wpa_supplicant的用法 下载本文

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wpa_supplicant包含两个主要的可执行工具:wpa_supplicant和wpa_cli。wpa_supplicant是核心程序,它和wpa_cli的关系就是服务和客户端的关系:后台运行wpa_supplicant,使用wpa_cli来搜索、设置、和连接网络。 (2)在wpa_cli交互模式下可以执行很多命令,列表如下: Full command Short command status disconnect quit terminate reconfigure scan scan_result list_networks stat disc q term recon scan scan_r list_n Description displays the current connection status prevents wpa_supplicant from connecting to any access point exits wpa_cli kills wpa_supplicant reloads wpa_supplicant with the configuration file supplied (-c parameter) scans for available access points (only scans it, doesn't display anything) displays the results of the last scan displays a list of configured networks and their status (active or not, enabled or disabled) select a network among those defined to initiate a connection (ie select_network 0) makes a configured network available for selection (ie enable_network 0) makes a configured network unavailable for selection (ie disable_network 0) removes a network and its configuration from the list (ie remove_network 0) adds a new network to the list. Its id will be created automatically shows a very short list of available options to configure a select_network select_n enable_network enable_n disable_network disable_n remove_network remove_n add_network set_network add_n set_n network when supplied with no parameters. See next section for a list of extremely useful parameters to be used with set_network and get_network. get_network save_config get_n save_c displays the required parameter for the specified network. See next section for a list of parameters saves the configuration (3)平台操作实例(仅限于MTK平台 且具ROOT权限) A,首先保证ADB连入,且能运行adb remount,这样避免系统文件只读。然后设置wpa_cli和wpa_supplicant有较强权限。

B,运行echo 1 > /dev/wmtWifi,启动WIFI驱动。但是这个使能不会表现在安卓界面上层,默认是要在启动安卓时开启WIFI模块的,也即设置中的WIFI要默认ON。 C,进入/system/bin目录,首先运行服务端wpa_supplicant。 ./wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -Dnl80211 -c/system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf 正常启动后的回显如下:

不可收入态表明该服务端已经在运行了(也可能是可输入状态,只要后面的wpa_cali可连接就行)。-i -D -c的参数意义可直接在Help中查询,具体有些参数可能因平台不同而有差异。

D,另开启一个ADB SHELL,作客户端运行wpa_cali。如下: cd /system/bin

wpa_cli -p /data/misc/wpa_supplicant 回显如下说明正常并处于交互模式:

E,执行一系列命令看看 scan

