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例词5:eugenic 词根拆分:eu+gen+ic 释义:优生(学)的

例词6:progenitor 词根拆分:pro(before)+genit+or 释义:祖先

例词7:congenital 词根拆分:con(with, together)+genit+al?? 释义:(病等 )先天的;天生的

38. ger,gest : to carry; carry on; produce;

例词1:hanger 词根拆分:han+ger 释义:衣架

例词2:belligerent 词根拆分:belli(war)+ger(carry on)+ent???(carrying on in a warlike way;) 释义:好战的

例词3:drudgery 词根拆分:drud+ger+y 释义:苦差事

例词4:gestation 词根拆分:gest(a carry)+ation? 释义:怀孕;酝酿时期 例词5:ingest 词根拆分:in+gest 释义:吞咽

例词6:congest 词根拆分:con(with, together)+gest? 释义:充血;使拥挤 39. grad, gress : a step; to step; to go

例词1:degrade 词根拆分:de(down)+grad+e?? 释义:降格;降级 例词2:downgrade 词根拆分:down+grad+e 释义:使…降低 例词3:retrograde 词根拆分:re(back)+tro+grad+e? 释义:退化的 例词4:retrogress 词根拆分:retro+gress 释义:倒退,退化

例词5:transgress 词根拆分:trans(across)+gress? 释义:犯罪;违反 例词6:digress 词根拆分:di(apart)+gress? 释义:离题 例词7:egress 词根拆分:e+gress 释义:出去;出口 例词8:ingress 词根拆分:in+gress 释义:进入 40. grat : pleasing

例词1:grateful 词根拆分:grat+eful 释义:感激的 例词2:ingratiate 词根拆分:in+grat+iate 释义:逢迎

例词3:denigrate 词根拆分:deni(to say no, deny)+grat+e 释义:诋毁 41. grav : heavy

例词1:aggravate 词根拆分:ag(toward) +grav+ate 释义:使恶化,加重 例词2:grave 词根拆分:grav+e 释义:严肃的; 重要的 例词3:gravel 词根拆分:grav+el 释义:碎石 42. her, hes : to stick.

例词1:adhere 词根拆分:ad(toward)+her+e 释义:粘附;坚持

例词2:cohesion 词根拆分:co(with, together)+her+ion?? 释义:内聚力 例词3:synthesis 词根拆分:syn(with, together)+t+hes+is? 释义:合成 例词4:antithesis 词根拆分:anti(against)t+hes+is? 释义:对立;相对 43. jac, ject? : to throw; lie; or be thrown down.

例词1:eject? 词根拆分:e(out)+ject??? 释义:喷出,逐出

例词2:projectile? 词根拆分:pro(before)+ject+ile 释义:抛射物 例词3:projector? 词根拆分:pro+ject+or?? 释义:幻灯机 例词4:trajectory 词根拆分:tra+ject+ory 释义:(抛射物)轨道

例词5:adjacent 词根拆分:ad(表临近)+jac(to lie)+ent 释义:邻近的 例词6:ejaculate 词根拆分:e+jac+ulate 释义:突然叫出或说出;射出 44. junct, joint : to join

例词1:junction 词根拆分:junct+ion 释义:结合处

例词2:adjunct 词根拆分:ad(表临近)+junct?? 释义:附件

例词3:conjunction 词根拆分:con(with, together)+junct+ion?? 释义:连词

例词4:disjunctive? 词根拆分:dis(not)+junct+ive 释义:分离的 例词5:disjointed? 词根拆分:dis+joint+ed?? 释义:脱节的;杂乱的 45. leg, lig, lect : to choose; to read;

例词1:illegible 词根拆分:il(not)+leg+ible 释义:难辨认的 例词2:allege 词根拆分:al+leg+e 释义:辩解,(无证据下)宣称 例词3:delegate 词根拆分:de(utterly)+leg+ate 释义:代表

