英语人教版八年级下册第五单元教案 下载本文

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Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?

The Third Period: Grammar Focus, Section A (4a-4c)

Teaching aims(教学目标)

1.学会谈论过去时间的活动 2. 能够正确使用过去进行时 3. 能够区分重点词汇的用法

Language points(语言点)

要求掌握以下句式: What were you doing at eight last night?

I was …

What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm? She was …

What were you doing when the rainstorm came?

I was….

What were you doing while Linda was sleeping? I was... 2.要求掌握以下词汇: (1)动词:kid, realize (2)形容词:icy

( 3 ) 词组:make one’s way


Difficulties(难点):过去进行时的用法;when与while的区别 Teaching steps(教学步骤)

1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) Revision(复习)

T: Before we begin our lesson today , let’s review things that we learnt yesterday.



2. Grammar Focus(语法聚焦)

T: I have some sentences for you. Can you try to fill in the blanks?




What were you doing when the rainstorm came? I was … What were you doing while Linda was sleeping? I was ...

3. Grammar(语法讲解)

T: After finishing these sentences, you’ve learned more about using past continuous tense. Let’s look at these examples.

Have Ss look at slides 7-15 in the PowerPoint.

(教师可以先让学生开动脑子去总结Grammar Focus里面所要讲的语法知识,然后再进行补充,这样学生印象更深刻。)

教学设计说明: 本部分主要内容是:第一,总结过去进行时的用法,弄清楚过去进行时与一般过去时的区别; 第二,学习when与while的区别,学会如何使用这两个词。

4. Exercise (过去进行时 & 一般过去时 & 现在进行时, when & while)

T: Since you have learned the usage of past continuous tense, as well as the difference between “when” and “while”, let’s do some exercise together.



5. Challenge yourself (Work on 4a, 4b)

T: Now here is a challenge. Write sentences about John and Mary using “while” and “when” and the information in the table.

Have Ss write their sentences in their notebooks. Walk around the classroom and offer help to Ss where necessary.

Then have Ss check their answers in pairs and correct the wrong sentences.

Finally have a few Ss write their sentences on the board. Check answers as a class. T: OK, now complete the paragraph with “was”, “were”, “when” or “while”. Have Ss complete the task individually or in pairs. Check answers as a class.

6. Pairwork (Work on 4c) (两人对话)

T: What were you doing at these times last Sunday? Fill in the chart. Then ask your partner. (教师在PPT上呈现表格,并给出对话示例。) Have Ss look at some pictures .

Then have two Ss read the sample dialogue .

Have Ss write down what they were doing in the “You” column of the chart.

Then have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer questions so that Ss can complete the chart by filling in information in the “Your partner” column.



7. Homework

(1)Remember the sentences in Grammar Focus. (2)Make five sentences using when and while.

Have Ss write their own sentences using when and while in their notebooks. 教学设计说明:
