全新版大学进阶英语综合教程第二册答案U5KeytoExercises 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/17 1:35:32星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


machine that does not use water.

3. We need to adopt a different approach to music in education.

4. Usually a label with your name and address is attached to your suitcase before

you check in at the airport.

1. We rejected the proposal as a matter of principle.

2. Although I am not an American football fan, it doesn have no’ tintmerestanI in it.

3. Demand for coal is down and so are the prices.

4. Biking is a green alternative to driving.


1. Our reading room has many interesting books as well as the latest magazines.

2. The 300-page book contains many pictures of the artist as well as some of his famous paintings.

3. For character building, one needs to succeed as well as fail sometimes.

4. The latest model of the Huawei mobile phone is very popular at home as well as abroad.


1. Legend has it that the guy invented chess to please his King.

2. Word has it that the CEO of my company will retire next year.

3. Rumor has it that he has spent all his money on this crazy and risky plan.

4.1 Cloze

4. Legend has it that those who step onto this stone will have good luck. 5. Our research on climate change focuses on its effect on the environment. 5. A new system should be devisedbecause the old system simply doesn

’ t work.

2. Collocation

3. Sentence Patterns

4. Comprehensive Practice



Long, long ago Greek legend has it that Daedalus, a brilliant inventor, was imprisoned together with his son Icarus on an island in the Mediterranean. In order to escape, Daedalus devised a clever plan and sketched out his idea to his son. They would both fly away from the island like birds. It was risky, but both thought it worth a try. Using feathers attached together with wax and string, Daedalus made them both a pair of wonderful wings. Harnessed to these they were able to take to the air, leaving those on the ground who witnessed their flight amazed at their strange device. As they flew off over the sea their escape seemed certain. But Icarus, ignoring the warnings of his father, came too close to the sun. The wax holding his wings together melted and he plunged to his death in the ocean below.

4.2 Translation

1. How to harness the power of the rockets is the key to the successful launch of a spaceship.

2. The 20th century witnessed the growth of the aviation industry.

3. During World War II, the United States needed giant cargo planes for

transportation of war materials.

4. The film The Aviator is based on the life of Howard Hughes.

5. The professor thinks that more money should be invested in/put into research in the field of energy efficiency.

6. They are carrying out a secret mission.

7. “ Focus on the content of the article. Don the teacher to the students.











’ t worry about individual words,

8. Wan Hu ’ s plan swatoo risky and too primitive to be successful.

Reading & Comprehending Reading 1

1. Comprehension Check for Reading 1



2. Translation


3. 如果说有人领教过几乎无法完成的困难任务的话,那就是皮卡特,他是家族中第三代冒险家。

4. 确实,太阳能驱动飞机首创者的动力,不仅仅是为创造新纪录,更多是为后人绘制

1. She is the first Chinese woman astronaut on a mission to developChina ’ s space station.

2. She felt honoured and grateful.

3. Women astronauts have their advantages and capabilities and can complement men in fulfilling their mission.

4. She will carry out medical experiments. 一条可持续道路的愿望。

1. 他俩合起来的履历看上去令所有真正的飞行冒险家都羡慕不已。 2.“你必须有思想准备,真正能设想出所有的解决方案,


Reading 2

Comprehension Check for Reading 2

Integrated Skills Practicing I. Viewing & Listening

Hughes: I mean, I put my money into the planes, senator. My money. See, the thing is, I care very much about aviation. It has been the great joy of my life. That ’ s why I put my own money into theseplanes. And I ’ ve lost millions, Senator Brewster. And I ’ llgo on losing millions. It ’just ... what I do. Now, I am supposed to be ... many things which are not complimentary. I am supposed to be capricious. I have been called a playboy. I have even been called an eccentric, but

I do not believe that I have the reputation of being a liar. Now, needless to say, the Hercules was a monumental undertaking. It is the largest plane ever built. It is



over five stories tall with a wingspan longer than afootball field. That ’ s more than

a city block. Now, I put the sweat of my life into this thing. I got my reputation all rolled up in it. And I have stated several times that if the Hercules fails to fly, I will leave this country and never come back. And I mean it.

III. Writing

Model paper for your reference

Howard Hughes was an American entrepreneur and an aviation pioneer. During WWII, he entered into a contract with the US government to make planes that would be able to transport troops and materials across the Atlantic Ocean. The prototype he finally produced was nicknamed the Spruce Goose. It was made entirely of wood, and it was the largest airplane ever built. On November 2, 1947, the Spruce Goose made its first and only flight, and after that it was put into storage and then on display for the public. Many think that the Spruce Goose was a failure and a waste of time and money. But if we think of the fact that many of its design features have been incorporated into the modern cargo plane, we will not be so quick to blame Howard Hughes. He was simply ahead of his time. (143 words)
