剑桥BEC真题中级第三辑口语解析(Part 3 Discussion) 下载本文

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第三辑Test 1

Staff Magazine

Your company is planning to introduce an internal magazine to keep staff informed of company developments. You have been asked to help plan the staff magazine Discuss the situation together, and decide:

? What type of information to include in the magazine ? Which type of staff should contribute to the magazine ? How often the magazine should be published 【题目分析】 企业内刊

你所在的公司目前正计划发行企业内部期刊以帮助员工随时了解公司的发展状况。要求你帮助策划企业内刊的设计。 你们一起讨论这个话题,并决定:

? 杂志包括哪些内容 ? 杂志所定位的员工类型 ? 杂志的发行周期 【思路点拨】 主题 讨论要点 Contents of magazine Staff Magazine Orientation of magazine Circulation 讨论结果 News, analysis, opinions, competitions and feedback Oriented to all the staff members 原因 interviews, Cover a wide range of topics, of interest to staff A better understanding of our business, knowledge and experiences, interest and entertainment, a good knowledge An easy, convenient way of keeping up-to-speed with everything. Monthly 【词汇、短语】 特写 feature 视觉的 visual 熟悉的,了解的 up-to-speed 上交 submit 使适应,定位 orient 承诺,奉献commitment 【句型点击】 ? 正面评价观点 Good idea!

I really appreciate what you’ve said You’ve made a very good point. That’s interesting!


A: I think the staff magazine should be published four times a year and contains news and features about events in the company

and the achievements of staff.

B: I don’t think so. A monthly publication of news , analysis, opinions, interviews, competitions and feedback would be better,

which can cover a wide range of topics, of interest to staff.

C: I prefer the monthly. The magazine is an easy and convenient way of keeping up-to-speed with everything that’s going on in

the company. In addition, staff magazine is designed to create a corporate culture that can connect all people in. so, the more, the better.

A: Ok, maybe you are right. Staff magazine should involve everyone and everything in the company. A rich, prompt and diverse

coverage satisfies all needs and expectations. By the way, what could be the target audience of the magazine?

B: since every issue is designed to give staff a better understanding of our business, to share knowledge and experiences, to

provide interest and entertainment and to show readers why the company is a good place to work, the magazine should be

oriented to all the staff members.

C: You can target the staff magazine to different groups, for individual department may want their version of the magazine.

Moreover, staff should be encouraged to become involved in producing the magazine and building a sense of community and engagement.

A: An employee magazine, um, sounds nice. And printed staff magazines can be out of date before staff even read them; so

what about e-magazine, which allows content to be alive and up to date?

B: Good idea! Then staff can get information across in an engaging and visual way. Down-loading and uploading old and new

issues are really easy through the internet and intranet. Anyone can easily submit their article or update in the relevant section of the staff magazine.

C: So many ways to improve the magazine and the staff magazine is such a great commitment to help staff to communicate

better, and be better informed. Even the clients can get useful information and grasp business opportunities from the staff magazine.

第三辑Test 2

Video Conferencing

The company you work for is concerned about the amount of time staff spend traveling to meetings in other branches of the company, and is looking at alternatives.

You have been asked to make recommendations about introducing video conferencing. Discuss the situation together and decide:

? What the company needs to know about the meetings that take place at present. ? What are the advantage and disadvantage of video conferencing might be

? What kinds of practical preparations would be needed before introducing the system? 【题目分析】 电视会议

你所在的公司目前很关注员工出差到其他分公司开会的用时问题,正在寻找可替代的开会方式。本题要求你们就介绍电视会议做一些推荐性的建议。 你们一起讨论这个话题,并决定:

? 就目前采用的会议方式来说,公司需要了解什么情况 ? 电视会议的优缺点有哪些

? 要引进电视会议系统的话,需要做哪些实际的准备工作 【思路点拨】

主题 讨论要点 Definition and functions Video Conferencing Advantages and disadvantages Introduction and preparation


发射、传送 transmit 听觉的,声音的 audio 意识,知觉 consciousness 习惯 accustom 相互作用 interactivity 【句型点击】

? 控制谈话进度,转为新话题 Now let’s move to the next issue.

讨论结果 Fast-growing and interactive system 原因 affordable Many hardwares and softwares are designed Lack of eye contact and appearance Advancing technology, consciousness; cut costs and travel Boost productivity Alternative, updating computer and Potential value; meet the installment networking system requirements of video conferencing system 提高,促进 boost 拨号 dial

动态的 dynamic

会议中的 in-conference 更新 update

Well, the next term on the agenda is…

I think that covers the first item, now let’s….. Shall we leave that item and move forward?


A: Video conferencing involves conducting a conference between two or more participants at different sites by using computer networks to transmit audio and video data.

B: You know, many experts believe that video conferencing will be one of the fastest-growing divisions in computer industry. C: That’s true. There are so many hardware and software designed for video calls and video conferencing, which makes video conferencing affordable and gains more popularity.

A: But there are two striking problems which prevent video conferencing from becoming a standard form of communication, namely, lack of eye contact and appearance consciousness.

C: Yes, I know what you mean. However, the lack of eye contact may be solved with advancing technology, and the problem of appearance consciousness will probably disappear as people become accustomed to video conferencing.

B: I agree with you. Video conferencing services allow you face to face interactivity with no need to be at the same physical location. What’s more, business that uses video conferencing systems can save a great deal of time and money by avoiding the burden and costs of business travel, so as to boost productivity.

C: Given its potential value, video conferencing suites should be introduced to the company as an alternative to traditional conferences.

A: The best choice should be the video conferencing system with simple dialing options, a range of dynamics layouts and numerous in-conference controls.

B: The company is also responsible for updating its computer and networking system to meet the installment requirements of video conferencing system.

第三辑Test 3

Seminar for students

Your company has been asked to deliver a series of one-day seminars to a group of business students to help them prepare for working in a large company.

You have been asked to help with planning the seminars Discuss the situation together and decide:

? What kinds of information it would be useful to know about the students ? What the most useful topic would be

? How best to measure the success of the seminars. 学生就业研讨会

你所在的公司受邀举办为期一天的、面向商科学生的系列研讨会,目的是为了帮助这些学生将来在大公司就业做好准备。要求你帮助策划系列研讨会的内容。 你们一起讨论这个话题,并决定: ? 关于参加研讨会学生的帮助信息 ? 可用的研讨主题

? 研讨会成功与否的评价标准 【思路点拨】

主题 讨论要点 Information about students Seminar for students 讨论结果 原因 Participants from a local business school, preparing Tailor the seminars according to for working in a large company. their needs and prioritise the tasks in planning Effective job search strategies, crucial career planning, tactics for package negotiations and successful communication in the workplace, learning how to appropriately position yourself for Instructive for their career success in a large company; guide the students through the critical points they need to master for a great The most useful topics