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40. What change did Ebenezer Bryce bring to the valley? A. More animals could be found. B. Gold was found.

C. The place became more habitable. D. The climate became colder. Çë¸ù¾ÝÐèÒªÌîÈëScript£º

Passage Two
      Situated in Utah State, the Bryce Canyon is one of the National Parks in the United States of America. It attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. Now there is a story about it.
      Before there were any Indians, the Legend People lived in that place. They were of many kinds a€¡± birds, animals, lizards, and such things a€¡± but they looked like people. For some reason, the Legend People in that place were bad. Because they were bad, they were turned by gods into rocks. You can see them in that place now: some standing in rows, some sitting down, some holding on to others. You can see their faces, with paint on them just as they were before they became rocks. This is the story told by some people. But to the pioneer Ebenezer Bryce, the Canyon that now bears his name was something totally different.
      In 1875, Ebenezer Bryce was 45 years old. He traded his home in Pine Valley, Utah, for some cows and moved to the warmer climate of the upper Paria Valley, hoping that his wife's health would improve. Since he could find no water in the place, he dug ditches to bring it from the Paria River to his farm. To get fire wood from the forest to his farm, he built a road. Among the residents who used the road, the canyon became known as Bryce's Canyon.
      Bryce left the valley in 1880 and moved to Arizona. Perhaps the climate was not warm enough, or maybe he found a better place to settle down. But he left the valley a little more habitable than when he came, and he left the canyon with the name it still bears today.

Part III Oral Tasks


[To complete the tasks of this part, you need to use your microphone.] Section A

Directions: There is a short text shown on the computer screen (as is shown below). You are required to read the text aloud. Your voice will be recorded into the system. You'll have 1 minute for preparation and then you are required to begin reading when hearing the beginning signal sound and stop it when hearing the ending signal sound. Your reading should be limited in 1.5 minutes. (10%)

Now you have 1 minute to prepare.

I was recently hired for a job that's always been a dream of mine a€¡± working for an airline at an airport. It'll pay my expenses for the next two years of college and I've always had a deep

interest in air travel. I can travel on many airlines worldwide. The only thing I have to pay is taxes and fees internationally. The downside of an airline job is that I have to work five days a week and have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off. The other downside is that I can't travel with my friends, since, well, they aren't exactly flying for free and they aren't going to pay for tickets for a 3-day trip on my days off. So what a pity!



Section B

Directions: Read through the passage shown above again and complete the following task. You'll have 1 minute to prepare and then you are required to begin asking questions when hearing the beginning signal sound and stop it when hearing the ending signal sound. Your questions should be limited within 1.5 minutes. (10%)

You now have 1 minute to prepare.

1. Besides what is said by the author, what else you want to know about his job? Prepare a question to ask the author.

2. You are invited by the author to travel with him. He promises it's going to be interesting but you have doubts. Prepare three questions to ask him: one about the traveling destination, one about things to bring, and the last one about the ticket.



Section C

Directions: Look at the picture below, which is about a travel agent helping a man to prepare his trip. You are required to play the travel agent and give traveling advice to the man. Your advice can include the necessary documents, traveling options, expenses, details about traveling destinations, etc. You'll have 1 minute to prepare and another 2 minutes to complete your presentation.(10%)

Now you have 1 minute to prepare.