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高级国家职业技能鉴定考评员 高级技能专业教师

综合英语2 Unite 2

1. State a preference. 如何谈论个人偏爱。 2. Talk about habits . 谈论自己的习惯。 3. Express anticipation. 表示对某事的预料

4. Talk about strengths and weakness. 谈论强项和弱项。 重要的语言形式

1. the usage of the phrase “be used to ”.短语“be used to”的用法。 2. how to distinguish “so” and “such”。如何区分“so”和“such”。 3. to use gerunds.动名词的用法。 Lesson 08

Language points in the dialogue A:

David:I'm impressed. When you gave directions to the taxi driver, you sounded just like a native. Mary: Well, not quite. I still have trouble expressing myself.

1.be impressed with sth. “对…印象很深”[eg.]David is impressed with Mary's Chinese. 玛莉的汉语给大卫留下了很深的印象。

2.sound like…:“听起来像”。Like: prep.“像”。Just=quite:“很、非常”。Sound just like:“听起来就像…一样”。native: “本地人”、 “本族人”。 3.not quite!对待别人的夸奖,英语国家的人一般回答:“thank you”。但有时也可说:not quite. Quite = exactly,“其实并不是完全像对方说的那样的”。通常紧接着给出了这么说的理由:I still have trouble expressing myself. 4.have trouble/ problem/ difficulty +(in) doing something:“在…方面还有困难、问题”是一个表示某人弱项的固定形式。

David:A little. But I used to make so many mistakes, and I had a lot of trouble with the pronunciation. I also had a hard time understanding people, especially when they spoke fast.

1.used to do sth: “过去常常做某事”。表示过去习惯,但现在情况不是这样了,或不再这么做了,to是一个动词的不定式标记,后加动词的原形。[eg.]:I used to get up at 6 o'clock when I was in high school. 2.Be/get used to:“习惯于...”to是介词,后加名词或者动名词-ing形式。[eg.] I'm not used to studying with music. 3.have trouble with something =have a hard time doing something,这两个短语的意思和have trouble (in) doing something一样,都可用来表示某人的弱点,薄弱环节。但它们后面所接不同的形式。with 后面接名词,而trouble/problem/difficulty后面加动名词-ing形式。

David:Well, you seem to get along really well. You must be good at languages. 1.Well 表示语气的衔接,是一个语气词,常常用来强调所说的内容。

2.seem to:“看起来好像是…”,seem相当于系动词,和sound一样。[eg.] That sounds a good idea. 这听起来像个好主意。 [eg.] This apple seems better than mine. 这个看上去似乎比我的要好。用法和系动词is是一样的,后面可以直接加形容词或动词不定式。

3.Get along :“与...相处、进展”, get along well with somebody:“与...相处融洽”,[eg.]We've always got along quite well with each other. 我们彼此相处总是很融洽。get along really well:“进展得不错,处理的不错,应对的很好”。 4.be good at something:“擅长…”。[eg.] You must be good at languages. = You must be good at learning languages B:

David:So, how do you like living in Beijing?

Mary: Beijing is such a fascinating city. Of course, I get homesick at times. I miss seeing my family and friends.

1.How do you like ……? How was it?How do you like it?用于询问别人对某事或某物的看法或观点:like后可接名词、代词以及动名词,也就是动词的-ing形式。

2.such:“如此”, such adj.修饰名词,注意它修饰单数可数名词的时候,要放在不定冠词a或者an的前面,[eg.]This is such an excellent idea. “这是如此绝妙的一个主意。”当修饰复数名词的时候就不必考虑和冠词的位置谁应该在前谁应该在后了,因为是复数名词,所以不会有不定冠词a/an,而且such这个词不能与定冠词同时使用。[eg.] such long hours(这么漫长的几个小时)。

3.So “如此、非常”。程度副词,可修饰形容词,且它修饰的形容词如果也修饰单数可数名词的时候,用so+adj+a/an+n的形式,意思和such一样,[eg.]He is so clever a boy. =He is such a clever boy.

4.so和such的区别:So一般用来修饰、强调形容词或副词,[eg.]I'm so tired. 但是such是不可以直接修饰形容词的,它一般用来修饰名词,但是如果名词前面有many或much这两个词时,也只能用so来强调。[eg.]so much food,so many people。

5.homesick:adj“想家的”; at times:“有时”;miss: vt “想念”.后面加动名词,即动词的-ing形式。Family “家人”,而不是“家庭”。

David: Did you have any trouble getting used to the way of life here? Mary: Oh, sure, a little at first. But I'm pretty used to it by now. David: Gee, look at all these bicycles.

