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二(1)、二(3)班 4月22日 Unit 7 The four Seasons Period 2 副备教师 上课班级 上课时间 Learn the words:autumn,winter,cool,cold,fly a kite etc。 Games,imitation,listening, sing a song Cultivate the confidence in learning English 教学重点 The words in Look and learn 教学难点 How to apply these words in the real situation 教具准备 Ppt,video,mp3 教法运用 基本环节 Task-based approach 学法指导 Self-study,group work 教师授课过程(教师活动) 学生学习过程(学生活动) 教学意图 To arouse 1 warm-up the Show a card of one of the seasons and hide it students’ 导入 quickly.Then ask the students to guess what season it The girls ask,the boys interest.An新课 is. answer what season is it. d let the (检查预习) Gs:(Hide the flashcard for autumn)What season is it? students Bs:Autumn. review the Gs:(Show the flashcard for autumn)Yes,it’s autumn. new words. 初 学 新 课 (初步探究) Have the students listen to the recording for ”Let’s talk”on page 30.Have the students practice several 学生听课本30页的内容,times.Then ask some students to repeat the sentences. 跟着老师读和理解,然后角E.g., 色扮演对话。 S:It is spring.It is warm. 通过全班参与既可以调动气氛又使得学生对短语印 象更深。 3 presentation: Show the words of warm,hot,cool,cold.Explain the words with body language. The match the four adjectives with the seasons to help the students 引 learn the words. E.g, 导 T:Autumn,autumn. Ss:Cool,cool,cool. 释 T:Autumn,autumn. Ss:Autumn is cool. 疑 (合作学习) 基本环节 教师授课过程(教师活动) 学生先根据每个季节不同的特点连线,然后分组完成对话,最后角色扮演对话 在连线的过程中不仅能学习每个季节的特点,并且可以有效的巩固单词。角色扮演可以增加学生学习的积极性。 学生学习过程(学生活动) 教学意图 拓 展 学 习 (深入探究)Let’s make a rhyme: Have the students listen to the recording for “Let’s enjoy”.Show pictures of the four seasons to help the students understand the rhyme.Then ask the students to practice the rhyme in pairs for groups of four. 根据教师显示每个季节的图片,理解儿歌,利用角色扮演,加深知识的掌握。 通过当场练习,考验应变能力和口语能力,让其大胆创新 当 堂 检 测 (学习诊断)Say a chat: E.g., T:Do you like summer? Ss:Yes,I do. T:Why you like summer? Ss:I can swim in the swimming poor. 学生根据老师给的图片,说出他们喜欢的季节,和喜欢的原因。 检查掌握情况。 课 堂 小 结 (梳理归纳)Draw and say: Each season to draw a picture, and tell the characteristics of each season。 E.g., 学生根据每个季节的不It's autumn. 同,画图,并说一说。 I like autumn. It is cold. I like flying a kite in the park. 作业布置(检查反馈) 板书设计(突出重点) 在课堂结束之前给学生在脑海里再把所学的单词和 短语通过练习的形式过一遍并检查,有助于学生更牢记住知识 点。 1.Spell and write these words. fly a kite,spring,summer 2.Read the students' book page32.33 five time follow the video. Unit 7 The four seasons autumn,winter,cool,cold It is ……(spring,summer,autumn,winter) 教学 反思