例词4:eligible 词根拆分:e(out)+lig+ible 释义:适合被选的;合格的 例词5:lectern 词根拆分:lect+ern 释义:诵经台

例词6:dialect 词根拆分:dia(between)+lect 释义:方言

例词7:eclectic 词根拆分:ec(out)+lect+ic 释义:选择的;折衷的 例词8:electorate 词根拆分:e+lect+orate 释义:(全体)选民 46. loqu, locut, : to speak

例词1:soliloquy 词根拆分:soli(alone)+loqu+y?? 释义:自言自语;独白 例词2:grandiloquent 词根拆分:grand(great)+i+loqu+ent? 释义:夸张的 例词3:loquacious 词根拆分:loqu+aci+ous(full of)? 释义:多嘴的 例词4:magniloquent 词根拆分:magn(large)+i+loqu+ent 释义:夸张的 例词5:obloquy 词根拆分:ob(down, against)+loqu+y 释义:谩骂

例词6:colloquium 词根拆分:col(with,together)+loqu+ium?? 释义:学术讨 论会

例词7:colloquy 词根拆分:col+loqu+y 释义:(非正式的)交谈 例词8:eloquent 词根拆分:e+loqu+ent 释义:雄辩的;演说动人的 例词9:interlocutor 词根拆分:inter(among)+locut+or? 释义:对话者 例词10:locution 词根拆分:locut+ion 释义:说话风格;常用语 47. mit, miss, : to send; let go

例词1:emit 词根拆分:e(out)+mit 释义:放射(光热;味等) 例词2:omit 词根拆分:o+mit 释义:疏忽;省略 例词3:hermit 词根拆分:her+mit 释义:隐士

例词4:manumit 词根拆分:manu(hand)+mit 释义:解放 例词5:remit 词根拆分:re+mit 释义:免除,宽恕;汇款 例词6:submit 词根拆分:sub+mit 释义:提交

例词7:transmit 词根拆分:trans(across)+mit 释义:传播,传送 例词8:vomit 词根拆分:vo+mit 释义:呕吐;呕吐物 例词9:missile 词根拆分:miss+ile 释义:投射物,导弹 48. mon, monit : to warn; advise

例词1:admonitory 词根拆分:ad(toward)+monit+ory? 释义:警告的 例词2:admonish 词根拆分:ad+mon+ish 释义:警告

例词3:remonstrance 词根拆分:re(again)+mon+strance?? 释义:抗议 例词4:sermon 词根拆分:ser+mon 释义:布道 49. mov, mot : to move.

例词1:motile 词根拆分:mot+ile(having to do with) 释义:能动的 例词2:movement 词根拆分:mov+ement 释义:乐章;动作 例词3:remove 词根拆分:re(back)+mov+e? 释义:移走;迁徙

例词4:demote 词根拆分:de(down)+mot+e?? 释义:降级;降职 例词5:emote 词根拆分:e+mot+e 释义:激动地表达感情

例词6:locomotion 词根拆分:loco(place)+mot+ion? 释义:移位 例词7:promote 词根拆分:pro(before)+mot+e? 释义:促进,提升 50. nasc,nat : to be born

例词1:nascent 词根拆分:nasc+ent 释义:新生的

例词2:renascent 词根拆分:re(again)+nasc+ent 释义:再生的 例词3:nativity 词根拆分:nat+ivity 释义:出生

例词4:neonate 词根拆分:neo(new)+nat+e 释义:初生婴儿

例词5:rejuvenate 词根拆分:re(again)+juve(young)+nat+e 释义:使返老还 童,回春

例词6:cognate 词根拆分:co(with,together)+gnat+e 释义:同词源的;同类的

51. pel, pell, puls, : to drive; push;

例词1:compulsion 词根拆分:com(very)+puls+ion 释义:强迫;无法抑制的冲 动

例词2:expulsion 词根拆分:ex(out)+puls+ion 释义:驱逐;开除 例词3:propulsion 词根拆分:pro(before)+puls+ion 释义:推进力 例词4:propel 词根拆分:pro(before)+pel 释义:推进 例词5:repel 词根拆分:re(back)+pel 释义:使厌恶;击退