1.get used to/be used to: be used to是习惯于某事的一种状态,这里用get表示一种从不习惯到习惯的动态转变。


3.Gee 感叹词,美国人常用它来表示自己的惊讶或者是烦躁。

David: I hope so. I'm looking forward to seeing Beijing. I hear the Forbidden city and the Great Wall are really worth seeing, too.

Mary: Yes, you should definitely see them. Would you like to go sightseeing this afternoon or would you rather wait until tomorrow?

1.look forward to:“期待、希望干某事”,表示期望的一个固定结构。to在这里是介词,所以后面应该加something或者是doing something,[eg]:I've been looking forward to seeing you for a long time.早就希望有机会能见到您了。 2.be worth:“值得做某事”,后面也要加动名词,即v-ing的形式。

3.go sightseeing“去观光”。该结构和go shopping, go swimming等结构类似,意思都是“去干某事”。

4.would rather do sth:“更愿意…”。表示偏爱的句型[eg.]Which would you rather do, go to cinema or stay at home? 你是去看电影还是待在家里?

David: I'd just as soon get some sleep this afternoon, I'm so tired after such a long trip. I guess I'm not used to so much traveling.

Mary: Yes, and there is the time difference too. It takes a few days. 1.'d 是would的缩略形式。

2.would just as soon do sth 是本课学的第二种表示偏爱的说法。与would rather do something的意思很接近。 3.time difference:“时差”。

4.It takes a few days. 是一个省略的句子: “要花几天的时间来倒时差”。it takes somebody sometime to do something:“某人干某事要花费…时间)”。 Language points in the dialogue John: So, you lost your assistant?

So adv.“这么看来、那么”。口语常用来引起对方注意,然后再问对方一个问题。该问题可以是新问题,也可以对说话人谈话内容的核实。

John: It shouldn't be hard to find someone to take his place, should it? This town must be full of cabinetmakers. Lou:Maybe, but not many who are as good as Bill. I'm going to miss having him around.

1.it is (not) + adj.+ to do sth. “完成某事是(不是)很难”。[eg] It's nice to meet you here. 很高兴在这里遇到你。 2.take one's place = take the place of somebody“代替某人的职位”,[e.g] Natural methods of pest control are now taking the place of chemicals/ taking the chemicals' place. 利用自然控制害虫的方法已经开始代替化学药剂了。 3.be full of = be filled with something:“充满了的”,full adj. [eg] His essay was full of mistakes. 他的文章中充斥着错误。Her eyes are filled with tears. 她泪水盈眶。

4.as…as:“和…一样”,as good as Bill.像Bill那么好,那么优秀。

5.around adv. “在…周围”,have sb around:“有…在自己身边”,having是have的动名词形式,做的是miss的宾语。Look around:“四处找找,四处看看”。

John: Well, maybe it's worth looking around before you hire just anyone.

Lou: Hey, you wouldn't happen to know a good cabinetmaker who's out of work, would you?

1.It's worth doing something “…(某事)值得做一做”,它和it's worthy of doing something是同义。[eg] It isn't worth waiting for him. 不值得等他。He is worthy of our praise. 他值得我们表扬。

2.just: adv.只是用来强调,并无实际意思。Bill decided to come back to Vancouver just last week. 这里的just是用来强调后面的内容,意思是“就在”上个星期,Bill才决定要回到温哥华的。注意just不同用法。

3.happen to:“碰巧,正好”。[eg] I happened to be in the market yesterday when a fire started. 昨天发生火灾时,我正好在市场上。中的happen to“碰巧、正好”,to是介词,后面接动词原型。 4.Out of work:“失业中、没有工作”,反义词组:in work。

John:I wish I did. I'll keep my ears open, though. Maybe I'll hear of someone….Look, I'd better get back to work. Lou:O.K., thanks, John. Take it easy.

1. wish的特殊用法,在它后面的宾语从句中,可接虚拟语气,表示一种无法实现的愿望。如果是对现在事实的虚拟,就要用过去时,如果是对过去事实的假设,则用过去完成时态。所以这句话中John用了did。Did在这里指代的是前面Lou提到的know a good cabinetmaker这件事情。意思是“真希望我认识一个细木工”。

2. though“虽然,尽管 ”作连词,用于引导句子用法和although差不多,都放在句首。但though还可用在句尾,作副词, “可是,不过”。上面这句话though就是作为副词,整句话意思:不过我会主意打听的。

3. to keep your ears open:“随时注意打听” means to always be listening in order to find out what is happening or to hear something useful., keep one's eyes open:“张大眼睛仔细看”。[eg]You must keep your eyes and ears open for anything unusual. 你必须随时注意有什么反常事件发生。

4. hear of:“听说;得知”。[e.g] I've never heard of anyone doing that.“我从未听说有人做那种事。”

5. 'd better:“最好做…”=had better。注意had better后面要接动词原型。 Had better not:“最好别做…”[eg] We'd better not invite him.我们最好不要邀请他。

6. Take it easy:“别紧张,放轻松些”,在美国俚语中,take it easy用来做“goodbye”来使用,那么也就是我


(A young woman sitting nearby comes up to Lou.)

