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Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know how to guide the students to label the accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, \plete\nestly do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get \on to use. The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup method人教版五年级上册数学课标解读
课程目标从知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个方面设计。三者相互渗透,融为一体。 ●经历数与代数的抽象、运算与建模等过程,掌握数与代数的基础知识和基本技能。 知●经历图形的抽象、分类、性质探讨、运动、位置确定等过程,掌握图形识与几何的基础知识和基本技能。 技●经历在实际问题中收集和处理数据、利用数据分析问题、获取信息的过能 程,掌握统计与概率的基础知识和基本技能。 ●参与综合实践活动,积累综合运用数学知识、技能和方法等解决简单问题的数学活动经验。 ●建立数感、符号意识和空间观念,初步形成几何直观和运算能力,发展数形象思维与抽象思维。 学●体会统计方法的意义,发展数据分析观念,感受随机现象。 思●在参与观察、实验、猜想、证明、综合实践等数学活动中,发展合情推考 理和演绎推理能力,清晰地表达自己的想法。 ●学会独立思考,体会数学的基本思想和思维方式。 ●初步学会从数学的角度发现问题和提出问题,综合运用数学知识解决简问单的实际问题,增强应用意识,提高实践能力。 题 ●获得分析问题和解决问题的一些基本方法,体验解决问题方法的多样性,解发展创新意识。 决 ●学会与他人合作交流。 ●初步形成评价与反思的意识。 ●积极参与数学活动,对数学有好奇心和求知欲。 ●在数学学习过程中,体验获得成功的乐趣,锻炼克服困难的意志,建立情自信心。 感●体会数学的特点,了解数学的价值。 态●养成认真勤奋、独立思考、合作交流、反思质疑等学习习惯,形成实事度 求是的科学态度。 二、第二学段目标:(四----六年级)
Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know how to guide the students to label the accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, \plete\nestly do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get \on to use. The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup method数学思考
2.进一步认识到数据中蕴涵着信息,发展数据分析观念;感受随机现象。 3.在观察、实验、猜想、验证等活动中,发展合情推理能力,能进行有条理的思考,能比较清楚地表达自己的思考过程与结果。 4. 会独立思考,体会一些数学的基本思想。 问题解决 1.尝试从日常生活中发现并提出简单的数学问题,并运用一些知识加以解决。 2.能探索分析和解决简单问题的有效方法,了解解决问题方法的多样性。 3.经历与他人合作解决问题的过程,尝试解释自己的思考过程。 4.能回顾解决问题的过程,初步判断结果的合理性。 情感态度
3.在运用数学知识和方法解决问题的过程中,认识数学的价值。 4.初步养成乐于思考、勇于质疑、实事求是等良好品质。
小数乘法、小数除法、观察物体、简易方程、多边形的面积、统计与可能性、数学广角。 教材特点:
(2)知识点体现在整册教材中的每一个角落。 (3)加强统计知识的教学发展学生的统计观念。
(4)渗透数学思想方法,培养学生思维能力和解决问题的能力。 (5)运用体现数学文化的阅读材料。
(6)注重引导学生通过对所学内容的总结与反思,学会条理化和系统化。 教学目标:
2、在具体情境中会用字母表示数,理解等式的性质,会用等式的性质解简单的方程,用方程表示简单情境中的等量关系并解决问题。 3、探索并掌握平行四边形、三角形、梯形的面积公式。 4、能辨认从不同方位看到物体的形状和相对应的位置。 5、理解中位数的意义,会求数据的中位数。
1、理解整数乘法运算定律对于小数同样适用,进一步发展学生的数感。 2、体会小数乘、除法是解决生产、生活实际问题的重要工具及应用价值。
Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problemof textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, he review stage, teachers should know how to guide the students to label the accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, \plete\nestly do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get \on to use. The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup method 3、培养学生运用所学知识、分析问题、解决问题的有效方法。
5、初步了解数字编码的思想方法,培养发现生活中的数学的意识,初步形成观察、分析及推理的能力。 (三)解决问题目标
2、会用计算器探索计算规律,能应用探索的规律进行小数乘、除法的计算。 3、能运用平行四边形、三角形、梯形面积的知识解决一些简单的问题。 4、会列方程解答应用题。
5、经历从实际生活中发现问题、提出问题、解决问题的过程,体会数学在日常生活中的作用,初步形成综合运用数学知识解决问题的能力。 (四)情感态度目标
1、让学生积极参与数学学习活动,对数学有好奇心与求知欲。 2、让学生认识数学与人类生活有密切联系,体验数学活动充满着探索与创造,感受数学的严谨性以及数学结论的确定性。
4、体会学习数学的乐趣,提高学习数学的兴趣,建立学好数学的信心。 5、养成认真作业、书写整洁的良好习惯。 本册重、难点:
(2)本册难点:小数乘法、小数除法、简易方程、多边形的面积。 课时分配:
小数乘法是数与代数领域的内容。本单元具体分为:小数乘整数,小数乘小数,积的近似值、连乘、乘加、乘减,整数乘法运算定律推广到小数。 2、教学目标:
1、 让学生自主探索小数乘法的计算方法,能正确进行笔算,并能对其中的算理做出合理的解释。
使学生会用“四舍五入”法截取积是小数的近似值。 (二)数学思考目标
2、体会小数乘是解决生产、生活实际问题的重要工具及应用价值。 3、培养学生运用所学知识、分析问题、解决问题的有效方法。 (三)解决问题目标