建筑工程结构设计方案计算书 下载本文

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结 构 设 计 计 算 书

学院名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 教授、讲师

2010年 5 月


摘 要

本工程名称为某框架结构办公楼,结构为全现浇混凝土框架结构,8层。工程所在地区为泰州,抗震设防等级为7度,需要进行抗震设计。设计过程遵循先建筑后结构再施工的顺序进行。建筑设计,依据建筑总体规划要求、建筑用地条件和基地周边的环境特点,首先设计建筑平面, 其次进行立面造型、剖面设计。考虑到建筑等级和防火要求,建筑设计应满足使用功能和造型艺术的要求,并适应未来发展与灵活改造的需要。


本次设计主要包括结构选型及结构布置、确定计算简图及计算单元、荷载计算、侧移控制、内力组合、构件设计、楼梯设计、基础设计等内容 。本工程采用钢筋混凝土结构框架结构体系(横向承重),选择了有代表性的一榀框架进行计算。对于竖向荷载作用采用弯矩二次分配法,水平荷载作用采用D值法。设计计算整个过程中综合考虑了技术经济指标和施工工业化的要求。





This project is designed for office building used with a style of cast-in frame work. The building has eight floors.the structure locates TaiZHou with an anti-earthquake degree of 7.so it is necessary to carry out the related design’ The design process follows the order: firstly, the

architectural design; secondly, the structural design; lastly, the foundation design. The architectural design, according to the master plan of the building, the site conditions, peripheral urban environment, and characteristic of the base, the building plain design goes first. The elevation design is carried out secondly. Considering the building classification and fire prevention demands. The architectural design should meet the needs of the function requirement, the use requirement and development and flexible transformation in the future.

In order to prevent the building from collapsing, we must insure the inducity of the members.The structure needs to meet the demand of “strong columns with weak beams, strong anti-shear to weak anti-bending, strong joints with weak members”,.The calculation goes under the adjusted inner stress values .

. Structural design maintains close ties with the architectural design, which is based on current relevant codes. It includes the structure style, the preliminary estimation for the structural members, confirmation of the sketch and unit for calculation, sideway control, load calculation, component design, slab-stairs design, floor overlay design and foundation design. This project adopts reinforced concrete frame (transverse bearing), which has chosen a representative frame to calculate. Vertical load function adopts moment distribution method, level load function adopts D value method, and seismic load function adopts equivalent base shear method. During the design process earthquake-resistant design, technical economy index and construction industrialized request are synthetically considered.

Keywords: Architectural design;Structural design;Construction management design; Load
