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新视野大学英语读写教程 第三版 第 1 册

7 I have to pause at the books. Comic books, teen fiction, romantic novels, historical novels, and textbooks. A lifetime of reading; each book beloved. I want to be practical, to stuff them in paper sacks for the used bookstore. But I love books as much as she does, so I stack them onto a single bookshelf to deal with later.

7 轮到整理书的时候,我有些犹豫了。 连环漫画册、青少年小说、言情小说、历史小说, 还有课本。 阅读是一辈子的事;每本书都是心爱之物。 原本我想现实一点,把这些书塞进纸袋,然后送到旧书店。 但是我跟女儿一样爱书如命,于是我把她的这些书归置到一个单独的书架上,等日后再作处理。

18 I have to pause at the books. (Para. 7) Meaning beyond words: The mother has to think about the books before she decides what to do with them. We do not know exactly why the mother pauses, but one thing is for sure: Books are different from damp towels, rusted shaving blades, mismatched socks, etc., which can be thrown away without any hesitation. As we read on, we will find that all the books are important to both the daughter and the mother because they are both book-lovers.

19 Comic books, teen fiction, romantic novels, historical novels, and textbooks. (Para. 7) Note: Comic books are not only for children. They are also read, collected, and traded at comic book fairs by adults of all ages. Some famous comic books are Superman, Wonder Woman, and James Bond. Usage note: historical, historic 1 historical 表示“基于史实的;(有关)历史的;历史上的;历史(学)的”等意义。常见的表达包括:historical event(历史事件)、 historical novel(历史小说)、 historical context(历史背景)、 historical research(史学研究)、 historical material(史料)、historical gure(历史人物)、 places of historical interest(历史名胜)。例如:

The book I bought yesterday is based on historical facts. 我昨天买的那本书是根据历史事实编著的。

Could you name two historical events on October 1? 你能不能说出在 10 月 1 日这天发生的两个历史事件呢?

2 historic 表示“历史性的;有重大历史意义的;(地方或建筑)古老的”等意义。常见的表达包括:historic moment(历史性时刻)、historic progress(历史性的进步)、historic leap(历史性的飞跃)、historic level(历史水平)、 historic meeting(具有历史意义的会议)、 historic event(有历史意义的事件)、historic building(历史/古老建筑)。例如: From the perspective of mankind’s achievements, the moon landing was a historic event. 从人类成就的角度来说,登月是一次具有历史意义的事件。

More people hope to travel into space after the historic flight of Dennis Tito, who paid 20 millions of dollars to travel into space. 丹尼斯?蒂托花了两千万美元遨游太空。这一历史性飞行之后,越来越多的人希望能实现太空之旅。

20 A lifetime of reading; each book beloved. (Para. 7) Meaning: Reading is something that lasts a lifetime; each book is a treasure for those who love reading.

21 I want to be practical, to stuff them in paper sacks for the used bookstore. (Para. 7) Meaning: I want to deal with the books in a practical way: to put them in paper bags and take them

新视野大学英语读写教程 第三版 第 1 册

to a bookstore which sells used books.

22 But I love books as much as she does, so I stack them onto a single bookshelf to deal with later. (Para. 7) Meaning: Like my daughter, I love books very much, so I pile all of them neatly on one bookshelf to handle later. Note: Paragraph 7 describes the daughter’s joy of reading. Many people in the US who love reading purchase books and then save every book they’ve ever read, as a way of cherishing the sweet memories of reading. Some readers make notes so as to return to a book and re-read their favorite passages. Others re-read their favorite books from time to time. By listing the various books in her aughter’s bedroom, the mother indicates her daughter’s engagement with books. “I love books as dmuch as she does” implies that the mother is probably the model for her child’s love of reading. Therefore, the mother puts her daughter’s books onto a single bookshelf, rather than sell them at a used bookstore.

8 I go for her clothes. Dresses, sweaters, and shoes she hasn't worn since seventh grade are placed into garbage bags. I am a plague of locusts emptying the closet. Two piles grow to clumsy heights: one for charity, the other trash.

8 接下来,我着手整理她的衣服。 那些她从七年级起就不再穿的裙子、毛衣和鞋子都被装进了垃圾袋。 就像蝗虫洗劫一样,我清空了壁橱。 理出高高的、乱蓬蓬的两大堆东西:一堆捐给慈善机构,另一堆扔掉。 23 I go for her clothes. (Para. 8) Meaning: I go to deal with her clothes.

24 I am a plague of locusts emptying the closet. (Para. 8) Note: Here “I am a plague of locusts” is a metaphor (暗喻), meaning that the mother is like a plague of locusts clearing everything in the closet.

25 Two piles grow to clumsy heights: one for charity, the other trash. (Para. 8) Meaning: The two piles of clothes are large and heavy: One pile is to be given away for donation, while the other pile is to be thrown away. Note: In the sentence, “one for charity, the other trash” means “one for charity, the other for trash”. In “the other trash”, for is left out to avoid redundancy. For another example: I bought two pairs of jeans, one for $19, the other $25. 我买了两条牛仔裤,一条 19 美元,另一条 25 美元。

9 There are more shoes, stuffed animals, large and small posters, hair bands, and pink hair curlers. The job grows larger the longer I am at it. How can one girl collect so much in only 18 years? 9 可是还有更多的鞋子、填充动物玩具、大大小小的招贴画、发箍和粉红色的卷发夹。 我越理,要理的东西就越多。 一个小姑娘怎么能在短短的 18 年里收集了这么多东西? 26 There are more shoes, stuffed animals, large and small posters, hair bands, and pink hair curlers. (Para. 9) stuffed animal: n. [C] (AmE) a toy animal covered and filled with soft materials (填充松软材料 的)动物玩具

新视野大学英语读写教程 第三版 第 1 册

27 The job grows larger the longer I am at it. (Para. 9) Meaning: The longer I am dealing with the clutter in the room, the more work there seems to be. Note: Here at is used to say what event or activity someone is taking part in. For example: I’m sorry the manager is not available as she is at lunch now. 我很抱歉,经理现在不在,她去吃午饭了。

10 I stuff the garbage bags until the plastic strains. I haul them down the stairs, two bags at a time. Donations to charity go into the trunk of my car; trash goes to the curb. I'm earning myself sweat and sore shoulders.

