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passengers ate. OK, give us the details. All right, here's the story: On Friday night, the ship departed around 10 p.m. with 300 passengers on board. By Sunday morning, some people reported feeling lightheaded. They stayed in bed. By that afternoon, more than half of the passengers had severe indigestion. Some of them got very sick. We spoke to one woman about her experience. Everyone was complaining. My stomach hurt so much I couldn't eat anything. It was really terrible! What's the situation now? Well, the ship had to return home on Monday---- after only two and a half days at sea---- and most of the passengers went straight to the hospital then. F: How are they doing now?

M: They're exhausted---- many haven't slept for 48 hours---- but they're doing fine. F: That's good news. It's too bad they couldn't enjoy their vacation.

M: Yes, it is. And that’s the next problem. The passengers are asking for their money back,

but the company doesn't want to refund the full amount. F: What's going to happen then?

M: Nobody knows. I'II keep following the story, though, and I'II have more details for you tomorrow. Track 3-4-3

Chad: Hi, Doctor Park.

Doctor: Hi, Chad. How are you today? Chad: Not so great.

Doctor: What seems to be the problem?

Chad: Well, I have a rash on my arm. I can't stop scratching it. Doctor: Is there anything else? Chad: Yes. I have a slight fever.

Doctor: I see. Have you been in the woods recently? Chad: Let's see…I went hiking last week.

Doctor: Maybe an insect bit you. Please sit up here. Let's take your temperature. Track 3-4-4

1. When I was younger and I had a sore throat my mother would always make me gargle with hot water and salt. Surprisingly, it works.

2. I use aloe vera. I use it for burns and things on the skin. I think it really works. Track 3-4-OL-1 Track 3-4-OL-2 M: Are you finished packing?

B: Almost. I just have to check my tent one last time, I don’t want to forget any of the pieces. M: Is that your first aid kit? B: Yep.

M: Well, I see bandages and some aspirin, where’s everything else? B: Like what?

M: Well, your toothbrush and toothpaste for example. B: Huh… I’ll put it in, don’t worry.

M: And where is your allergy medicine? You’ll need your nasal spray and some lozenges, just in case. B: OK

M: Are you going to pack any lotion? You know, you might touch some poison or something… B: Mom! It’s only an overnight camping trip.

M: OK. All right then. Oh, what about mouthwash? After you brush you teeth, you’re going to want




B: Mom! I’m not preparing for a date! I’m going on a camping trip, an overnight camping trip! I think I can live without mouthwash for 24 hours!

M: All right then. I was just trying to be helpful. I’m sure you’ll have a great time. Track 3-4-OL-3 A: What’s wrong?

B: I feel exhausted. I didn’t sleep well last night. A: Do you have a cold?

B: No, I’m fine. It’s Fred, he has the flu. A: I’m sorry to hear that.

B: Yeah, it’s pretty bad. He can’t stop coughing. It keeps me awake at night. Track 3-4-OL-4

I stopped drinking coffee because I couldn’t sleep at night. It was had to break that habit, but now I sleep very well, and I don’t wake up in the middle of the night. If you want to stop drinking coffee, here’s some advice for you. Don’t stop drinking coffee suddenly. You might get a headache. Reduce the amount of coffee slowly. Drink juice or herbal tea instead. If you usually have coffee in the morning, go for a walk or do exercises instead. That will wake you up. And go to bed early! A lot of people drink coffee just because the feel tired. Track 3-4-OL-5 Track 3-4-OL-6 Get in the habit

We all know that good habits bring in good health. But we don’t realize how much difference they can make. In the 1970s, scientists at the University of California, LA interviews seven thousand people about their health habits. Then they follow these people to see how long they lived. The scientist discovered that seven habits were closely linked with a longer life. These habits are:1. Eating breakfast everyday. 2. Avoiding snacks between meals.3. Keeping an ideal weight, not too heavy or too thin.4. Exercising regularly. 5. Sleeping 7 to 8 hours per night, not more or less.6. Not smoking.7. Drink two or fewer alcoholic drinks per day. The researchers found that these habits had a powerful effect on health. People in the study who had three or fewer of these habits lived another 21.6 years. People who had six or seven could expect to live another 33 years. People age 55 to 64 with all seven good habits were as healthy as younger people age 25 to 34 who practiced only one or two of the habits. But how do you change your habits? A slow approach is the best way. Make one small change every week and be patient, it takes about 21 days to form a new habit.

