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1.Explain the movie about each 1.Guess the type of the movies. Then picture. Ask students to match the translate the sentences into Chinese. At movies with their explanations. 6 Pre-listening (3 mins) Individual work last, match the movies with their explanations. 2.Introduce some information 2.Listen to the teacher and take some about Jane Eyre. notes. 3.Ask students to read through 3.Read through the questions and the questions and choices. choices before listening. And they may choose some of the answers according to the knowledge their know. 7 While-listening (3 mins) post-listening (5 mins) Summarizing and 9 assigning homework Class work Play the record of 4. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers. Organize students to check the Report the answers. answers. 1.Ask students to sum up the key 1.Sum up the main content of this class. Class activity points. 2.Repeat the key points. 8 Class activity 鼓励学生课后通过查找网络和电视更2.Read through what they have learnt 多地了解本课中提到

(3 mins) after the teacher. 的电视节目,在下节课3.Ask them to find more TV 3.Search on TV or Internet for more TV 进行分享;学会用多种activities on TV or Internet after programs and talk about them. class and talk about them. 形式来表达自己喜好的电视节目,并通过讨论来分享。 Ⅵ. Blackboard design

Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. Section A 1. actress n. 女演员 actor n. 男演员 2. in one’s spare time 在某人空闲的时间 3. prefer sth./like... better 更喜欢…… 4. In my spare time, I prefer watching TV. 我业余时间更喜欢看电视。 5. would rather do...than do ... 喜欢做……胜过做…… 6. I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. 我宁愿看体育类节目也不愿看那些。