Kate: Excuse me… I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. I happen to be a cabinetmaker, and I can start work right away.

1. sitting现在分词做后置定语,修饰young woman。

2. Come up to somebody=come to somebody,up adv.表示对方向或位置的强调 。come on in:请进屋。 3. can't help doing something:“忍不住干某事”;“无法控制做…”;“不免….”。[eg] Everybody in this house can't help laughing. 屋子里的每个人都忍不住笑了。

4. right away = right now:“立刻”、“马上”,副词短语。 Lesson 14 Living Abroad Language points in the dialogue

Interviewer:Why did you go to Japan in the first place?

Jane: Well, a Japanese exchange student was living with my family, and he got me interested in going to Japan.

1. in the first place有两个用法:“首先”,用在引证自己的观点之前。[eg] In the first place, I'm too busy, and in the second I don't really want to go.首先,我太忙了,其次(第二),我真的不想去。 “起初”、“一开始”。[eg] I wish I'd never got involved in the first place!(真希望一开始我就没有卷到这件事中。)这篇短文中,in the first place是它的第二个用法。这句话的意思是:那么您当初为什么去日本呢?in the first place:“当初”。

2. exchange student:”交换留学生”。政府或国家之间为了进行文化交流,会有这样的活动,派出学生或老师到别的国家或地区进行学习称为exchange student 或exchange teacher。

We managed to communicate, somehow, with gestures and mime, or sometimes we would both use dictionaries. manage to do something“设法达成或做成某事”。

Jane: In just about every aspect….I was really glad to be rid of my car. be rid of“除掉、摆脱某物”=get rid of。 Interviewer:Did you have any difficulties adjusting? Jane:Well,at the beginning it was hard not knowing the language. At first I learned survival Japanese , so I could get by in everyday situations, but anything technical was difficult for me to understand. … 1. have difficulty (in) doing something.做某事有困难。

2. adjust“调整”、“适应”。survival:“生存”,作为survive的名词,被用来修饰Japanese,意思是“基本的日本生活用语”。get by:“混过、勉强对付”。technical:“专业的、技术性的”。

3. take risk to do something:“冒风险去干某事”, risk在此不是通常讲的风险,而只是指前面Jane提到过的她所害怕的东西,就是在学习日语的过程中犯错误。

Jane: Well,…Another thing I had to get used to was living in a culture where the majority of people looked different from me.

分析句子结构:主语是another thing,谓语是was living in a culture,两部分构成这句话的主句。another thing后面的部分即:I had to get used to是thing的定语从句,关系词应该是that。我们知道,关系代词如果在定语从句中做宾语,则可以省略。此处,that是get used to短语中介词to的宾语,因此在句中作了省略,而culture后面,由where引导的部分是culture的定语从句,该句意思:我必须习惯的另外一件事情就是,生活在这样一种文化中:你周围的大多数人长得都和你不一样。

Yet despite the Incas' advanced knowledge of engineering and expert Jane: Overall, the diet there is a healthy one-low fat. Oh, there were many Japanese specialties that I liked, and …

specialty:“特性、特质”,在本文中指“日本的特色(食品)”。 Jane: Do some of the things I didn't do: before you go, read as much as you can. find out about the culture, the customs, the holidays, the traditions. Learn a little bit of the language if you can… and the way people express politeness. Be flexible.

1. Find out… Learn…. Be flexible…都是祈使句。注意:这些句子都是以动词开头的,它们都是祈使句,英语中用这些句子给出指令或者要求等等。这样说话语气很强硬,一般用于上级对下级,或者长者对晚辈。 2. find out something:“找出、发现”(经过努力,调查,而找出答案)。find sth.“(意外)发现”。 Wrap-up tips

1. State a preference. 如何谈论个人偏爱。 2. Talk about habits . 谈论自己的习惯。 3. Express anticipation. 表示对某事的预料

4. Talk about strengths and weakness. 谈论强项和弱项。

Used to 过去常常… be used to 习惯于…… I am impressed 给我留下了深刻印象 not quite 不完全是

Look forward to 盼望 be worth doing sth 值得做…… Get along? 与某人融洽相处 go sightseeing 去观光

You'd better do sth 你做好做… take one's place取代某人的位置 Would just as soon do sth 宁愿做… Be rid of 摆脱… would rather do something 宁愿做…

I have difficulty/trouble doing sth 我做某事有困难