Track 3-4-OL-7 Track 3-4-OL-8 Surprising syndromes of modem life

R4argaret's friend is taking a new job in a faraway city. She wants to hold a farewell dinner party at her home. But she can't. Margaret suffers from CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). Her apartment is messy and she's embarrassed by it. \\information--and lots of it. We receive telephone calls all day long. People expect a quick response to their faxes, text messages, and e-mail messages. I;or some people, it's too much. They have information fatigue syndrome. There is so much information, they become paralyzed and can't think clearly \can't sleep at night because I worry,\says Bahman, a college senior. \terrible.\



always rushing. Get headaches a lot. Taking aspirin seems to help,\and a part-time company employee. Do you engage in \work) more than once a week? Then you, too, may suffer from hurry sickness! We've all complained about having too much work to do. Well, now about not having enough work?

Underload syndrome is caused by having little or nothing to do at the office. You have to pretend that you're working. Steven works as a project manager. \can finish my work in about four hours, but I'm afraid to say anything about it. I don't want to be assigned too much work!\cases, people with this syndrome can get very bored and even became depressed. Chances are you're experienced phone neck before. Another name for it would be \what people with this condition experience. Holding the phone between your neck and your ear for a long time causes phone neck. A good long message is the suggested treatment for this syndrome. Unit 4, Lesson B Global Viewpoints P65 A

Alejandra: Unfortunately, I get colds a couple of times a year. When I get a cold, I feel very weak and I've got headaches, my throat aches, and I just don't want to get out of bed. So I stay home. I take medicines and try to drink a lot of liquids.

Gian: When I get sick----and I mean really sick---- the first thing I do is run to the machine cabinet and try to find something to make me feel better. And if I'm not feeling better after a little while, I’ll call the doctor and trudge in to make sure that I'm really OK, and it's just a matter of time.

Malinda: When I xx-as younger and I had a sore throat, my mother would always make me gargle with hot water and salt. Surprisingly, it worked.

Dave: I have an aunt in Mexico that believes that toothpaste can cure everything. Toothpaste can cure burns---bee stings---uh-- bites-- it's... amazing. \toothpaste

on it.\\got burnt---- ah, put toothpaste on it.\\have cancer---- ah, put toothpaste on it.\Kumiko: I use aloe vera. I use it for burns and things on the skin. I think it really works. Catherine: My father's been recently very interested in acupuncture. He's been having a lot of headaches and backaches so he's been studying up on acupuncture and he realized that if he puts a needle right here for his headache and a needle right here for his back it eases his pain. I think it works for him. For me I'm a little skeptical but I think if you really believe in it, it works. City Living

It must be a miracle!

Tara: (opening the door to find Takeshi and Mike) Hi--hi. Takeshi: Hi.

Tara: Thank goodness you're here! This morning she almost fainted, then she felt very tired, and now she says she feels very lightheaded. I don't know hat to do. Takeshi: Has she seen a doctor?

Tara: She won't go. She says just needs to get some rest. Mike: Did anything happen?

Tara: Nothing out of the ordinary. The worst thing is, she has this big meeting with the president of the university tonight. She's been pretty anxious about it.



Takeshi: OK. Let's take a look.

Tara: Sun-hee, Mike and Takeshi are here Takeshi: Hi.

Sun-hee: (wakes up) Hey. Takeshi: How are you feeling?

Sun-hee: Very tired--and I feel dizzy--and my stomach is killing me\even have a fever. Oh--why do I have that meeting with the president tonight? I can't stop thinking about it...

Mike: Eat something, you'll feel better.

Sun-hee :Are you kidding? I can't eat. I'm not hungry.

Takeshi: Maybe you should go for a walk-- you know, get some fresh air-- Sun-hee :No, I just need to rest.

Tara: (phone rings) Hello? Yes ... no, this is her roommate, Tara. What? OK--I'll let her know. Thanks. (to Sun-hee) That was the president's secretary, Sun-hee :What did she say?

