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The humanities: Out of date? 人文学科:过时了吗?
When the going gets tough, the tough take accounting. When the job market worsens, many students calculate they can't major in English or history. They have to study something that boosts their prospects of landing a job. 当形势变得困难时,强者会去选学会计。当就业市场恶化时,许多学生估算着他们不能再主修英语或历史。他们得学一些能改善他们就业前景的东西。 The data show that as students have increasingly shouldered the
ever-rising cost of tuition, they have defected from the study of the humanities and toward applied science and \skills that they bet will lead to employment. In other words, a college education is more and more seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment. This is a trend that is likely to persist and even accelerate. 数据显示,随着学生肩负的学费不断增加,他们已从学习人文学科转向他们相信有益于将来就业的应用科学和“硬”技能。换言之,大学教育越来越被看成是改善经济而不是提升人类自身的手段。这种趋势可能会持续,甚至有加快之势。 Over the next few years, as labor markets struggle, the humanities will probably continue their long slide in succession. There already has been a nearly 50 percent decline in the portion of liberal arts majors over the past generation, and it is logical to think that the trend is bound to continue or even accelerate. Once the dominant pillars of university life, the humanities now play little roles when students take their college tours. These days, labs are more vivid and compelling than libraries.
在未来几年内,由于劳动力市场的不景气,人文学科可能会继续其长期低迷的态势。在上一代 大学生中,主修文科的学生数跌幅已近 50%。这种趋势会持续、甚至加速的想法是合情合理的。人文学科曾是大学生活的重要支柱,而今在学生们参观校园的时候,却只是一个小点缀。现在,实验室要 比图书馆更栩栩如生、受人青睐。
Here, please allow me to stand up for and promote the true value that the humanities add to people's lives.
在这儿,请允许我为人文学科给人们的生活所增添的真实价值进行支持和宣传。 Since ancient times, people have speculated about the mystery of those inner forces that drive some people to greatness and others to
self-destruction. This inner drive has been called many things over the
centuries. The famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud, called it the \
From the beginning of time, this inner aspect of our being, this drive that can be constructive or destructive, has captured our imagination. The stories of this amazing struggle have formed the basis of cultures the world over. Historians, architects, authors, philosophers and artists have captured the words, images and meanings of this inner struggle in the form of story, music, myth, painting, architecture, sculpture, landscape and traditions. These men and women developed artistic
\generations. This fertile body of work from ancient times, the very foundation of civilization, forms the basis of study of the humanities. 从一开始,人类这股可以是建设性也可以是毁灭性的内在驱动力,就令我们心驰神往。这些惊 人的、充满内心挣扎的故事形成了世界文化的基础。历史学家、建筑师、作家、哲学家和艺术家们以故事、音乐、神话、绘画、建筑、雕刻、风景画和传统的形式, 捕捉到了这些撞击心灵的文字、形象及内涵。这些男男女女创造出了具有艺术性的“语言”,帮助我们了解人类的这些强烈愿望,并用以教育一代又一代人。从古时 起开始的这些充满想象的大量作品,正是文明的底蕴,它奠定了人文研究的基础。
Studying the humanities improves our ability to read and write. No matter what we do in life, we will have a huge advantage if we can read complex ideas and understand their meaning. We will have a bright career if we are the person in the office who can write a clear and elegant analysis of those ideas!
With every succeeding page he copied and read aloud, Malcolm X found he was learning and remembering more and more words. With each successive day, his confusion diminished.
As Malcolm X's word base broadened, he began to better understand the books he read. It was the first time in his life this had ever happened, \who has read a great deal can imagine the new world that opened.\then until he left that prison, his concentration was focused on reading. He was so absorbed in it. Months passed without his even thinking about being in prison. \my life.\
随着马尔科姆·艾克斯的词汇量不断扩大,他开始能更好地理解所阅读的书了。这种现象在他 的一生中从未发生过。“任何一个阅读广泛的人都能想象那个开启了的新世界。”从那时起到他离开那个监狱,他一直专注于阅读,被它深深吸引。数月过去了,他 竟然没感到自己在坐牢。“事实上,在这之前,我从没如此真正地感受过生活的自由。”
\knew right there in prison that reading had changed forever the course of my life,\Malcolm X wrote. He described how one day a writer telephoned him from London for an interview. The interviewer asked Malcolm X what college he had graduated from as he could write so fluently. He told the Englishman that his own personal university was \
Malcolm X's life is a wonderful example of the profound effect of learning a language. He was born into a world full of poverty and ignorance. However, as he acquired knowledge, his horizons expanded. He had left behind the narrow, ignorant world of his youth to join the world community of thoughts and actions ever since he started with his great journey of learning English in prison.
If we study only mathematics, it's likely we will be a candidate only for jobs as a mathematician. If we include studying the humanities, we can make breakthroughs on many barriers and are limited only by our effort and imagination.
如果我们仅学习数学,我们很可能只能申请数学家之类的工作。如果我们还学了人文学科,那我们就能突破许多障碍,只要我们愿意付出努力,敢于想象。 Of course, nowadays, if we study the humanities alone, we are liable to miss many opportunities. Each one of us needs to become as technically and professionally skilled as possible to help meet the needs of modern life. In fact, increasingly a pairing of technical knowledge and inner insight is seen as the ideal in the establishment of a career. If I were the Dean of Admissions at a medical school and two people applied to our school, both having the required basic scientific courses, one a
philosophy major and the other solely a pre-med student, the philosophy applicant would be chosen.
当然,在当下,如果我们单学人文学科,可能会失去很多机会。我们每个人都需要尽可能变得 技能化、职业化,以满足现代生活的需要。事实上,技术知识和内在洞察力的结合越来越被看成是建立职业生涯的理想搭配。如果我是某个医学院的招生部主任,有 两个人同时申请我们学校,这两个人都学过基础的科学课程,一个主修哲学,另一个仅是医学院的预科生,我会选择那位哲学专业的申请者。
In summary, the humanities help to create well-rounded human beings with insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity. The humanities, the ancient timeless reservoir of knowledge, teach us to see things differently and broaden our horizons. They are as useful and relevant in our modern age as they have always been. Doesn't it make sense to spend some time in the company of the humanities, our outstanding and remarkable treasure of knowledge? Who knows how famous YOU might become!
总之,人文学科帮助造就全面发展的人,这些人具有洞察力,并理解全人类共有的激情、希望 和理想。人文学科,这个古老、永恒的知识储蓄库,教我们如何以不同的方式看待事物,同时也拓宽我们的视野。在现代社会中,人文学科一如既往地同生活息息相 关,也发挥着重要作用。我们在学习中花一些时间与人文学科——我们杰出、非凡的知识宝藏——相伴,这难道不是明智的吗?谁知道你将来会变得多有名气呢!