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Ⅰ. 完形填空

About 30 years ago, Marie Roth taught a painting class. When some of her 1 expressed an interest in purchasing her works, she turned painting into a profession.

She’s 70 now, an age when many folks are starting to be 2 on the sofa in front of the TV. But 3 are if there’s a(n) 4 barn (谷仓) coming down somewhere in northeastern Illinois, Marie will be there. Wearing leather gloves, Marie will pick through the piles of wood and 5 pieces that, as she describes, “whisper” to her. She’ll remove the 6 boards to her home, where she’ll 7 them and allow them to dry out before 8 the pieces together and gluing them into place. But it’s only when Marie 9 painting them in the eye-catching, beautiful colors loved by every American that it becomes clear what she’s 10 . From the broken-down barns, she constructs fine wooden reproductions of the American 11 .

“The wood is continually 12 by animals, or sometimes nailed and hammered by humans, ” she said. “Recently, I had a piece of wood from the floor of a barn that was 13 by hooves (蹄子). I used it to paint flags from the Civil War era—the marks made me 14 all those brave soldiers. ”

Marie comes by her love of barn wood 15 because her father is a carpenter. She painted her first flag on a shipping pallet (托盘) more than 30 years ago. The old pallet, she 16 , “ 17 looked like a flag. ”

The self-taught artist paints American flags 18 she is really good at

drawing straight lines. Creating art is 19 she has to do. She sometimes 20 that she hopes one day she dies with a paintbrush in her hand.

【文章大意】本文介绍三十年前玛丽罗斯教绘画课, 当她的一些学生表示有兴趣购买她的作品时, 她把绘画变成了一种职业。她把创作艺术当作她必须要做的事情, 她有时开玩笑说, 她希望有一天, 她手里拿着画笔死去。 1. A. students C. customers

B. employees D. managers

【解析】选A。大约30年前, 玛丽罗斯教绘画课。当她的一些学生表示有兴趣购买她的作品时, 她把绘画变成了一种职业。 2. A. bravely C. gratefully

B. modestly D. comfortably

【解析】选D。现在她已经70岁了, 这个年纪, 很多人都开始舒服地坐在电视机前的沙发上。 3. A. tasks C. chances

B. processes D. purposes

【解析】选C。但是, 机会是如果有一个旧谷仓在伊利诺伊州东北部的某个地方降落, 玛丽就会在那里。 4. A. small C. ordinary

B. old D. dangerous

【解析】选B。但是, 机会是如果有一个旧谷仓在伊利诺伊州东北部的某个地方降落, 玛丽就会在那里。 5. A. look for C. work on

B. wait for D. get through

【解析】选A。戴着皮手套, 玛丽会从成堆的木头中挑拣, 然后寻找那些她描述的“耳语”的东西。 6. A. borrowed C. limited

B. selected D. carved

【解析】选B。她会把所选的板子移到她的家里, 在那里她会把它们洗干净, 让它们晾干, 然后再把它们粘在一起。 7. A. wash

B. repair

C. cut

D. store

【解析】选A。她会把所选的板子移到她的家里, 在那里她会把它们洗干净, 让它们晾干, 然后再把它们粘在一起。 8. A. fitting

B. founding D. holding

C. replacing

【解析】选A。她会把所选的板子移到她的家里, 在那里她会把它们洗干净, 让它们晾干, 然后再把它们粘在一起。 9. A. continues C. avoids

B. starts D. risks

【解析】选B。但是, 只有当玛丽开始用她所喜爱的、漂亮的颜色来描绘它们时, 才会明白她所创造的是什么。 10. A. collecting C. writing

B. showing D. creating

【解析】选D。但是, 只有当玛丽开始用她所喜爱的、漂亮的颜色来描绘它们时, 才会明白她所创造的是什么。 11. A. flag

B. picture

C. scene

D. toy

【解析】选A。从破损的谷仓里, 她建造了美国国旗的精美木制复制品。