新视野大学英语第3版读写教程第1册unit2-SectionA教案 下载本文

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新视野大学英语读写教程 第三版 第 1 册

Meaning: There are comics that were cut from newspapers and magazines.

35 Every single item in this envelope has passed from our hands to hers. (Para. 13) Meaning: Each one of the things in this envelope has been given to our daughter by my husband and me. every single: used to emphasize that you are talking about every person or thing 每一个(用于强 调)

You don’t need to write down every single word I say. 你不必把我说的每一个字都记下来。

36 Suddenly, I feel very emotional. (Para. 13) Meaning beyond words: Suddenly, the mother is overwhelmed with strong feelings. The mother starts the narration with a sort of conflicting mind. All the old family photographs, letters, greeting ards, and love notes have been kept by her daughter in a big envelope marked with “DO NOT cTHROW AWAY”. This deeply moves the mother. This can be taken as a turning point of the narration, which is proved in the forthcoming paragraphs.

15 My kid — my clutter bug — knows me too well. As I read through the cards and notes, I think maybe the truck wasn't such a bad idea, after all. Maybe it helps her to feel less small in a big world. 15 我的孩子——我那爱收集小玩意儿的收藏迷——对我太了解了。我一边翻看着卡片和留言,一边想:也许她买那辆卡车也不算什么太糟糕的主意。 也许这能让置身于大千世界中的她不至于感到太渺小。

37 My kid — my clutter bug — knows me too well. As I read through the cards and notes, I think maybe the truck wasn’t such a bad idea, after all. Maybe it helps her to feel less small in a big world. (Para. 15) Meaning beyond words: Here we have more evidence of how the mother is changing her ideas. The daughter knows her mother so well that she put down the note “DO NOT THROW AWAY” to remind her mother not to throw away the envelope. The more the mother reads the cards and notes, the more she gets to understand her daughter: It may be not a bad idea for her to buy a big truck, for she might be feeling more powerful with the big truck. Note: Clutter bug is a common idiom used to refer to someone who has an obsessive hobby of collecting clutter. Often, the items a clutter bug keeps are small personal items that hold important memories. This is probably why the daughter has marked “DO NOT THROW AWAY” on the envelope.

16 I reverse myself and bring back the garbage bags from the car and the curb. Clothes and shoes go back into the closet. I remake the bed and pile it with stuffed animals. My husband comes home and calls up the stairs.

16 我改变了主意,把垃圾袋从车里和路边又拿了回来。 衣服和鞋子放回壁橱。 重新铺好床,再堆上填充动物玩具。 我丈夫回家了,对着楼上喊我。

38 I reverse myself and bring back the garbage bags from the car and the curb. (Para. 16) Meaning: I change my mind and bring back the garbage bags I have put in the car and at the curb.

39 I remake the bed and pile it with stuffed animals. (Para. 16) Meaning beyond words: Compare what we read in Paragraph 5 and Paragraph 11 with what we read now in Paragraph 16. In Paragraph 5 “When I am finished, it is as neat and impersonal as a

新视野大学英语读写教程 第三版 第 1 册

otel bathroom” means that the mother is happy to make her daughter’s bedroom clean and tidy. hIn Paragraph 11, “I strip off the comforter, blanket, sheets, and pillows.” But after the mother sees the envelope marked with “DO NOT THROW AWAY” and all the items inside, she changes her mind. As described in Paragraph 16, she rearranges her daughter’s bed and puts her daughter’s stuffed animals on the bed. In this way, the mother makes her daughter’s room appear as if she were still living at home. make the/one’s bed: tidy the bed’s covers after one has slept in it 整理好床铺 Jimmy’s mother asked him to make his bed when he was only four. 吉米只有四岁的时候他妈妈就叫他自己整理床铺了。

17 \18 He brings up boxes from the basement.

19 \20 \

21 Then he says softly, \I try hard to keep back my tears.

22 My little baby, my dependent child, isn't coming back. But someday my daughter, the independent woman, will return home. Tokens of her childhood will await her. So will we, with open arms.

17 “我把房间稍微整理一下,”我告诉他。 “你能找些盒子来装她的东西吗?” 18 他从地下室拿上来几个盒子。


20“我不介意,”我回答。 沉默。

21 然后他轻轻地说道:“她不会回来了。” 他伤感的语气让我喉头一紧。 我努力克制,不让眼泪流下来。

22 我的小宝贝儿,那个什么都让我操心的孩子,不再回来了。 但是有一天,我的女儿,那位独立的女士,会回来的。 家里有她童年的纪念品在等着她。 我们也在等着她,张开双臂等她回来。

40 “Just straightening up,” I tell him. “Can you find some boxes for her stuff?” (Para. 17) / He brings up boxes from the basement. (Para. 18) / “She left a mess,” he says. (Para. 19) / “I don’t mind,” I reply. Silence. (Para. 20) / Then he says softly, “She’s not coming back.” I feel my throat tighten at the sadness in his voice. I try hard to keep back my tears. (Para. 21) Meaning beyond words: From Paragraph 17 to Paragraph 21, the conversation between husband and wife clearly tells us that both of them feel at a loss when their daughter has finally left home and they are sad that their daughter is not coming back. Actually, when the father speaks in a sad voice, the mother feels sad too. She tries her best not to cry. The mother is no longer complaining; she just wants to deal with the messy room now. tighten: v. become stiff or make a part of your body become stiff (使)(身体的某一部分)变得僵硬,变得僵直

His mouth tightened into a thin, angry line. 他的嘴抿成一条缝,一副生气的样子。vt. close or fasten sth. firmly by turning it 使变紧;使更牢固 The number plate on the car came loose and had to be tightened. 这辆车的车牌松了,需要紧一

新视野大学英语读写教程 第三版 第 1 册


41 My little baby, my dependent child, isn’t coming back. But someday my daughter, the independent woman, will return home. (Para. 22) Meaning: My little baby, who has depended on me all these years, has left home. But there is no place like home, and she will come back someday, as an independent grown-up.

42 Tokens of her childhood will await her. So will we, with open arms. (Para. 22) Meaning: The things my daughter collected as a child carry her childhood memories and they will be there waiting for her. We will also be happy to welcome her back home. Sentence structure note: 1 “so + be/have/do/will/其他助动词+sb./sth.”结构主要用来说明前面所说人或物的情况同样也适用于后面的其他人或物,意为“?也一样”。 这种句型也是英语中倒装句的一种。例如: Next week, he will fly to New York and attend a meeting there. So will I. 他下周要飞往纽约去开会,我也一样。

Jane can dance beautifully, and so can her little sister. 简的舞跳得很好,她妹妹的舞跳得也很好。 2 如果前面是否定句,则可以用“nor+be/have/do/will/其他助动词+sb./sth.”结构来说明前面所说的情况同样也适用于后面的其他人或物,意为“?也不?”。例如:

I don’t think he is clever. Nor is his little sister. 我觉得他不聪明,他妹妹也不聪明。 I don’t know who objects to the plan. Nor does anybody else. 我不知道谁反对这项计划,别人也同样不知道。