2018-2019学年高一英语外研版必修4 课堂15分钟达标练 Module 6 Period 1 下载本文

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Is there something strange high up in the world’s tallest mountains?If so, is it a big bear?Is it a monkey?Or is it a kind of man?

No one knows. This mystery has puzzled the world for years. In 1887, a mountain climber found large footprints in the snow. They looked like the footprints of a very large man. But men don’t walk without shoes in the snow.

In 1906, another climber saw more footprints. Far off, he saw a very large animal standing on two legs. As he watched, it ran very quickly.

Fifteen years later, newspapers had new stories about the“something”. A mountain climber said he had seen the“snow man”walk slowly across the snow, far below him. He said it looked like a very large man.

From then on, more and more people had stories to tell. But not until 1951 did a mountain climber bring back pictures of large footprints. The pictures showed clearly that the Snowman walked on two legs. So it was not a bear or a monkey. Could it be an ape(猿)man?

The mystery grew!And the mystery keeps growing. Someday we

may find out just what it is that makes the large footprints.

【语篇概述】本文是一篇说明文, 讲述了在喜马拉雅山上, 人们发现了大脚印, 甚至还拍摄了照片, 但是到底是谁留下的脚印?会是雪人吗?这仍然是未解之谜。

Ⅰ. Skim the passage and find the main idea quickly.


答案:The passage aims to introduce us mysterious large footprints in the snow and Snowman, but no one can make sure what makes the large footprints.

Ⅱ. Read the passage again and choose the best answers. 1. The passage is about _______ . A. some mountain climbers B. some strange animals C. some large footprints D. the mystery of the Snowman

【解析】选D。主旨大意题。纵观全文可知, 本文先介绍了被发现的雪地里的大脚印, 进而提出疑问: 是否是雪人所为呢? 2. Why were people interested in footprints? A. They were footprints of a large bear. B. They looked like the footprints of a large man. C. They were found in the snow.

D. They were found in the world’s tallest mountains.

【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第三段第二句“They looked like the footprints of a very large man. ”可知B项为正确选项。

3. The pictures of large footprints were taken by a mountain climber in _______ .

A. 1887 B. 1906 C. 1921 D. 1951

【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句“But not until 1951 did a mountain climber bring back pictures of large footprints. ”可知D项为正确选项。

Ⅲ. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. 1. How many times did the author quote stories about the large footprints?


2. Why did the mystery grow when a mountain climber brought back pictures of large footprints?


3. What can we find from the pictures taken by a mountain climber in 1951?

___________________________________________________________________ 答案:1. 4