广西桂林市2016-2017学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题(无答案) 下载本文

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桂林市2016 ~2017学年度下学期期末质量检测

七年级 英语



1.用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,在本试卷上作答无效。 ........2.考试结束后,上交答题卡。

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(20分)


1. . 2 . 3. . 4. . 5 . Ⅱ.听句子,选出你多听到的单词或短语。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 6.A.London B.Paris C.Beijing 7.A.seven B.five C.four 8.A.some flowers B.some postcards C.a present 9.A.a dragon boat B.a big ship C.a book 10.A.uncle B.aunt C.mum III.听对话,回答问题。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) (A)听第一段短对话.回答11~12小题的问题。 11.Where did the girl go last Sunday?

A.To the farm. B.To the park. C.To the forest. 12.What did they do?

A.They had a party. B.They pic ked flowers. C.They picked apples. (B)听第二段长对话,间答13~15小题的问题。 13.When will there be lots of robots in China?

A.In 12years. B.In 20 weeks. C.In20years. 14.What will robols be able to do?

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A.They will be able to make fniends with people. B.They will be able to do the housework. C.They will be able to do the homework.

15.What will people be able to do in their free time? A.They will be ahle to talk with robot.

B.They will be able to do their favourite things. C.They will be able 10 make rohots.


Jessica'sholidayin Hanghou,China When she gpottoHangzhou How she got there Who she went with What she did there Last Tuesday By 16 Her 17 Om Tuesday: visited the West Lake On Wednesday: did some 18 and ate delicious food On Thursday :visited a small and 19 Village When she left Left China on 20 第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(80分)

Ⅰ.根据音标选出相应的单词。(每小题1分,共5分) 21.[ri? ] A.nich B.which 22.[nats] A.nice B.nice 23.[he?] A.hair B.here 24.[mu:v] A.move B.moved 25.[fi:I] A.feel B.felt II.单项选择.(每小题1分,共10分) 26.-Is this .crayons,Tony? -Yes,it is .

A.your,my B.you,mine C.your,mine 27.Lingling check her email tomorrow.

A.be going to B.is going to C.are going to

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28.I like strawberries I'm going to buy some at the market. A.so B.because C.but 29. a beautiful city !

A.What B.How C.what a 30.一Where did you go on holiday last year? 一I to Los Angeles,

A.go B.will go C.went 31.How do you say goodbye in China?

A.Touch noses. B.V /ave 1o say goodbye. C.Stand close 10 people. 32.Cross the bridge,and the station in your right. A.in B.at C.on 33.一 meat do you want? 一Half a kilo.

A.How many B.Hlow long C.How much 34.What will the life in the future?

A.like B.be like C.likes 35.Goldilocks the middle bed or the big bed.

A.didn't like B.didn't liked C.didn'l likes III.完型填空。(每小题1分.共5分)

I was born in Quincy.a town 36 the east coast of Amenica.Thee.37 lots of things do in Quiney twelve yearn ago.Two presidents of the US. Jobn Adams and his son Johm Qhuin yAdams.Adams.where born in Quiny .You 38 their old family houses .Our house was big and comfortable.Behind my house,there was a big ganlen 39 hats of trees and there was a smal lake.This was my last home in the US and I was there for the last time in 2010.One dav I'll go back.and I'm looking forward.40 my friends again. 36.A.on B.in C.at 37.A.was B.were C.are 38.A can visit B.will visit C.visited 39 A.has B.and C.with 40.A.toseeing B.to see C.see

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