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T:What must Tina do in the library? Ss:She must keep quiet.

T:What must she not do in the library? Ss:She must not eat or drink. Work in pairs

3) Group work

Rule:将学生分成五人一组,仿照Fun time范例,三人分别演Sam, Bobby 及 Tina提出问题,由另外两人演小导游替他们解决问题。 Model:

S1,2:Welcome to Changzhou!

S3,4,5: Thank you!

S3:What must I do at the shopping center? S1: You must put the rubbish in the bin. S4: What must I do at in the Dinosaur park? S2: You must be careful.

S5: What must we do in the cinema? S1,2:You must keep quiet. Work in groups


1)Different places, different rules.

We must follow different rules in different places.

You know so many rules in the public places. and you should follow these rules, too.


①Look for more rules in public places. ②Write down the rules, the more the better.

板书设计: Unit 4 Road Safety

Can\\should\\must +do Danger\\Be careful


Different places, different rules.


Unit 4 Road safety (Period 3)

Sound time, culture time &cartoon time


1. 了解句子重音的作用,并能进行积极的尝试运用;

2. 知晓英国和中国汽车行驶的方向不同,并有兴趣了解更多国家交通规则的异同点;

3.通过Cartoon time的学习,增强分析和提炼信息的能力,并能进行准确的朗读和较为生动的表演;

4. 进一步提升公民素养,知晓交通规则和礼让行人的重要性。 教学重点:

1. 通过Cartoon time的学习,提升学生的自主学习能力; 2.了解中西方国家交通规则的异同点。 教学难点:

句子重音的理解和尝试运用。 教具学具:PPT 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings: Date/ weather 2. Play a game:( Fun time) T—Ss; In groups. Step 2 Sound time

1. Try to know something about stress.

T: What is the most important rule on the road? Ss:Red man, stop. Green man, go. T: Who can read it for us? S1: Red man, stop. Green man, go. T: You read ….more loudly. Why? S1: 突出重点/…

T: In English, we call this “ Stress”. It has two functions.

So, you need to read some words in a sentence more loudly. 2. Learn the rhyme

1) Listen to the rhyme and try to find out the stress. 2) Check the answers. 3)Read the rhyme. Follow the tape; Read together; Read in pairs. 6) Try to read some other sentences. T: How to read them? Please try, you can discuss in groups. Bobby and Tina go to see their aunt by ‘bus. There are ‘so many ‘cars on the road. Step 3 Cartoon time The bus stops ‘again and ‘again. T: These sentences are about an interesting story in cartoon time. Let’s enjoy it. 1.Talk about Picture 1.

1) Show Picture 1 to the Ss, let them try to ask some questions. 2) Read and answer the questions. 2. Talk about Picture 2.

1) Show Picture 2 to the Ss. Let them try to ask some questions. 2) Read and answer the questions. 3. Talk about Picture 3&4.

1) Read the story quickly, then answer the question: How many times does the bus stop?

2) Watch the cartoon, and find out the reasons of stopping the bus. ①The first time

Ss: Because there’s the red man, they must stop the bus. T: This is the most important rule on the road. When can they go? Ss: When they see the green man. T: Do you know more rules on the road? Ss: We must not play on the road./… T: We must follow the rules on the road. ②The second time

T: Why do they stop the bus again? Is there a red man, too?

Ss: No, some elephants are crossing the road. They must stop and wait. T: No, I see. This is another important rule on the road. Who can tell us?


T: Yes, we should give way to pedestrians. 3. Read the text. 4. Act it. 1) Act the story.

2) The bus stops again. What happened? Please imagine and act. Step 4 Culture time

T: Bobby wants to know more about the rules on the road. The next day, he goes to the library and read some books about them.

1. Show the Ss the book “ How to drive in different countries?” T: Which side of the road do people drive in China? Ss: They drive on the left side of the road.

T: Do people drive on the left side of the road in all the countries? Ss:…

2. Read and choose.

drive on the right side of the road,too.

1) In ( ), people drive on the left side of the road. 2) In ( ), people drive on the right side of the road. Australia, China, Japan, America, Canada, English

3.1)Show the Ss the book “ The month in history” First traffic light!

20 October, 1923: People in American first use a traffic light. It is a little different from today’s traffic light. It has two parts. One says”Go” and the other says “Stop”. When people see ‘Go’, they can cross the road. Safe crossing!

31 October, 1951: People first walk over a zebra-crossing in England. A zebra-crossing is white and black. People can see it easily. People walk over a zebra-crossing when they want to cross the road. This can keep them safe from cars. 2) Read and choose.

1. people first use the traffic light. A. Chinese B. English C. American 2. The first traffic light has part(s). A. one B. two C.three

3. People can see a zebra-crossing easily because . A. it is white and black B. it is in England C. many people like zebras Step 4 Summary Homework:

1.熟读Culture time 和Cartoon time, 试着标出重音。 2.表演Cartoon time, 并进行续编。 板书设计:

Unit 4 Road safety

the red man some elephant are crossing…

Bobby头像 Tina 头像

see their aunt 教后反思:

Unit 4 Road safety ( Period 4)

Checkout time & Ticking time


1.准确运用句型We must/mustn’t 谈论交通安全; 2.能结合语境,准确运用must, mustn’t, can, can’t.;

3.准确运用含有must, mustn’t 的句型,谈论班级规则等,并尝试写一写,制作成海报。