英语单项选择?词汇?答案详解 - 百度文库 ر

ݷʱ : 2025/3/24 16:55:27һ µȫĶ

C) consist D) constitute

641. Please _____ my suitcase while I go to buy my ticket.

A) keep an eye out B) keep an eye on C) have an eye for D) get the eye

642. Hong Kang Special Administrative_____ was established on July 1,1997. A) Region B) Area C) District D) block 643. They were so far away that I couldnt _____ their faces clearly. A) make out B) work out C) figure out D) give out 644. Nowadays milk is often _____ to be sold in tins. A) deduced B) condensed C) contracted D) conducted

645. If you take a lot of cases on the plane, you will have to pay for the ______ luggage. A) extra B) additional C) overdue D) excessive

646. At that time, the people of the country _____ to every kind of danger flood, starvation, disease and war. A) supposed B) exposed C) opposed D) exploded 647. I believe James is the most ______student in the class. A) potential B) individual C) impressive D) promising 648. He claimed he would be a _____ the presidential election. A) applicant B) winner C) candidate D) delegate 649. School classes were _____ for fear of spread of the epidemic. A) suspended B) suspected C) sustained D)swollen 650. He used to be able to play well but hes_____ now. A) out of place B) out of work C) out of practice D) out of order


𰸼ע ʻ

1. ΪAwork out ƶƻ⣻make out ֱset out


2. Ϊ Bimmediatelyʣconj.Ϊ?֮ϡģӵҵ


3. ΪD⼸ʶСõ˼֪ʶԵȣֻacquire gain,

á׬ã𾴡ɹȣShe gained wealth through foreign trade. Obtainõ 򵽣 ﵽ磺He finally obtained what he had always wanted.

4. ΪCĸʶУʣ塣substance 1)ָλε

ʣ2)ָʡstuffϣز; ڲ֪ӵ龰Ҫ˵Ķ磺green stuff ߲ˡ matter;spiritһӦ

5. ΪBuniqueһ޶ģΨһġthe only oneѡunique⡣ 6. ΪCfind fault with sbǹ̶䣬ΪëҲerrorΪΪ

ģĴflawΪȱ㣬ȱ a flaw in a persons character

7. ΪBcompose磬compose poems, compose a symphony 8. ΪAclient ʦĿͻҽĻߣcustomer˿ͣˣconsumerߡ 9. ΪCҪencouragement ģһ̸Լ㣬


10. ΪBcatch sb out ij˴catch up ij˵Ļcatch on⣻catch up


11. ΪBdischargeΪͷţ↑ͣϾ⡣excludeų⣻drive

ϳdismiss, ɢ

12. ΪĸѡСá壬÷һtackletaskdifficulty

or problemȴ䣬ʾcopedeal with, д塣 disposeصڴûʹþofThe computer can be programmed to tackle a variety of taks. The mayor should take steps to cope with the the holiday rush. She is at a loss how to deal with the prensent situation. The surgeon disposed of all its business in an hourλҽһСʱھͰе鴦)

13. ΪAassumeΪ룻resumeָassureʹģʹȷšA

14. ΪBscene ʾش¼ĵص㣬磺жĵص㣬սview


15. ΪAbe entitled to?Ȩʸ񣩡ģڳ߹ƣ

ʸñͨ˸ߵλgrantŵ룬ϣijģȷԡ 16. ΪBout of place ʵģƵģout of question ʣout of order

ңйϣout of practice , BϾ⡣

17. ΪCsentenceij̣convinceʹȷţcondemnǴfind sb guilty о


18. ΪDhave a complaint to make about =want to make a complaint about ԣij£ij

ԹͶߡdiscomfort; discontent㡣


19. ΪBmakeֻattempt, progress䣬make progressĽͨ

ֻѡmake attemptԡ

20. Ϊgive rise toǹ̶suspicion,ɣimpulseĵģ


21. Ϊall of a sudden =suddenlyͻȻأǹ̶ṹ

22. ΪġcriticalΣģΣƵģvitalҪģģurgentȵģ

ģemergent ⷢģģD Ͼ⡣

23. Ϊádenyϣdeny doing sth ij£rejectܾignoreԡ 24. ΪġOnterms with sb. ǹ̶䣺ϵãѺ?good, bad, friendly

