight with 和......打了一架

2. abroad adv 在国外;到国外 My father often goes abroad.

abroad 用法:表示到(在)国外,是一个副词,前面不加介词。

go abroad 出国 live abroad 住在国外 at home and abroad 在国内外

3.return = come / go back返回 = give sth back 归还

returen ... to ... 把.......归还给....... Don’t forget to return it to the library. 4.on the radio 在收音机里;通过无线广播 介词on 表示 “ 以......方式”

on the Internet 通过因特网;在网上 on the telephone 通过电话 on TV 通过电视

5.actually 真实地,事实上

actually 和 in fact 用法的区别


He looks unpleasant, but actually he is very kind. 他看起来板着面孔,但事实上很和蔼。 (2)in fact =really, truly

No one believed it, but in fact, Mary did pass her exam.

(3)in fact 通常作状语,用于书面语,修饰副词不可单独使用。

really, truly可作状语或表语,可单独使用,既可用于书面也可用于口语中。

6.ever since 自从……以来 作连词时=since, ever起强调作用 ,主句常用现在完成时. I haven’t heard from him since last year. =I haven’t heard from him ever since last year.

7.modern adj.现代的,当代的

8.such as 例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的=like或for example such as 后不可列出前面所提过的所有东西。

I know four languages, such as Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如日语、英语

(1)for example例如, 一般只以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句 中或句末。

for example意为用来举例说明,有时可作为独立语,插在句中,不影响句子其他部分的语法关系。 He,for example,is a good student. 例如,他就是个好学生。 (2)such as例如,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。 such as用来列举事物,插在被列举事物与前面的名词之间,as 后不可以有逗号,可以与 and so on 连用。 Boys such as John and James are very friendly.像约翰和詹姆斯这样的男孩都很友好。

9.succeed v 成功,达到 →success n 成功 →successful adj 成功的→successfully adv成功地 succeed in doing sth make a success 取得成功

10. belong v 属于; 归属 = be owned by

(1) belong to +人名(不能用所有格)+代词宾格(不能用物主代词) 属于 (2) belong to不能用于进行时态或被动形式,其主语常常是物。 (3) Sth belongs to sb = sth is sb’s

The yellow car belongs to Mr. Smith = The yellow car is Mr. Smith’s.

11.be kind to 对……友好= be friendly to kind of 有点儿,有几分=a little 或a bit

a kind of 一种 all kinds of 各种各样的 different kinds of不同种类的

what kind of ….的种类(用来询问事物的类别)

12.million 一百万

hundred n 百 hundreds of 数以百的 thousand n 千 thousands of成千上万的 million n 百万 millions of成百万的

(1)当million 前面有具体的数字时,用单数形式

(2)当million 后与of 连用时用复数形式,millions of 是数百万的意思,前面不能加数词

【口诀】:具体的不加s 也不加of,不具体的加s 也加of

13. hope v 希望

(1)hope to do sth. 希望做某事 I hope ______ (see) you again. (2)hope +that 从句 I hope you may succeed

(3)I hope so 我希望是这样 (4)I hope not 我希望不是这样

【注】:不能说 hope sb. to do sth 但可以说 wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事


14.live 现场直播的;实况直播的

I hope to see the Olypic Games live in 2016! 我希望2016年能到现场去看奥运会。 15.

(1)the number of ……的数目,后跟名词复数或代词,其后的谓语动词用单数。 (2)a number of 大量的,许多,后跟复数名词,其后谓语动词用复数。

16.be from =come from 来自 She is from France=She comes from France. 【注】be from 构成否定句时,在be 后加not;构成疑问句时,将be 提起。

come from 构成否定句或疑问句时,要借助助动词do或does.

16.introduce v 介绍;引进

(1) introduce oneself to sb. 向某人作自我介绍 (2) introduce A to B.把A介绍给B

(3) introduce into 引进

16.(1) in the end =at last =finally 最后,终于

(2) at the end of 在….的结尾 (反)at the beginning of 在……开始 【既可用来表示时间, 也可以用来表示地点】 at the end of the speech 在演讲结束时 at the end of the road 在路的尽头

(3).by the end of 在…..结束时,常与过去完成时连用(had+过去分词)