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- Are genetically modified crops an environmental dream come true or a disaster in the making? Scientists are looking for answers
- 鼓吹基因改造作物的人说,这类作物不像传统作物,需要的有毒农药较少,对环境有利。但令批评者担忧的是潜在的风险,他们想知道所谓的利益究竟有多少。到底基因改造作物是环保美梦的实现,还是一场正在形成中的灾难?科学家正积极寻找答案。
人们对基因改造食物的态度,似乎愈 The world seems increasingly 来愈壁垒分明,一边的人支持,另一divided into those who favor 边的人则是畏惧。支持者宣称,种植genetically modified (GM) foods and 基因改造作物对环境伤害较小,而食those who fear them. Advocates 用这种农作物制成的食品也完全无
assert that growing genetically
害。它们还说,基因工程让农作物在altered crops can be kinder to the 贫瘠的土地上也能生长,或可培育出environment and that eating foods .专业.整理.
更营养的食物。在不久的未来,全球from those plants is perfectly safe. 人口快速膨胀,还得靠这方法解决粮And, they say, genetic engineering食问题。持怀疑态度者则反驳,基因-which can induce plants to grow 改造作物对生态环境或人体健康都有in poor soils or to produce more 极大的风险,令人忧心,不该贸然接nutritious foods-will soon become 受。许多欧洲国家抱持这种态度,因an essential tool for helping to feed 而限制基因改造作物的种植与输入。the world's burgeoning population. 主要的争议,集中在基因改造食物的Skeptics contend that GM crops 安全性。然而,最近的科学研究又是could pose unique risks to the 如何看待基因改造食物的危险呢?答environment and to health-risks 案,往往迷失在各种报导的争议中;too troubling to accept placidly. 但是在接下来的篇幅里,它们将呈现Taking that view, many European 在你的眼前。
countries are restricting the planting and importation of GM agricultural products. Much of the debate hinges on perceptions of safety. But what exactly does recent scientific research say about the hazards? The answers, too often lost in reports on the controversy, are served up in the pages that follow.
两年前,一群生态骇客冲进苏格 Two years ago in Edinburgh, 兰爱丁堡的一块农田,捣毁了种植的Scotland, eco-vandals stormed a 油菜。去年,美国缅因州一处白杨树field, crushing canola plants. Last 实验林遭“夜半突袭队”闯入,砍倒了year in Maine, midnight raiders 三千多株树。在加州圣地牙哥,抗议hacked down more than 3,000 人士破坏了高粱作物,并且在温室的experimental poplar trees. And in 墙上喷漆示威。
San Diego, protesters smashed
这些暴行都是针对基因改造作物sorghum and sprayed paint over 而来的,但是抗议人士的行动适得其greenhouse walls.
反,因为他们所破坏的,全都是传统 This far-flung outrage took aim 农作物。在每个案例里,那些行动派at genetically modified crops. But 都把一般作物误认为基因改造过的品the protests backfired: all the 种。
destroyed plants were
conventionally bred. In each case, activists mistook ordinary plants for GM varieties.
从某个角度来看,那些作物都是隐形 It's easy to understand why. In a 的。植入农作物的基因,你一个也看way, GM crops-now on some 109 不见、尝不出、摸不着,或察觉它对million acres of farmland worldwide环境的影响。光凭外观,你无从知道-are invisible. You can't see, taste 含有外源基因的花粉粒是否会毒害蝶or touch a gene inserted into a plant 儿,或是传播到几公里外使其他植株or sense its effects on the