高考英语(四川专用)二轮复习定时训练(18) 下载本文

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Passage 1

Jane:Hi,my name is Jane!

Jessica:Hi,Jane! I'm Jessica.__1__ Jane:Yes,I love meeting new people.__2__ Jessica:I get a bit nervous when I meet new people.

Jane:What do you normally talk about when you first meet someone? Jessica:__3__ Jane:__4__ Jessica:I meet people at parties and when I'm with my friends. Jane:Oh.I don't go to a lot of parties. Jessica:__5__ Jane:Good.Then I'll meet more people!

A.Where do you go to meet people?

B.Do you like meeting new people?

C.I usually talk about my hobbies or interests. D.I can introduce a friend to you. E.What about you?

F.Why do you like to meet people? G.Maybe I'll take you to one.

1.解析 根据答语“Yes,I love meeting new people.”可知该句应为一般疑问句,故选B。 答案 B

2.解析 根据答语是Jessica回答的自己的情况可知该句是Jane问她的情况,故选E。 答案 E

3.解析 此句回答上句问题,根据上句的“talk about”可知应选C。 答案 C

4.解析 根据答语可知询问的是在哪里和人见面。 答案 A

5.解析 结合语境,她不参加聚会就不可能碰见更多的人,故该句应提议带她去参加一个聚会。

答案 G

Passage 2

Sandy is at home.She is now calling Lisa,her classmate. Sandy:Hi,Lisa.Have you finished helping your parents?

Lisa:I finished cleaning the living room a little while ago,but I haven't cleaned my bedroom yet.__1__ Sandy:I know what you mean.__2__Do you think it'll be finished soon? Lisa:It should be done in about an hour. Sandy:__3__ Lisa: I did the English homework last night.__4__I don't understand it. Sandy:Me neither.__5__We can help each other work it out.

Lisa:OK.Then we can go and have our hair cut. Sandy:Great.See you in a little while. A.I don't like math at all.

B.But I haven't started my math yet. C.Housework is tiring,and I'm tired. D.What do you think we should do then? E.Why don't we do it together this afternoon? F.Have you looked at Monday's homework yet? G.I also hate doing the cleaning around the house. 【语篇导读】本段对话主要是从生活中常见的一件小事谈起,Sandy给Lisa打电话问及做家务的情况和作业的完成情况,最后两个人达成协议:共同完成数学作业后去理发。

1.解析 根据上文谈到Lisa还没有打扫卧室,说明她想表达自己打扫屋子的感受,C项“做家务活太累了”正确。

答案 C

2.解析 根据上文谈到做家务活劳累可知Sandy也有同感,上文“I know what you mean.”已经有提示。所以答案为G项。

答案 G

3.解析 根据下文回答“I did the English homework last night.(我昨晚就写完英语作业了。)”可知上文应该是谈到了作业的情况,同时问“是否已经完成”才会有下面的“last night”,所以答案为F项。

答案 F

4.解析 根据下文“I don't understand it.”可知本句中的it应该指代数学作业,所以答案为B项“但是我的数学还没开始呢”。

答案 B 5.解析 根据下文“We can help each other work it out.”可知Sandy打算和Lisa一起做数学作业,所以答案为E项。

答案 E

Passage 3

A:Good afternoon.Welcome to “ginger's restaurant”. B:Thanks very much. A:May I help you? B:Yes.__1__ A:Certainly.For how many people? B:We'll be eight or nine people.__2__ A:I'll just check.At what time on Friday evening? B:About 7:30.

A:Yes.That's fine.We can book you a private room for up to ten people at that time.__3__ B:My name is Jenkins.My phone number is 75397382.__4__ A:Yes.Do you intend to order a set meal of steak or will you be having our seafood buffet? B:Oh,__5__We've heard it's very good. A:OK,everything will get prepared then.See you later. A.Could we book a private room?

B.That's confirmed then—7:30 on Friday.

C.You could order it from the menu.

D.Could you give me your name please? E.We'd like the buffet please.

F.What was included in the seafood buffet?

G.I'd like to book a table for Friday evening please. 1.解析 根据上句服务员的服务用语知此处是告知服务员自己的需求。故G项符合语境。 答案 G 2.解析 根据答语知服务员要查证是否能满足顾客的需求,因此该句应是顾客提出需求。故A项正确。

答案 A

3.解析 根据答语“My name is Jenkins.”知D项正确。 答案 D

4.解析 根据上下文知该句是对顾客的具体需求进行确定。故B项符合语境。 答案 B

5.解析 上句是选择疑问句,因此答语要给出确定回答,联系We've heard it's very good.知E项正确。

答案 E

Passage 4

Dorothy:Debbie! I can't believe it! I haven't seen you for ages. Debbie:Dorothy! It's really a nice surprise!__1__ Dorothy:Pretty good. Debbie:__2__ Dorothy:I wish I could.But I'm on my way out.I have to be in the city in an hour. Debbie:__3__ Dorothy:There's a lot of traffic and I really have to get going.You know where I live,so why don't you drop in one evening?

Debbie:I'll do that.__4__Let's keep in touch. Dorothy:I'd really like to.I'll talk to you soon,Debbie.I'm glad I ran into you. Debbie:__5__ A.Take care. B.How are you?

C.Where have you been? D.Can you join me?

E.Come on.Just for a minute.

F.And you should feel free to call or visit me.

G.It's been a whole year since we saw each other last time. 【语篇导读】 本对话是发生在两个朋友邂逅之时。 1.解析 根据答语“Pretty good.”可知问句应是B项。 答案 B

2.解析 根据答语“I wish I could.”可知问句应是一般疑问句。D项符合语境。 答案 D

3.解析 从答语“I really have to get going”可推知Debbie要求她再待一会儿。 答案 E