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学员姓名: 年 级: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 授课日期 授课主题 教学内容 课前回顾 知识梳理 知识点1:连词 连词是一种虚词,不能担任一个句子成分。它主要是包括并列连词和从属连词。 2。1 并列连词 1。并列连词的功能: 连词在句中主要起连接词与词、短语与短语及句子和句子的作用。即,连接两个平行的成分或句子。如:and, but, or, nor, so, therefore, yet, however, for, as well as, both…and, not only…but also, either…or, neither…nor, (and)then等等。 2。并列连词的用法 表示连接两个共同概念 and和or 1)并列结构中,or通常用于否定句,and用于肯定句。 2)但有时and也可用于否定句。请注意其不同特点: There is no air or water in the moon。 There is no air and no water on the moon。 在否定中并列结构用or连接,但含有两个否定词的句子实际被看作是肯定结构,因此要用and。 连词 授课时段 1

both…and两者都 (两者都强调,谓语动词为复数) not only…but (also),不但…而且 (强调后者,就近原则) 注意: not only… but also关联两个分句时,一个分句因有否定词not而必须倒装。 Not only does he like reading stories, but also he can even write some。 neithe…nor意思为\既不……也不……\) Neither you nor he is to blame。 as well as 也 (强调前者,就远原则) The students as well as their class teacher like watching football matches very much。 I have one of his plays as well as a few of his novels。 表示选择的并列结构 1) or意思为\否则\。 I must work hard, or I'll fail in the exam。 2) either…or意思为\或者……或者……\ Either you or I am right。 表示转折或对比 1) but表示转折,while表示对比。 some people love cats, while others hate them。 2) not…but… 意思为\不是……而是……\ not和but后面的用词要遵循一致原则。 They were not the bones of an animal, but (the bones) of a human being。 表示因果关系 1) for for是并列连词,不能置于含两个并列分句的句子的句首,只能将其放在两个分句中间。 2

2) so, therefore He hurt his leg, so he couldn't play in the game。 备注: a。两个并列连词不能连用,但therefore, then, yet。可以和并列连词连用。 You can watch TV, and or you can go to bed。 He hurt his leg, and so / and therefore he couldn't play in the game。 b。 although… yet…,但although不与 but连用。 (错) Although he was weak, but he tried his best to do the work。。 (对) Although he was weak, yet he tried his best to do the work。 比较so和 such 其规律由so与such的不同词性决定。such是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so是副词,只能修饰形容词或副 词。so还可与表示数量的形容词many,few,much, little连用,形成固定搭配。 2。2从属连词 1。引导宾语从句的从属连词有三个: that (无词义,可省略); whether (是否),可与“or (not) ”连用;if(是否)。它们在从句中都不作成分。在ask,wonder,not know,want to know,not be sure等后常用whether或if从句,而不用that从句。 2。引导状语从句的从属连词: 从句种类 时间从句 主要从属连词 when, while, as, before, after, until, till, whenever 条件从句 目的从句 结果从句 原因从句 if, unless in order that, so that so…that, such…that, so that, so because, as, since 3