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complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, \bility of three\quirements of the management system, responsible for \bility of three\nd the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company \bility three of\equirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and 什么是电力需求侧管理(DSM)
来源:互联网 时间:2007-12-1 8:43:35
DSM是英文“Power Demand Side Management”的简称,中文为“电力需求侧管理”。 国务院总理温家宝4日下午主持召开国务院常务会议研究部署当前煤电油运有关工作的消息中提到,当前重点要做好加强电力需求侧管理等工作。
“需求侧管理”是英文“demand side management”的翻译,缩写为DSM,根据这个意义,电力需求侧管理是指对用电一方实施的管理。这种管理是国家通过政策措施引导用户高峰时少用电,低谷时多用电,提高供电效率、优化用电方式的办法。这样可以在完成同样用电功能的情况下减少电量消耗和电力需求,从而缓解缺电压力,降低供电成本和用电成本。使供电和用电双方得到实惠。达到节约能源和保护环境的长远目的。 从我国近年来的电力持续负荷统计来看,全国95%以上的高峰负荷年累计持续时间只有几十个小时,采用增加调峰发电装机的方法来满足这部分高峰负荷很不经济。如果采用需求侧管理的方法削减这部分高峰负荷,则可以缓解电力供需紧张的压力。
complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, \bility of three\quirements of the management system, responsible for \bility of three\nd the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company \bility three of\s, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and 电力需求侧管理是指通过优化用电方式,移峰填谷,提高终端用电效率和发、供电效率,达到科学用电、合理用电、均衡用电和节约用电的目的,是实现科学发展的新理念和新的管理模式,是建设资源节约型社会的战略之举和系统工程,是节约能源、保护环境、利国利民、造福社会、功在当代、利在千秋的宏图伟业。
在不知不觉中就能做出这么大贡献,可见,大力推进DSM已刻不容缓,作为一个公民,我们更要增强节电意识,自觉地从自身做起,节约能源,保护环境! 一、需求侧管理定义
complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, \bility of three\quirements of the management system, responsible for \bility of three\nd the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluaton, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company \bility three of\s, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and 共同协力,提高终端用电效率和改变用电方式,在满足同样用电功能的同时减少电量消耗和电力需求,达到节约资源和保护环境,实现社会效益最好、各方受益、最低成本能源服务所进行的管理活动。
需求侧管理资源主要指终端用电设备节约的电量和节约的高峰电力需求。主要包括: 1.提高照明、空调、电动机及系统、电热、冷藏、电化学等设备用电效率所节约的电力和电量;2.蓄冷、蓄热、蓄电等改变用电方式所转移的电力;3.能源替代、余能回收所减少和节约的电力和电量;4.合同约定可中断负荷所转移或节约的电力和电量;5.建筑物保温等改善用电环境所节约的电力和电量;6.用户改变消费行为减少或转移用电所节约的电力和电量;7.自备电厂参与调度后电网减供的电力和电量。