Tara: She told me to tell you that tonight's meeting has been canceled. Sun-hee: Oh, thank goodness. Uh--Mike, can you hand me that orange juice? Tara: (to Takeshi) I don't know maybe we should call a doctor.

Takeshi: (to Tara as Sun-hee starts eating and drinking) Yeah, maybe we should. Sun-hee: What's the matter? Haven't you ever seen anyone eating before? Tara: (to Sun-hee) I take it you're feeling better?

Sun-hee: I am feeling pretty good. It must be a miracle, or something. Tara: (to Takeshi) Or a lucky phone call. Track 3-4-OL-9

Sun-hee doesn’t feel well, so Tara asks Takeshi and Mike to come over. When they arrive, Takeshi asks Sun-hee how she is feeling. Sun-hee says she’s very tired, a little dizzy, and that she might even have a fever. Tara then explains that Sun-hee has also been very anxious about a meeting with the president of her university. Mike tells Sun-hee to eat something, but she says.” I can’t eat. I’m not hungry.” Then the phone rings. It’s the president’s secretary. She tells Tara to tell Sun-hee that tonight’s meeting has been canceled. When Sun-hee gets the news, she starts to feel much better and says,” it must be a miracle or something.” But her friends know it’s not a miracle. She was just really nervous about the meeting! Track 3-5-4

D. Listen to two people talking about their plans after graduation. Pay attention to the expressions they use. Then talk about your own plans after graduation.

1. After I finished my Ph.D., I would like to go back to Senegal and start my own business in agriculture.

2. After graduation I plan to find a good job. I also plan to start a famil}f and buy a house. Track 3-5-OL-1 Track 3-5-OL-2

W: And finally today, we have a report about graduating seniors, Jason Kim standing by. Jason, are you there? J: Hi, Lucy.

W: The natural Times newspaper asked college seniors “what are you going to do after you graduate? ”



J: That’s right. Lucy. The students gave them surprising answers too. W: For example?

J: Well, more than 50% of the students say they aren’t going to start a new job right away. W: Well, what are their future plans? J: Let’s ask some of them. Excuse me? M: Yes?

J: I’m Jason Kim from SCA TV. Your name please? M: Mesuki.

J: And what are you studying in. M: Art.

J: OK, Mizuki, what are you going to do after graduate? G: I don’t know. I’ll probably chill out for a while. J: Chill out? M: You know, relax.

J: OK, Mizuki, thanks for your comments. Hello, I’m Jason Kim and we’re doing a live report. What’s your name and major?

R: My name is Robert and I’m studying in law. J: What are you going to do after you graduate? R: I don’t know, maybe I’ll take a long trip. J: What about a job?

R: Work? Maybe one of these days, but first I’d like to take a trip.

J: Thank you Robert and good luck. Well, that’s all for now. this is been Jason Kim and my report on college seniors. Now back to you Lucy. Track 3-5-OL-3

1. Eduardo: Hi, I’m Eduardo. I got accepted to college recently. Since the school is just in my neighborhood, I’m going to live at home. I’ll not apply for a scholarship because it’s too hard to get it. I think I’ll be able to support myself by working part-time. In my view, money is very important though it’s not everything. So most probably I’ll study business, I hope I can make it big after my graduation.

2.Jill: I’m Jill, I’m going to join a sorority, I want to make more friends of the same sex. I think that women should be united should always help each other. I’m going to volunteer work in my spare time to help those old-aged ladies in the community with their errands. I’m not going to a large university since I can’t afford it.

3.Max and Sara: I’m Max and this is Sara. We love each other, we’re not going to live in student housing. We plan to live in a mid-sized apartment not far away from the university. We’re going to study together and work part-time. Track 3-5-OL-4

I’m Mary and I’m twenty. I’m studying in life-long education at the university of Tokyo. I think it’s important for everyone to keep learning all their lives. That’s why I choose the major in life-long education. Personally I’m planning to further my education in an American university after graduation. So right now I’m taking an English class. I want to improve my English. I’m working part-time at a video store because I need to save money for my studies abroad. I have a boyfriend and he wants to go and study in the United States too. We have similar interests and personalities. I’m going to get married and live in a house by the ocean. Sooner or later
