最新大学英语教学大纲(1-4级完整版) 下载本文

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Lesson A How do you feel?

Lesson B


Functions Vocabulary Lesson A

Lesson B


Functions Vocabulary Lesson A

Lesson B

Vocabulary Link:

It gave me indigestion. Listening: Mystery illness Speaking:

A visit to the doctor Communication: Have you tried hypnotism?

Optional Listening:


Getting better Global Viewpoints: Getting better City Living:

It must be a miracle!

Optional Listening:


Unit 5 Student Life

Student life

Asking about meaning Applying to and starting college Starting out

Vocabulary Link:

Applying to and starting college Listening: Choosing a college Speaking:

A new high school Communication: A day on campus

Optional Listening:


After graduation Global Viewpoints: After graduation

Five years from now City Living:

The letter

Optional Listening:


Unit 6 Telecommunications

Telephoning and cell phones Making a phone call Telephones and telephoning Telephoning

Vocabulary Link:

A telephone quiz

Listening: I need to make a phone call. Speaking:

How do you spell that? Communication: How young is too young?

Optional Listening:


Crazy for cell phones

Global Viewpoints:

Cell phones


City Living: I can’t stand cell phones! 5

Optional Listening:

Unit 7 Sports and Hobbies


Sports and hobbies

Asking if someone knows something, talking about practicing something Sport, pastimes, and athletes In my freetime

Vocabulary Link:

Listening: Speaking:

Fun things to do Is it worth anything? I’ve got cricket practice. Sports Hall of Fame 1-4

Functions Vocabulary Lesson A

Communication: Optional Listening:

Lesson B

The active life

Global Viewpoints:

Favorite activities Favorite sports Practice makes perfect 5

City Living:

Optional Listening:

Unit 8 Men and Women


Differences between men and women; dating Giving more than one reason Describing men and women How do I look?

Vocabulary Link:

Listening: Speaking:

Describing men and women On the red carpet I’m getting a tattoo! Act like a man/woman 1-4

Functions Vocabulary Lesson A

Communication: Optional Listening:

Lesson B

Men and women

Global Viewpoints:

What’s our type? Dating

Looking for Mr. Right 5

City Living:

Optional Listening:


本课程的考试按教学计划的规定进行,将平时考核(30%-40%)与期末考试(60%-70%)相结合,以《大学英语教学大纲》的要求和教学内容为基本依据,着重考核语言基础和语言运用能力。主观题与客观题的比例约为4:6, 课内课外内容各占一定的比例。



(College English Band 4)


参照国家教育部制定的《大学英语课程教学要求》, 同时根据我校教学资源、学生入学水平以及所面临的社会需求等实际情况, 特制订本《大学英语教学大纲》,作为我校组织非英语专业本科、专升本学生英语教学的主要依据, 用于指导本校的大学英语教学。大学英语课程教学包括听、说、读、写四个部分。 二、课程性质、地位和任务:



三、教学基本要求和方法: (一)教学基本要求:



2. 口语能力要求:能够和英语国家的人士进行比较流利的会话,较好地掌握会话策略,能清楚表达个人意

见、情感、观点等,能准确陈述事实、事件、理由等,表达思想清楚,语音、语调基本正确。 3. 阅读能力要求:能读懂难度中等的一般性题材的英语文章,正确掌握中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细



4. 写作能力要求:能就一般性的主题表达个人观点,在半小时内写出120词左右、体裁为议论文、记叙文

或应用文的短文,内容完整、用词恰当,文理通顺,语篇连贯,无重大语言错误。 能使用恰当的写作技能。

5. 推荐词汇量:掌握的词汇量应达到4500个单词和1000个词组(包括中学和一般要求应该掌握的词汇),其中2000个单词为积极词汇,即要求在认知的基础上学会熟练运用,包括口头和书面表达两个方面。 (二)教学基本方法:

1. 授课以英语为主,汉语为辅;解释重点词汇,并对语篇进行讲解与分析;以学生为中心,以课本为中心,

以课堂为中心;根据学生具体情况,适当融入各类有针对性的教学方法,如:翻译法,小组讨论,角色扮 演,演讲等等;运用启发式教学的手段,调动学生学习积极性,激发学生思辨能力。

2. 课内外相结合,讲授与讨论相结合;精读与泛读相结合;精听与泛听相结合; 阅读和写作相结合。根据学生具体情况,适当增加文化内容和背景知识的介绍; 适当采用各类有针对性的教学方法,如:限时阅读,归纳总结,指导性写作等等。 四、授课教材及主要参考书目:

1. 《新视野大学英语》(读写教程)第四册 2. 《新视野大学英语》(读写教程教师用书)第四册 3. 《新世纪大学英语视听说教程》第四册

4. 《新世纪大学英语视听说教程》(教师用书)第四册 五、学分和学时分配:

本课程共280学时,14学分。四级70学时,3.5学分。根据我校学生的实际情况,本学期原则上完成7个单元《新视野大学英语读写教程》讲授内容,每单元5-6学时;完成8个单元《全新版大学英语听说教程》讲授内容,每单元2-4学时。另外4学时安排期中考试与期末复习。学时安排可根据具体情况适当调整。 六、教学内容及学时分配:



Unit 1

Section A The Tail of Fame

Section B The Power of a Good Name

Focal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A General Statement Supported by Details

2) Structured Writing: A Composition with A General Statement Supported by Details 3) Reading Skills: Making Inferencecs

Unit 2

Section A Charlie Chaplin

Section B The Political Career of a Female politician

Focal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A General Statement Supported by Details

2) Structured Writing: A Composition with a General Statement Supported by Details 3) Reading Skills: Facts or Opinions

Unit 3

Section A Longing for a New Welfare System