例词6:compel 词根拆分:com(very,completely)+pel 释义:迫使 例词7:expel 词根拆分:ex(out)+pel 释义:排出;开除 例词8:impel 词根拆分:im(in)+pel 释义:推进,驱使 52. pend, pens, : to hang, weigh, ro pay

例词1:pendent 词根拆分:pend+ent 释义:悬挂的;悬而未决的 例词2:pendulum 词根拆分:pend+ulum(instrument) 释义:钟摆 例词3:spendthrift 词根拆分:s+pend+thrift 释义:挥霍者

例词4:suspend 词根拆分:sus(below)+pend 释义:悬浮,中止 例词5:appendage 词根拆分:ap+pend+age 释义:附加物

例词6:expend 词根拆分:ex(out,出自…)+pend 释义:花费;用光 例词7:suspense 词根拆分:sus(below)+pens+e 释义:悬疑;挂念 例词8:pension 词根拆分:pens+ion 释义:养老金

例词9:recompense 词根拆分:re(back)+com+pense 释义:报酬;赔偿 53. pet, petit : to go; seek; strive

例词1:petition 词根拆分:petit+ion 释义:请求 例词2:appetite 词根拆分:ap+pet+ite 释义:欲望

例词3:appetizing 词根拆分:ap+pet+izing 释义:促进食欲的 例词4:centripetal 词根拆分:centr(centre)+i+pet+al 释义:向心的 54. ple, plet : to fill;

例词1:deplete 词根拆分:de(undoing or reveal of an action)+plete 释义 :耗尽

例词2:replete 词根拆分:re(again)+plete 释义:饱满的,塞满的

例词3:implement 词根拆分:im(in)+ple+ment 释义:使生效;提供工具 例词4:replenish 词根拆分:re(again)+ple+nish 释义:补充;再装满

55. plic, plicit, plex : to fold; twist; bend; tangle; connect

例词1:complicity 词根拆分:com(with, together)+plicit+y 释义:串通;共 犯

例词2:duplicitous 词根拆分:du(two)+plicit+ous 释义:搞两面派的 例词3:implicit 词根拆分: im(not)+plicit 释义:含蓄的

例词4:explicit 词根拆分:ex(out)+plicit 释义:清楚的;外在的

例词5:complexion 词根拆分:com(with,together)+plex+ion 释义:肤色;局面

56. pon, posit, pound, pose : to put; place

例词1:repository 词根拆分:re(back)+posit+ory 释义:贮藏室,仓库 例词2:apposition 词根拆分:ap(表临近)+posit+ion 释义:同位语

例词3:composite 词根拆分:com(with, together)+posit+e 释义:拼凑成的 ;混合成的

例词4:decomposition 词根拆分:de(undoing or reveal of an action)+com+po sit+ion 释义:腐烂;崩溃

例词5:deposit 词根拆分:de(down)+posit 释义:淤积

例词6:exposition 词根拆分:ex(out)+posit+ion 释义:阐释;博览会 例词7:propound 词根拆分:pro(before)+pound 释义:提出…供考虑 例词8:expound 词根拆分:ex(out)+pound 释义:解释;阐述;提出

例词9:compound 词根拆分:com(with, together)+pound 释义:复合物;搀和 例词10:impose 词根拆分:im(在….上面)+pose 释义:征税;强加 57. port : to carry

例词1:portable 词根拆分:port+able 释义:轻便的,手提式的 例词2:transport 词根拆分:trans(across)+port 释义:运输 例词3: 词根拆分: 释义: 58. quir, quisit, quest : to seek or ask

例词1:inquiry 词根拆分:in+quir+y 释义:询问

例词2:inquisitive 词根拆分:in+quisit+ive 释义:好奇的 例词3:questionnaire 词根拆分:quest+ionnaire 释义:调查表 59. rupt : to break; burst

