餐厅点菜系统的设计与实现 下载本文

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本系统是基于Windows系统下开发的点菜系统,主要实现工具为Myeclipse,数据库为SQL Server2008。通过以上两种工具实现了简单的点菜系统的功能。 关键词:菜品管理;点菜系统;JSP技术;数据库




In Chinese history, the food and beverage industry has a long history. With the people's living standards and lifestyle changes, the catering industry was found its unique industry market. In our country, the food industry is particularly competitive, and the process of a la carte seems simple, but can see the operation of a restaurant, but also a restaurant can run the key to success. Customers in the process of ordering need to understand the basic information of dishes, so fast to choose their own dishes in a timely manner orders. Allowing customers to use a simple and fast way to understand their own dishes and orders is a good a la carte system needs to be done.

With the increase in the size of the restaurant and the increase in traffic, the traditional way of ordering has been unable to apply. Then the implementation of a la carte system is very necessary. This paper systematically introduces the function and realization of restaurant ordering system. The system mainly to achieve the table management, dishes category management, dishes basic information, order module and other functions.

The system is based on the development of a la system under the Windows system, the main tool for the realization of Myeclipse, the database for SQL Server2008. Through the above two tools to achieve a simple a la carte system functions.

Keywords: Dishes management; A la carte system ; JSP technology;data base