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3.领读koalas, kangaroos ,Australian 4.--let’s go to Australia today , but before the lessons, how can you know about Australia? 1 Watch and answer: How can they know about Australia? --In Mike’s class, the students will learn about Australia ,too. They want to find out about this country before the Step 3 lessons. But how can they 回忆相know about Australia ? 关知识,初Let’s watch the cartoon 步运用and find the answers. 结构 Who How Mike Wang Bing 核Liu Tao 25 心Yang Ling min 过 程 Read and think: -- Do you think Australia is an interesting country? 1组织学生阅读并思考 2结合PPT组织交流 Step 4 3组织学生完成书60页的呈现材Read and write 活动。 料,活用结构 3.talk about how to know more information. -- we can surf the Internet -- we can read some books or magazines. ……. 1 Watch and answer: How can they know about Australia? (1)watch the story and think over the question. (2) discuss in groups: Who How Mike Wang Bing Liu Tao Yang Ling (3) check in class and learn some new words: Australian football Sydney Read and think: Why is Australia an interesting country? 活动一: (1) read by themselves. (2) Discuss in groups. (3) Discuss in class. (interesting animals/ cities/ sports/places) 活动二:Read and write 1. Read after the tape . 1 Read after the 完成书60页的True or tape . and finish True or false false on Page 60 Step 5 2. 复述课文第一部分 引发期 可以用问答的形式要求学2 复述课文: 待行生复述,同时操练一般将来时(1)看教师提供的思维导图 为,强的肯定句。 (2)同桌互相说 化结构 -- How will Mike find out (3)全班交流: about Australia? --What about Wang Bing? ...... Step 6 1 小导游活动:介绍澳大利亚 1 澳大利亚小导游 12 提供反馈 (1)小组合作 min 评价,巩 (2)全班展示 固结构 1. Read the story. 2. Try to retell this story and write it down. 1 Homework min 教学反思 交往互动式教学设计

Unit6 An interesting country (Grammar time 课题 & Fun time) 教学目标: 1. 能听说读写人称代词和will的缩写形式 2. 能了解构成一般将来时的时间状语 3 能用一般将来时写一段话 教时 第2 教时 重点 与 难点 教 学 过 程 TimProcedure Teacher’s activities Learners’ e activities Look at the PPT Review the storytime Step 1 and review the 2 --Do you know about 吸引注storytime. min 意,积累something about -- The students 语言 Australia ? wants to know Feedback &aims --How will Mike know about Australia ? --How about Wang Bing / Liu Tao /Yang Ling ? Present the pictures of Story time. more about Australia before lessons. So Mike will…. ……. 1Read the sentences on Page 61: 1呈现grammar time中的第一I’ll send an Step 2 个板块 email to my 1 导出目friend in 组织学生朗读 min 标,生成Australia. 结构 2Try to find out the rule. We’ll …. 2 discuss in groups and try to find the rules. Step 3 --When can we use simple 学生结合经验例 举: 回忆相future tense ? 关知组织学生例举,教师引导和补tomorrow ,next…… 识,初充 步运用结构 引导学生再读storytime,进1 学生再读 storytime,划出所一步理解一般将来时 Step 4 有用一般将来时态 的句子,进一步理呈现材 解句子含义。 料,活全班交流 用结构 核25 心min 过2 完成改写练习 2 设计练习,巩固一般将来 程 时。给出若干句子,要求学生(1)独立完成练习 用由will构成的一般将来时(2)全班交流 (3)教师重点点拨 改写。 Step 5 He usually goes to school -- he will go to school by bike 引发期by bike. (tomorrow) tomorrow. 待行He visited London last ……. 为,强year. (this winter) 化结构 Mary is having a dancing lesson. (next Saturday) Mr Green often tells us about his country. (next time) Step 6 1. --I know something 1、work in 12 提供反馈about China .the weather groups: I know min is fine .People like something 评价,巩固结构 1 Homework min about this country 2、finish the exercise on page 62 3 Write a passage -- today, I’ll tell you about the UK. The weather is sometimes …. 1. Copy the sentences of Grammar time. 2.用一般将来时写小片段 playing table tennis and so on .Do you know some other places ? 2 Finish the exercise on page 62 3 Write a passage . 指导学生模仿范文,自己写一段话。 教学反思


Unit6 An interesting country 课题 Sound / Cartoon time 教学目标: 1. 学生能熟练地用所学语言复述Story time内容。 2. 学生能知道字母组合air在单词中的读音。 3. 学生能自主阅读cartoon time内容, 理解并能朗读、表演故事。 Time Procedure Step 1 2 吸引注min 意,积累语言 Step 2 1 导出目min 标,生成结构 教时 第 3教时 重点 与 难点 教 学 过 程 Teacher’s activities Learners’ activities --What will you do next - I’ll …. week ? --When I was a child ,I want to be a doctor ,but now I am a teacher .What do you want to be when you --I want to be a …. -- I want to be a …. Feedback &aims grow up? Step 3 回忆相关知识,初步运用结构 组织学习Cartoon time --Do you know Billy ?what does he want to be ? Let’s watch the cartoon and find the answer. 1 Listen to the tape and answer the question: What does billy like ? Where does find out about cooking ?What will billy cook ?Is he a good cook ? 2 Listen and read this cartoon together. Pay attention to the intonation. 1 Act out the cartoon. With books. Without books. Add your own words. 2 Summary --What do you learn from this cartoon? 组织学习Sound time 1、交流澳大利亚中朗读句子 --What do you know about Australia?Look at the blackboard ,there is something about Australia,let’s read 学习Cartoon time a. watch the cartoon and answer: Billy wants to be a cook. Step 4 呈现核材25 心料,min 过活用程 结构 1 Listen to the tape and answer the question: What does billy like ? Where does find out about cooking ?What will billy cook ?Is he a good cook ? 2 Listen and read this cartoon together. 1 Act out the cartoon. 2 discuss in class: --What do you learn from this cartoon? 学习Sound time 1、交流澳大利亚中朗读句子 2 通过朗读发现语音规律 “air” 3、组织小组交流,例 Step 5 引发期待行为,强化结构 Step 6 12 提供反馈min 评价,巩固结构