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The man started screaming for help, but his closest neighbor's house is a quarter of a mile away, and at that hour, there was no one around to help him. Luckily, his 5-year-old golden retriever Kelsey came to help. By morning his voice was gone and he couldn't yell for help, but Kelsey didn't stop barking. She kept barking for help, but never left his side. She kept him warm and alert.

Bob remained paralyzed in the snow for the next 20 hours. During this time, Kelsey did what she could to keep him alive, including lying on top of him to keep him warm and constantly licking his face and hands to help keep him awake. After about 19 hours, Bob lost consciousness, but Kelsey kept barking and howling for help.

Despite the dog's best efforts, Bob was probably going to freeze to death, if his neighbor Rick didn't hear Kelsey's desperate howling. He was taken to the nearest hospital, where doctors were surprised that despite the long period of time he had spent immobilized in the snow, Bob hadn't gotten frostbite (冻疮) to any of his hands and legs.

Spine injuries usually result in permanent paralysis, but Bob was incredibly fortunate. “The miraculous thing that happened is he started moving right away,” said Dr. Colen. “Most people with spinal cord injuries don't move. It's tragic and when it's done, it's done. I don't know if it was the cold temperatures or the fact he was lying down on the snow the way he was that may have helped him.”

Before the operation, he told Bob there was a big chance he was never going to walk again, but he was able to move his arms and legs the very next morning. Dr. Colen thought both Rick and Kelsey are_credited_with keeping Bob alive after his accident. “I think animals can help and his dog really kept him alive and really helped him; he was very fortunate,” the doctor said.

Bob's daughter Jenny said that Kelsey had remained home alone after her father was taken to the hospital. “I knew she was alone and in the house by herself,” Jenny said. “Rick let her out and fed our horses, but I knew I had to get to Kelsey because I knew how scared she must have been without him there.”





including at the grocery store, so when Jenny came home to check on her, she wasn't surprised to find that the dog had brought down nearly all of her father's clothes from upstairs and made a tent in the living room. She found her lying on top of the clothes. “ It's so emotional thinking about her and you could tell she was bringing everything she had of his to lie on,” Jenny recalled. “ She's the sweetest dog 试卷+教案+习题


and we all say how smart she is. She really proved that she's as smart as we thought.”

Kelsey was 6-month-old when Bob adopted her. She had been brought back to the breeder by her first family, because they had small children and didn't like her any longer. “The breeder was going to keep her and use her to breed, but Kelsey came up and jumped on my lap and looked at me and my dad. And I just said she was coming home with us and that she was not having babies the rest of her life for some breeders,” Jenny said. “ We always knew there was a reason we brought her home with us, and I think now we know why.”


8.Why did Bob go outside at night? A.To fetch some wood for his fireplace. B.To watch a wonderful football game. C.To check the safety of his dog. D.To do some regular exercise.

解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“he decided to go outside and take in some more wood so that he could burn it in his fireplace”可知,Bob在晚上出去是为了取点柴火,放到壁炉里烧。故选A。

9.What surprised the doctors?

A.Kelsey's determination to help her owner. B.Kelsey's success in turning to Rick for help. C.Bob's surviving the unheard-of operation. D.Bob's not being damaged by cold temperatures.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“doctors were surprised that ...frostbite (冻疮) to any of his hands and legs”可知,医生们感到震惊的是虽然Bob在雪地里一动不动地待了这么长的时间,但他的手和腿都没有任何冻伤的痕迹,即他并没有因低温而受伤。故选D。

10.Which can replace the underlined part “are credited with” in Paragraph 6?

A.Are expert at. C.Are responsible for. 试卷+教案+习题

B.Are patient with. D.Are enthusiastic about.


解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据语境及下文中的“keeping Bob alive after his accident”“I think animals can help and his dog really kept him alive and really helped him; he was very fortunate”可知,画线部分所在句的意思应是Colen医生认为,发生事故之后Bob能活下来要归功于Rick和Kelsey。由此可知,画线部分的意思应是“把……归于,认为是……的功劳”,故选C。

11.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 8 mean? A.Bob depends too much on Kelsey. B.Kelsey and Bob are inseparable. C.Kelsey needs Bob's good care.

D.Kelsey and Bob have the same taste in food.

解析:选B 句意理解题。根据画线句后面的内容,尤其是“and go everywhere together, including at the grocery store”可知,Kelsey和Bob不论去哪儿都一块儿。由此可推断,画线句表示的应是 Kelsey和Bob形影不离。故选B。

12.Which statement may the author agree with? A.Kelsey was abandoned at birth.

B.Kelsey has no ability to produce babies. C.Kelsey isn't an ideal type of dog to adopt. D.An invisible bond exists between Kelsey and Bob.

解析:选D 推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容尤其是“We always knew there was a reason we brought her home with us, and I think now we know why.”可知,一次偶然的机会,Kelsey成了Bob家的一员,当时他们就觉得有什么在促使他们将Kelsey带回家,之后,Kelsey与Bob建立了深厚的感情,并最终挽救了Bob的性命。由此可知,一条看不见的纽带将Kelsey与Bob联系在了一起。故选D。

★13.What is the best title for the passage? A.A Big Challenge B.An Impossible Operation C.A Heroic Act D.An Emotional Rescue

解析:选D 标题归纳题。Bob去外面取柴时不小心摔了一跤,他的黄金猎犬发现后,便一直待在他的身边,帮助他保持暖和和清醒,并最终通过不停地狂吠唤来了Bob的邻居Rick的帮忙,挽救了其主人的性命。故D项做本文标题最佳。
