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补全对话是以书面形式考查考生英语口头交际能力和逻辑思维能力的一种题型。该题给考生三段对话,每段对话挖去3-4个句子,让考生把挖去的句子补全。考查点主要是: 1. 情景会话能力; 2. 逻辑思维能力; 【名师解难】


1. 通读对话全文,摸清对话发生的地点、时间,人物的身份,对话


2. 理清上下句的逻辑关系,使你填入的话和整篇对话文理通顺,融为一体;

3. 符合说英语国家人的习惯,不要按中国人的习惯去应答。 4. 注意空白处的标点。是问号就应填问句;是句号,就应填陈述句。 【中考范例】


vi. 补全对话(共10空,每空1.5分,计15分)

根据下面对话中的情景,在每空中填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。 (a)

a: Good afternoon, John! b: 1______________,Li Wei.

a: I hear you are going to kunming for a winter holiday. b: Yes, I’ll go next week.

a: 2____________________________?

b: it’s neither too cold nor too hot. It’s warm there. a: 3____________________________________. b: Thank you.

【解析】这段对话发生在john和li wei之间。li wei 向john问下午好,按照说英语国家人的习惯,john也应该回答下午好,所以第1个空应填:good afternoon。第二个空的下一句是回答昆明地天气情况,因此

我们可以推断,第2个空应该是询问昆明的天气,应填:what’s the weather like in kunming? / how is the weather there? 从第3个空的答语thank you,我们可以推断对方一定是说了祝愿的话。所以这个空可以填:have a good time./ have a good journey./I’m sure you will have a good time.


a: Hi, Peter! How are you today?

b: 4__________________________________. and you? A :I’m OK. Are you free tomorrow?

b: 5__________________________________? a: we’re going to the park. 6____________________? b: of course. I’d like to go with you. 7___________________?

a: we are going to meet at the school gate at one o’clock. Please be there on time. b: ok.Thank you.

【解析】这段对话写的是两个熟人见面互相问候并相约去公园的事。第4个空应该是回答对方的问话how are you today?的答语,所以应是:fine, (I’m fine.) thank you. 第5个空紧接问句are you free tomorrow? 根据整个谈话的内容判断:应回答yes, why?/ yes, what’s up? 第6个空是个问句,因为句末是问号,其答语是:of course. I’d like to go with you. 由此我们判断,对方是在邀请和他一起到公园去,因此,此空应填:would you like to go with us?/ will you go with us? 第7个空又是一个问句,其答语是:we are going to meet at the school gate at one o’clock. please be there on time. 由此我们判断对方问的是见面的时间和地点,所以应填:when and where are we going to meet?/ when and where shall we meet?