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Unit2 Topic 2 Section C


这一话题进一步谈论人的相貌特征,从谈论头发、眼睛的色彩,到服装的色彩进而谈到各种色彩。而本SectionC主要让学生了解并掌握服装,会用What color is…? / What color are …? 这一句型和同伴进行交谈,能谈论各种服装的色彩。



1.(1) Learn some words about the clothes:

T-shirt, shoe, cap, coat, skirt, dress (2) Learn some other useful words and expressions:

at, look at, photo, strong

2. (1) Continue to talk about the people’s appearances:

(1)Look at this photo. (2)Michael is strong.

(3)They look different, but they are good friends.

(2) Talk about the colors:

① —What color is this /that shirt ? —It is pink.

② —What color are these /those shoes ? —They are black.


能听懂并识别各种不同的颜色,并能用英语描述各种颜色。 情感态度目标:

通过学习不同的色彩,培养学生热爱生活、热爱美的情感,并培养他们的观察能力和概括能力。 学习策略目标:


三、教学重、难点: 1a and 3 四、教学方法:



六、教具准备:录音机、课件、实物、图片 七、教学过程:


1. Sing the song with motions: Head and Shoulders, legs and Feet. 2. Greetings between the students and me. 第二步:lead in


(1) T: What’s this Ss: 帽子。 T: It’s a cap. What color is this cap? Ss: It’s green.

(2)T: What are these? Ss: 鞋。

T: They’re shoes. What color are these shoes? (说明:shoe常以复数形式出现。) Ss: They’re white.

T: S3. What color are your shoes? S3: They’re …

(用同样方式导出文中其他生词,板书并要求学生掌握dress, coat, skirt, T-shirt,了解pants。

第三步 pairwork


1. T: Listen to 1a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 2. G1: What color is this skirt? G1: What color is that dress? G2: It’s orange. G2: It’s yellow. G1: What color are these shoes? G1: What color are those pants? G2: They’re white G2: They’re blue. (提醒学生注意名词的单复数形式和相应的人称代词单复数it/they形式。) (板书所学的关于衣服的全部单词并领读。)

T-shirt, shoe, cap, coat, skirt, shirt, pants/trousers, dress

(提醒学生注意shirt与skirt的写法区别,并解释pant或trouser常以复数形式出现。) 第四步:Groupwork

T: Now look here. What’s this? Ss: It’s a photo. (帮助学生回答。)

T: Look at this photo. There are four people in the photo. look at … 借助图片,使学生能听懂并读懂课文。根据个人的简单信息,用英语表达简单的情感,培养学生的语感。

1. (听2录音,让学生跟读并在服装类名词下画线,圈出颜色类名词。核对答案。) 2. (学生读短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F),并核对答案。巩固2。)

(1)The girl in yellow is Jane.( ) (2)Maria is tall. She has short black hair.( ) (3)Michael is strong. He is in a black cap and blue shoes.( ) (4)Kangkang is in a white T-shirt.( ) (5)The girl in a pink T-shirt and a purple skirt is Jane.( )

3. (学生朗读短文后,看图复述。提醒学生抓住每个人物的特征,背诵课文。) (板书课文中四个人物的特征。)

Maria’s looks: in yellow, tall, short brown hair Michael’s looks: strong, a black cap and blue shoes, blond hair Jane’s looks: a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt, red hair Kangkang’s looks: a white T-shirt, blue pants

(教师总结并引导学生看书后关于“in”的注释。) (培养学生的分析与概括能力。)

4. T: Listen to the tape and find the children in the picture, then complete the sentences.

第五步:Free talk


第六步 Sum up

(1) The key points in this lesson.