(毕业论文)基于PHP个人网站的设计与实现 下载本文

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目 录

摘 要 ............................................................. 1 Abstract ........................................................... 2 绪 论 ............................................................. 3 第一章 系统开发的背景 .............................................. 4 第二章 系统开发的关键技术 .......................................... 6

2.1开发语言的选择............................................... 6

2.2数据库的选择................................................. 7 2.3系统的体系结构............................................... 8 第三章 系统需求分析 ................................................ 9

3.1系统的可行性分析............................................. 9 3.2功能需求分析................................................ 10 第四章 基于PHP技术的个人网站的设计过程 ........................... 11

4.1系统功能结构图.............................................. 11 4.2系统功能具体分析............................................ 12 4.3系统的数据库设计............................................ 13

4.3.1数据库需求分析 ........................................ 13 4.3.2数据库概念结构设计(E-R图)........................... 15 4.3.3数据库逻辑结构设计 .................................... 16 4.4系统的功能模块详细设计与实现................................ 19

4.4.1管理员登录模块设计 .................................... 19 4.4.2说说模块设计 .......................................... 20 4.4.3日志模块设计 .......................................... 23 4.4.4留言板模块设计 ........................................ 27 4.4.5相册模块设计 .......................................... 30 4.4.6友情链接模块设计 ...................................... 34 第五章 系统的测试 ................................................. 35

5.1 测试环境 ................................................... 35 5.2 测试内容 ................................................... 36 结 束 语 .......................................................... 36

参考文献 .......................................................... 37 指导教师评语 评阅人评语


摘 要 21世纪是Internet飞速发展的时代,网络也已经越来越普及,很多人也已经意识到网络的强大生命力和它在未来将处于的重要地位,互联网为我们提供了一个新的空间,新的领域,让我们充分的表达自我,使得网站也不再仅仅为企业或公司等大型结构所拥有,互联网成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,它在人们政治、经济、生活等各个方面发挥着重要的作用。而在这其中,个人网站已经日渐普及,而且发展到今天,创建一个能充分体现自我风格和特色的个人网站已经成为互联网用户的新追求。


关键词 PHP技术;WEB2.0网站;个人网站


Personal Web Site Design And Implement

RenXin Class 1 Grade 2008 Department of Computer Science

Abstract Twenty-first Century is Internet in the era of rapid development, the network also has become more and more popular, many people are aware of the network and the powerful vitality in the future it will be in the important position, the Internet provides us with a new space, new field, let us full self expression, the website is not only for the enterprise or companies and other large structures, the Internet became fast access, publish and disseminate important information channel, it in people's political, economic, and other aspects of life play an important role. And among them, the individual website has been growing popularity, but also to the development of today, to create a fully reflect the style and characteristics of the individual self website has become the Internet user 's new pursuit.

This paper uses PHP technology to design a WEB2.0 features a personal website and the corresponding functional module. Development environment based on PHP, MySQL and Apache, using the three kinds of open source tools, to achieve a personal website with my own style. This paper describes in detail the whole process of the website design.

Key Words PHP technology ;WEB2.0;personal web site