贵州省八校联盟2019届高三第二次联考试题 英语 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2024/6/8 11:30:02星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。




本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,满分120分,考试用时100分钟。 注意事项:

1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上相应的位置准确填写自己的姓名、准考证号,并将条形码粘贴在指定位置。



第一部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


As any plane passenger will confirm, a crying baby is almost impossible to ignore, no matter how hard you try. Now scientists believe they may have worked out why. A baby’s cry pulls at the heartstrings(扣人心弦) in a way while other cries don’t, researchers found.

Researchers found that a baby’s cry can trigger unique emotional responses in the brain, making it impossible for us to ignore them---whether we are parents or not. Other types of cries, including calls of animals in great pain, fail to get the same response---suggesting the brain is programmed to respond specifically to a baby’s cry.

A team of Oxford University scientists scanned the brains of 28 men and women as they listened to a variety of calls and cries. After 100 milliseconds two parts of the brain that respond to emotion lit up. Their response to a baby’s cry was particularly strong. The response was seen in both men and women—even if they had no children.

Researcher Dr Christine Parsons said, “You might read that men should just notice a baby and step over it and not see it, but it’s not true. There is a special processing in men and women, which makes sense from an evolutionary(演变的) view that both men and women would be responding to these cries.” The study was in people who were not parents, yet they are all responding at 100ms to these particular cries, so this might be a fundamental response present in all of us regardless of parental status.

Researcher Katie Young said it may take a bit longer for someone to recognize their own child’s cries because they need to do more “fine-grained analysis”. The team had previously found that our reactions speed up when we hear a baby crying. Adults performed better on computer games when they heard the sound of a baby crying than after they heard recordings of adults crying. 1. A baby’s cry is difficult to ignore because it _____.


A. keeps on crying B. cries harder than adults

C. causes people great pain D. makes people feel strong emotions 2. The underlined word “trigger” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_____” A. remove B. avoid C. cause D. Cure 3. What may Christine Parsons agree to?

A. Almost everyone makes certain response to a baby’s cries. B. A crying baby makes no sense to people without children. C. Men pay less attention to a crying baby than women. D. Parents can hardly recognize their own babies’ cry. 4. Computer games are mentioned in the text to show _____. A. players’ different reactions to a crying baby B. baby’s crying contributes to quicker reactions

C. the influence of baby’s and adult’s crying on performance D. it’s hard to keep one’s concentration with a crying baby nearby


Nicola Tesla was born on 10th July 1856 in Croatia, a country in Eastern Europe. From a very young age, Tesla was interested in electricity. In 1881, one of the first telephone exchanges opened in Budapest. Tesla moved there and got a job. It was here that Tesla first thought of the idea of the alternating current(AC交流电).

In 1884, Tesla moved to America and worked for Thomas Edison, but only for less than a year. Tesla was sure his AC motor was the best way to capture(获取) and transport the power of electricity. However, Edison thought his way of using direct current(DC) was better and considered AC unsafe. But soon the scientific community accepted AC was more powerful than DC and it was proved safe.

In 1895, Tesla designed the first water power plant using the energy of the Niagara Falls. And he did it using the AC motor. After the success of AC, Tesla became well known. He travelled and spoke to many scientists about his inventions and ideas. He built a large laboratory where he did amazing things with lights and electricity. However, it burned down not long after it was built.

As Tesla got older, he continued to come up with new ideas and theories. But he was less successful and famous. Many people didn’t recognize that particular inventions were really Tesla’s ideas.

Tesla gave speeches about creating electrical power from the earth’s atmosphere. He also talked about ways that wireless electricity and communication could power things all over the world! But to the people of his time, these ideas sounded crazy. However, some of his ideas have now been supported by modern research and technology.

Tesla’s last years were lonely and sad. He received many awards, but received very little money. When he died in 1943, he was no longer famous and felt forgotten. Today, not many people know the name of Nicola Tesla but his inventions and ideas affect our lives every day!


5. Why did Tesla stop working for Edison?

A. Tesla was badly paid there. B. Tesla wanted to move back to Europe. C. They had very different characters. D. They had some disagreements. 6. In his later years, Tesla_____.

A. was misunderstood and doubted B. lived a colorful life.

C. was unable to think out new ideas D. rose to fame as an award-winning inventor 7. We can learn from the text that Tesla_____.

A. became famous as an assistant to Edison B. was way ahead of modern technology C. had great interest in travelling D. was not good at speeches 8. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Nicola Tesla, a challenger for difficulties B. Nicola Tesla, a dreamer in science C. Nicola Tesla, a forgotten inventor D. Nicola Tesla, a strange scientist


There was a strange father, John Blake, from Michigan, who named his children after a computer software term. He told the local newspaper the US traditional way of adding“Junior”or “II”after a boy’s name was too common. So, when his son was born last week, he decided on the name John Blake 2.0, as if he were a soft ware programmer.

Mr. Blake admitted that it took months to persuade his wife, Jamie, to accept the idea. Mrs. Blake said she asked several friends whether they could accept this name or not. “All the men,” she said, “felt the name was cool.” However,her women friends did not think so.“I think the women end up like it,”she said.

Mr. Blake told the local newspaper he got the idea from a film called The Legend of 1900,in which an abandoned baby is given the name 1900 to remember the year of its birth. “I thought that if they can do it ,why can’t we?”he said. After little John version 2.0 was born, Mr. Blake even sent a celebratory e-mail to the family and friends, which was designed to look as if he and his wife had created a new software.“I wrote things like there are a lot of new features from Version 1.0 with additional features from Jamie,”he said. And he has already planned for his son’s future. “If he has a child, he could name it 3.0,” he said.

9.From the passage we know that “John Blake 2.0”_____. A. is also the name of a computer

B. shows the traditional way of American baby naming C. has the same meaning as“John Blake Junior”

D. tells something about the hope the father places on his baby

10.What do the name of “1900”and “Jon Version 2.0”have in common? A. They are both connected with computer. C. They both tell about the births.


B. They are both untraditional. D. They are to be equally popular.