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【最新】微软下月正式推出Win10 盗版用户也可免费更新-精选word文档
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微软下月正式推出Win10 盗版用户也可免费更新
Win 10 release date revealed 微软发布 Win 10上市日期
Microsoft has officially announced its Windows 10 software will launch to 190 countries and regions and 111 languages on July 29. 微软正式宣布,将于7月29日在190个国家和地区推出 Win 10软件,涉及111种语言。 & nbsp ; & nbsp ;
All Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users , even those running pirated versions of Windows , willhave one year from this date to take advantage of the free upgrade .
从7月29日开始的一年内,包括盗版用户在内的所有 Win 7和 Win 8.1用户都可以进行免费升级。
And once a device is upgraded to Windows 10, Microsoft said it will continue to keep it up - to - date for the device at no cost . 微软称,一旦设备升级到 Win 10系统,微软将免费为相关设备提供更新。 For other Windows users , or people who don ' t currently run a version of the firm ' s operatingsystem , they will need to pay for the software .
对于非 Win 7和 Win 8.1设备,以及目前未使用任何微软操作系统的设备,使用者需要付费购买 Win 10系统。
Windows 10 is currently in a public preview release . 目前的 Win 10系统为公开预览版。
【最新】微软下月正式推出Win10 盗版用户也可免费更新-精选word文档