They have kept on friendly terms with each other.һֱѺùϵ

25. Ϊáֻfillrepair޲ȣmend첹첹


26. Ϊá£ãģСòȾ֮壬÷ͬcatch

ֱӸsufferfrom, infect with He caught a bad cold. Mary suffered from heart failure.˥ߡHer husband was infected with tuberculosis.ɷȾ˷νˡ

27. Ϊádie awayţֹͣdie outڣdie off̶

die downƽϢήCϾҪ

28. ΪD popularܻӭģϲģϾ⡣preferableõģȡģ


29. ΪCmereֻǣҪģΪϸ£

ȴΪƻҪ֡He is a mere child.ֻһӡplainƽģģӵģƽ̹ģζģ̥йġ

30. ΪCin no way = not at allin no timeϣby all meansأon any account


31. ΪDdecrease٣⣬ʶ֮壬ص㲻ͬlimit,

ijΧڣãʾ/Ŀlimit the number of immigrants⡣confineҪƻ󳣸toA cold confined him to the house.ðʹڡrestrainصƣԼ󳣸fromYou must restrain children from doing mischief.

32. ΪBvalidǷЧģͬƱ֤зЧġefficientָijЧ


33. ΪAachievementﵽɣ⡣the achievement of ones goal(Ŀʵ

) accomplishmentɣ񣩣fulfillmentɣestablishmentɡ

34. ΪBexpandҵչ׳enlarge

չ˼룬ؽextendص죬Ӱ졢֪ʶȡReading can enlarge our views.˵ҰThis country extended its power and influence into neighboring countries.ҽӰչڹ󣨷չóףҪexpand

35. ΪCcircleйͬȤγɵģȦӣš磺Ļѧ

Ϸ磬̽(cultural, academic, theatrical, business circles), circusϷţcycleڣcircuit·


36 ΪAavoidرܣ㿪neglectretreatˣȴignoreӣ


37. ΪAimpactָ˼룬飬ƶȵ𺳣ģ


38. ΪCcomprehensiveȫģnothing had been omittedӦ⡣


39. ΪDĩpeculiarһʡģصġṩѡֻй(curious)

󣬲ģصģbrilliantԲõģԻ͵ģscarceȱģġ 40. ΪAto take sth. into accountǹ̶䣺?ڣAϾ⡣

41. ΪAset downд££set output acrossput away

42. Ϊ¡lack of (money)short of (money)ȱȱshort ofݴʶﲻ

Short of tools, we made our own.ȱٹߣԼ졣Lack ofʶLack of a fire on the house made him cold.

43. Ϊ¡ĸֻinterferewith䣺ţţӰ졣ʶǼ


44. Ϊ¡at stake̶䣬ΪΣ֡ģũȳ˸꣬


45. ΪġĸʶСƷƷ֮壬produceָũƷproductָ


46. ΪġãѡСٵġ壬ںһfalseķreal


47. Ϊlayout֣ƣ滮ţsystemϵpatternͼstyle


48. Ϊ¡maintainά֣֣maintain the leadȵλpersist in doing sth

ij£insist on ?Ҫ󣬼֡

49. ΪBĸѡгstay֮⣬ǼﶯʣҪstayϵʣ

stay healthyֽpreserve棬ά֣reserveӻ

50. Ϊáat times ʱżat a timeÿΣһΣûbetween timeĴ䣬ֻ

between timesʱʱżat the timeǹ̶䣬˼ǡʱ 51. ΪBreservedΪĬself-restrained in speech and mannertalk freely


52. ΪBsincereǿ˵ĸΪϵϣgenuinenot pretended

䡣honestǿʵʵnot cheatingnot lying˼hopefulΪϣġ塣