(牛津版八年级下期末英语考试试题(有答案) 下载本文

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What sign is there?

A B. C. 【答案】 C

【解析】 知识点:


根据Excuse me, you can't park your car here.可知答案,故选C。 2

What is Simon doing?

A. B. C. 【答案】 A

【解析】 知识点:


有听力材料Simon is helping an elderly man cross the road. How kind he is!可知答案,故选A。 3

Which picture are they looking at?

A. B. C. 【答案】 B

【解析】 知识点:


根据It's the Little Mermaid. It's in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.可知答案,故选B。 4

What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. B. C. 【答案】 A

【解析】 知识点:


有听力材料Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room.可知答案,故选A。 5

Why is Harry crying?

A. He won a gold. B. He won a silver. C. He didn't win any prize. 【答案】 B

【解析】 知识点:


根据He won a silver in the game and he is too excited!可知答案,故选B。 6

How many times has Miss Rowling visited Xuzhou Museum? A. Only once. B. Twice. C. Three times. 【答案】 A

【解析】 知识点:


有听力材料 No. I've been here for three times, but it's my first time to visit Xuzhou Museum.可知答案,故选A。 7

Can Nancy go to the park with Mike this afternoon? A. Yes. B. No. C. She is not sure. 【答案】 B

【解析】 知识点:


根据Sorry, Mike. But I have to prepare for the charity show.可知答案,故选B。 8

When should the boy return the book?

A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday. 【答案】 C




有听力材料Today is Tuesday. Please give it back to me the day after tomorrow.可知答案,是在周四归还这本书。故选C。 9

Who are the man and the woman?

A. Neighbours. B. Classmates. C. Old friends. 【答案】 A

【解析】 知识点:


根据Hi, I'm Mary. I've come to say \My family has just moved into the house next door.可知答案,故选A。 10

How much should the woman pay? A. $10 B. $15 C. $25 【答案】 C

【解析】 知识点:


有听力材料Tickets for the show are $10 for adults. Children’s tickets are half price.及 I'd like two adults’ and one child's tickets, please.可知答案,这位妇女需要花费25美元。故选C。 11~12


(1) What does Mr Chen dislike about the city?

A. It's not big enough. B. The streets are narrow. C. It's crowded in some places. (2) Where does Mr Chen's son live?

A. In the north of the city. B. In the south of the city. C. In the east of the city. 【答案】

【小题1】C【小题2】A 【解析】 知识点:

第11题: 听力>>对话>>长对话 第12题: 听力>>对话>>长对话

根据But sometimes the traffic is too busy and some places are so crowded.可知答案,故选C。

根据I'm going to visit my son. He lives in the north of the city.可知答案,故选A。 13~15

听第二段对话,回答第13至15小题,完成信息记录表。 Millie's reading habits