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1. Known as the highest railway in the world, the Qinghai-Tibet railway — or “Heavenly Road” — climbs 5,000 meters above sea level.

A. to

B. by

C. on

D. at

2. Steven Spielberg is very confident about his new movie, saying “It is to be well received by audience.”

A. due

B. likely C. bound

D. essential

3. — I’m really looking forward to the match.

— So am I. If only it raining tonight! A. stops B. would stop C. had stopped

D. is to stop

4. In the eyes of some people, the lion courage and strength, and is considered generally to be good luck.

A. desires B. exposes C. deserves

D. symbolizes

5. I was only in Mombasa for an afternoon, and struck me most was the smell of seafood baked by the sun.

A. it

B. that

C. what

D. which

6. Although China has declared war on air pollution, it has a long way to go it can win the battle.

A. since

B. when

C. as

D. before

7. — Have you had your watch repaired?

— Yes. I’d expected it to cost about $20, but they charged me twice much. A. as B. so C. too D. very

8. Anyone who wants to buy train tickets in China must provide , like an ID card, driving license or student card.

A. occupation B. permission C. motivation

D. identification

9. Health experts warn that beauty tips on the Internet do not work for everyone, and if in the wrong way, they could actually harm our health.


A. using B. used C. being used D. to be used

10. The company produces about 25,000 handmade umbrellas one year, half go to the international market — mainly in Japan, Europe and the US.

A. of them B. in them C. of which D. in which

11. — Did you go to the concert last night?

— Well, I had meant to. But I when it began to rain. A. left

B. am leaving C. had left

D. was leaving

12. Since graduation from the University of Birmingham in the UK, Anna has several jobs. However, she failed almost all the interviews.

A. fallen for B. applied for C. made for

D. hoped for

13. Among the major health threats facing Chinese people second-hand smoke and air pollution.

A. are B. are there C. is

D. is there

14. A concentration of high quality medical resources in Beijing has caused thousands of people, mostly from outside the city, better medical care there daily.

A. seeking B. sought C. to seek

D. having sought

15. — I’m playing at a concert tomorrow. I’m really worried about it.

— So am I. A. Never mind.

B. I’m not surprised.

C. Why bother? D. Don’t mention it.

二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题 1分,满分20分)


On Noah Ark (方舟), things were getting a bit boring. Noah and his animals started organizing games to 16 themselves. But a bird drilled (钻) a hole in the bottom of the ark by accident. As 17 began entering the boat, the hole got bigger and things got a bit 18 .

One by one, different animals tried to fix the hole. They even got competitive about it because everyone wanted to be the animal that had 19 the ark. The beaver (海狸) built a dam over the hole, but even that didn’t 20 . Everyone was scared,


worried that the boat would 21 . That was, until the bee started 22 . The bee explained to everyone how it was that bees 23 worked together, as a 24 , each one doing the job they were best at. On 25 this, all the animals set about working together, each one playing their part by contributing their own special 26 . The birds flapped their wings madly, lifting the boat up a little. The elephants sucked up the water in their trunks and 27 it back into the sea. The 28 animals ran here and there, collecting 29 .

By working together, the animals 30 to reduce the amount of water coming into the ark, but they still hadn’t stopped it 31 . Suddenly, a fish swam in through the hole. The animals 32 the little fish to go and summon (召集) 33 to save their boat. He swam off and soon fish after fish arrived at the ark. Even a big whale came, and the whale 34 its great body against the hole. This stopped water entering and gave the animals 35 to close up the hole. 16. A. amuse 17. A. air

B. improve B. water

C. warn

D. instruct D. noise


C. pollution

18. A. interesting worrying

19. A. filled B. pulled 20. A. stay 21. A. hide

B. appear B. break

B. disappointing C. surprising

C. saved D. made D. work D. sink D. fighting

D. almost

C. increase C. leave

22. A. talking B. flying 23. A. sometimes 24. A. team

B. school

C. arguing B. always C. line C. taking C. secret C. shot

C. probably

D. class D. showing D. food D. led D. fastest

25. A. reaching B. hearing 26. A. talent B. culture 27. A. hit

B. poured

28. A. biggest B. bravest 29. A. information 30. A. needed B. learned 31. A. early

C. kindest B. money

C. materials

D. managed

D. opinions

C. promised

B. carefully C. completely


D. quickly