10 我把东西往垃圾袋里塞,直到塑料袋快要被撑破了。我把垃圾袋拽下楼梯,一次拽两个。要捐给慈善机构的都放在我汽车的后备箱里;要扔掉的都放在路边。 我弄得浑身是汗,肩膀酸痛。

28 I stuff the garbage bags until the plastic strains. (Para. 10) Meaning: I put as many things as possible into the garbage bags until the bags are about to burst.

29 Donations to charity go into the trunk of my car; trash goes to the curb. (Para. 10) Meaning: The items to be given away to charity are put into the trunk of my car; the items to be thrown away are placed at the edge of the road.

30 I’m earning myself sweat and sore shoulders. (Para. 10) Meaning beyond words: Here the mother uses a sarcastic tone to indicate that she should have deserved something good for her hard work; but instead, all she has got is that she is sweating all over and her shoulders are painful. earn sb. sth.: get sth. as a result of sb.’s efforts or behavior 博得;赢得;获得

Mother Teresa earned herself worldwide fame by her untiring work for the poor. 特蕾莎修女为穷人孜孜不倦地工作,因而举世闻名。

11 She left the bedroom a ridiculous mess, the comforter on the floor, the sheets tossed aside. I strip off the comforter, blanket, sheets, and pillows. Once she starts feeding coins into laundry machines, she'll appreciate the years of clean clothes I've provided for free.

11 她把卧室弄得乱到匪夷所思的地步,盖被掉在地板上,床单掀到一边。我把床罩、毯子、床单和枕套都拆了下来。 等到她开始投币洗衣的那一天,她就会感激我这些年来为她无偿提供的干净衣服了。

31 She left the bedroom a ridiculous mess, the comforter on the floor, the sheets tossed aside. (Para. 11) Meaning: Her room is extremely untidy: The quilt is dropped on the floor, and the sheets are thrown to one side. comforter: n. [C] (AmE) a cover for a bed that is filled with a soft warm material, such as feathers 盖被

Note: Besides toss sth. aside, another frequently-used expression of toss is toss and turn, which

新视野大学英语读写教程 第三版 第 1 册

means “keep changing your position in bed because you cannot sleep (因睡不着在床上翻来覆去”). For example:

I’ve been tossing and turning all night. 我一整夜在床上翻来覆去睡不着。Sentence structure note: 句中 the comforter on the floor 和 the sheets tossed aside 是独立结构。独立结构一般由“名词 +形容词/分词/介词短语”构成。例如:

The children were building a snowman in the yard, their breaths white in the cold air.?孩子们正在院子里堆雪人,在寒冷的空气中哈出一团团白气。

He left the room, his nose bleeding, his hands shaking. 他走出房间,鼻子里流着血,双手颤抖着。 The teacher came into the classroom, a book in his hand. 老师走进教室,手里拿着一本书。

32 I strip off the comforter, blanket, sheets, and pillows. (Para. 11) Meaning: I remove the comforter, blanket and sheets from the bed, and take the pillow cases off the pillows.

33 Once she starts feeding coins into laundry machines, she’ll appreciate the years of clean clothes I’ve provided for free. (Para. 11) Meaning: Once she has to spend money having her clothes washed, she will feel grateful that I have helped her with her laundry free of charge all these years. Note: People can use coin-operated washing machines to wash their clothes. These machines can be found in apartment buildings or the local self-service laundries. They work similarly to regular washing machines except that they require coins to work. feed sth. into sth.: put sth. into sth. else, esp. gradually and through a small hole (尤指通过一个 小孔慢慢地)把?放进/塞进

The workers are carefully feeding the materials into the machine. 工人们正小心翼翼地把材料放进机器里。

for free: without having to pay for sth. that you would normally have to pay for 免费地 I wasn’t expecting you to do it for free. 我没打算让你无偿做这件事情。

12 I will turn her room into a crafts room. Or create the fancy guest room I've always wanted. 13 I turn the bed over. A large brown envelope is marked \papers. I dump the contents onto the floor. There are old family photographs, letters, greeting cards, and love notes from us to her. There are comics clipped from newspapers and magazines. Every single item in this envelope has passed from our hands to hers. These are all things that we gave her. Suddenly, I feel very emotional. 14 \

12 我打算把她的房间改作手工室,或者改成一间我一直想要的漂亮客房。

13 我把床翻了个个儿,只见一个棕色的大信封,上面写着“不要扔掉”。 我打开一看,又是纸。 我把信封里的东西都倒在地板上。 其中有家里的老照片、书信、贺卡、我们写给她的爱心留言,还有从报纸和杂志上剪下的漫画。信封中的每一样东西都是我们亲手给她的。我们以前给她的东西都在这里了。 刹那间,我心潮起伏。


34 There are comics clipped from newspapers and magazines. (Para. 13)