宣讲团简介及宣传单(中英文对照版) 下载本文

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宣讲团从成立以来,在校团委的领导下,逐步发展壮大,担任着一系列大型活动的组织、策划工作。在历时五年的时间里,为了丰富校园文化生活,加强同学们的团队精神、语言表达能力以及思维的广度与深度,给广大同学提供一个展示自我的舞台, 宣讲团一直组织着“青春的风采”大学辩论赛,“你我的天空”大学短剧大赛,“青春在团旗下飞扬”、“扬荣弃耻做时代青年”等演讲比赛,以及组织“相互关爱·共享生命”、“遏制艾滋·履行承诺”大型签名活动,并都取得了辉煌的成绩,赢得了大学领导和同学的广泛好评。

同时,为了加强社团发展,宣讲团内部定期开展“激扬青春,放飞梦想”—系列活动。通过口才交流、切磋,提高自身宣讲能力,我们相信“宝剑锋自磨励出,梅花香自苦寒来。” 只要持之以恒地勤奋学习,刻苦练习,那么我们一定会成功,口才家、雄辩家的桂冠就一定能戴在我们的头上。

新的学期开始了,大学宣讲团将注入新鲜血液,这是一个展示自我的舞台,一个挥洒青春的天地,宣讲团全体成员真诚欢迎同学们的加入。 联系电话:

The Preaching League of Shihezi University

The Preaching League of Shihezi University is established in July, 2003. It is an organization directly under Committee of the Communist Youth League of Shihezi University. It has three goals. First, to study, preach and practice the significant thoughts and advanced theories of the Communist Party .Second, to improve college students’ inner quality of thoughts and politics .Third, to promote the vast members of Communist Youth League, to put self-education, which involves morality, intelligence, health, beauty and toil, into practice.

Under the leading of Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Preaching League has been gradually growing up. During the last five years, it has been working on the organizing and projecting work of a series of large-scale activities. In order to enrich campus culture, strengthen students’ team spirit, expressing ability as well as thinking ability, and to provide students with a stage, the Preaching League has conducted numerous activities, such as the argument contest which is themed of ‘Mien of Youth’ ,play let contest of ’Sky of You and Me ’oratorical contests which are subjected as ‘Flying Youth under the Flag of Communist Youth League’ ‘Develop Honor and Glory and Throw Disgrace Away’, name-signing activities such as ‘Take Care of Each Other and Share Our Lives’ ’ Prevent AIDS and Carry out Our Promises’. All its achievements has won a widely praise.

At the same time, the Preaching League conducted a series activity of ‘Stimulate Youth and Let Go of Our Dream’ regularly in order to reinforce its development. Through communication and interchanging, our preaching ability will be improved. The sweetest fruit is the one that has undergone the bitterest ordeal. As long as we persistently work hard, we shall make ourselves eloquent and we shall succeed.

A new term coming, the Preaching will be filled up with fresh blood. This is a stage to show yourself, a place to show our passion. We are here waiting for your participation .