例词1:rupture 词根拆分:rupt+ure 释义:断裂

例词2:corrupt 词根拆分:cor(completely)+rupt 释义:堕落的;文体有错误的

例词3:disrupt 词根拆分:dis(away, apart)+rupt 释义:破坏 例词4:erupt 词根拆分:e+rupt 释义:爆发;喷出火焰 60. scrib, script : to write;

例词1:scripture 词根拆分:script+ure 释义:经文

例词2:conscript 词根拆分:con(with,together)+script 释义:征兵;征召 例词3:inscription 词根拆分:in+script+ion 释义:题字;碑铭 例词4:manuscript 词根拆分:manu(hand)+script 释义:手稿

例词5:nondescript 词根拆分:non(not)+de(down)+script 释义:平凡的 例词6:postscript 词根拆分:post(after)+script 释义:附言

例词7:prescript 词根拆分:pre(before)+script 释义:命令,规定 例词8:rescript 词根拆分:re(again)+script 释义:法令;重抄

例词9:subscribe 词根拆分:sub(under)+scrib+e 释义:签署;订阅 例词10:transcribe 词根拆分:trans(across)+crib+e 释义:抄写,转录 61. sed, sid : to sit; settle

例词1:sedate 词根拆分:sed+ate 释义:使镇定

例词2:sedentary 词根拆分:sed+ent+ary 释义:不迁移的 例词3:sediment 词根拆分:sed+iment 释义:沉淀物,渣 例词4:sidereal 词根拆分:sid+ereal 释义:恒星的 例词5:insider 词根拆分:in+sid+er 释义:局内人

例词6:preside 词根拆分:pre(before)+sid+e 释义:负责;指挥 例词7:residence 词根拆分:re(back)+sid+ence 释义:住宅 例词8:residual 词根拆分:re(again)+sid+ual 释义:残余的 62. spec, spic, spect : to look; look at.

例词1:inspection 词根拆分:in+spect+ion 释义:检查

例词2:introspection 词根拆分:intro(in)+spect+ion 释义:内省 例词3:perspective 词根拆分:per(before)+spect+ive 释义:透视 例词4:prospect 词根拆分:pro(forward)+spect 释义:勘探 例词5:retrospect 词根拆分:re(back)+tro+spect 释义:回顾

例词6:spectacular 词根拆分:spect+acular 释义:壮观的,引人入胜的 例词7:spectator 词根拆分:spect+ator 释义:旁观者

例词8:conspicuous 词根拆分:con(completely)+spic+uous 释义:明显的 例词9:perspicacious 词根拆分:per(completely)+spic+acious 释义:敏锐的

例词10:perspicuity 词根拆分:per+spic+ity 释义:明白 63. tang, tact : to touch;

例词1:intangible 词根拆分:in(not)+tang+ible 释义:无形的 例词2:tangent 词根拆分:tang+ent 释义:离题的

例词3:tangible 词根拆分:tang+ible 释义:切实的,可感知的 例词4:intact 词根拆分:in+tact 释义:完整无缺的;未被碰过的 例词5:tactile 词根拆分:tact+ile(having to do with) 释义:触觉的 例词6:tact 词根拆分:tact(just the right social \ of what is appropriate, proper, or right; skill in avoiding what would offen d. 释义:机智

例词7:tactic 词根拆分:tact+ic 释义:战术,手段 64. ten, tin, tent, tain : to hold

例词1:tauten 词根拆分:tau+ten 释义:拉紧

例词2:tenable 词根拆分:ten+able 释义:站得住脚的

例词3:tenacious 词根拆分:ten+acious 释义:固执的,不屈不挠的 例词4:pertain 词根拆分:per(through)+tain 释义:属于;关于 例词5:sustain 词根拆分:sus(underneath)+tain 释义:承受 例词6:abstain 词根拆分:abs(away)+tain 释义:抑制

例词7:ascertain 词根拆分:a(to)+scer(certain)+tain 释义:探知;确定 例词8:retainer 词根拆分:re(back)+tain+er 释义:侍从 65. tract : to drag; draw; pull

例词1:attraction 词根拆分:at(to)+tract+ion 释义:吸引力