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序号 1 2 3 4 5 (作者. 题目. 刊名,年份,卷号(期号)) 马爽,肖厚荣,吴茜茜,潘仁瑞,蔡敬民. 岩藻多糖酶的FT-IR光谱研究. 光谱学与光谱分析,2008, Vol.28(3): 591-595 杨本宏,蔡敬民,吴克,潘仁瑞. 非水相中脂肪酶催化合成乙酸正己酯. 食品工业科技,2006,27(6):144-147 胡奎娟,吴克,潘仁瑞,刘斌,蔡敬民.固态混合发酵提高木聚糖酶和纤维素酶活力的研究.菌 物 学 报, 2007,26(2):301~306 穆文侠,潘仁瑞,郑敏,刘斌,蔡敬民.海洋青霉碱性脂肪酶液态发酵和部分酶学性质研究.食品与发酵工业,2007,33(3):37-40 郑敏,吴克,潘仁瑞,姚尚华,刘斌,陈永荣,蔡敬民.XeCl准分子激光对少根根霉的生物学效应和脂肪酶活性和相关性.激光生物学报,2007,16(2):195-199 刘献文,沈寿国,宋建民,胡博,张洁,蔡敬民.大麦穗废弃物中提取β-葡聚糖的初步研究.大麦与谷类科学,2007 郑敏,吴克,潘仁瑞. 根霉脂肪酶准分子激光育种的研究. 2006年第四届全国发酵工程学术研讨会论文集,2006:87 肖厚荣,翟伟华,雷孝锋,郭华阳,陈群,徐涛.泔水油制备生物柴油的试验研究.安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版),2008, Vol.14 (3): 84-88 Xiao Hourong, Wu Qianqian, Cai Jingmin, Wu Ke, Wang Zhongfeng, Zhang Jie, Yang Hong. Immobilization of polyphenol oxidase and primary Study on capacity to remove the diphenol. 2008, 6, 第二届亚欧环境技术与知识转化国际会议: 495-500 阚劲松,吴克,俞志敏. 好氧堆肥细菌16S rDNA多态性分析.合肥学院学报(自然科学版),2008,18(3):52-55 KAN Jin-song, LUO Jian-ping, WU Ke.Isolation and Identification of the Strain KW2 Producing Alkaline Cellulase. In: Michael Nelles, Jingmin Cai, Ke Wu,eds. 2nd International Conference on Asian-European Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer. 2008,94-96 王中风,肖厚荣,杨红. 仙人掌SOD提取条件及提取过程活性稳定性研究.食品与发酵工业,2008,34(7):107-110 Wang Zhongfeng, Ying Tiejin. Characteristics of transgenic tomatoes antisensed for the ethylene receptor genes LeERT1 and LeERT2,Journal of Zhejiang University Science,2006,7(7):591-595 王中风,张英,应铁进. 番茄乙烯受体基因反义表达对果实成熟的影响. 园艺学报,2006,33(3):518-522,ISSN 0513-35X 王中风. 低糖芒果脯加工工艺. 食品与发酵工业, 2006,32(10):86-87 王中风,应铁进. 植物乙烯受体基因家家族成员的功能特异性,植物生理学通讯,2006,234(2):308-310 王中凤.基因工程食品相对安全性分析. 食品工业科技, 2007(8) Rui Li, et al ,Biodegradable Polyester Hybrid Nanocomposites Containing SCI、EI、ISTP 收录情况 SCI 6 7 8 9 ISTP 10 11 ISTP 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SCI Titanium Dioxide Network and Poly(ε-caprolactone): Synthesis and Characterization materials Letters,61(2007)1368-1371 19 Rui Li, et al, Morphology and properties of organic-inorganic hybrid materials involving TiO2 and poly(ε-caprolactone), a biodegradable aliphatic polyester. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 83A:114-122,2007 Chen Q.; Wang A.Y.; Li C.F.; Li T.T.; Liu Q.; Jiao Q.C. Spectroscopic characterization of pachyman sulfate and its binding interaction to azur A. Spectroscopy Letters , 第五届东亚国际真菌大会,2007, 40: 83-95 孙芹英,葛春梅,张洁. 灵芝固态发酵产漆酶及对秸秆木质素的降解. 合肥学院报(自然版), 2007, 17(3) 6-9 GE Chunmei, YANG Yingge, FAN Yonghong, LI Wen, PAN Renrui, ZHENG ZHiming, YU Zengliang; Improvement of L(+)-Lactic Acid Production of Rhizopus Oryzae by Low-Energy Ions and Analysis of Its Mechanism,Plasma Science & Technology, 2008,10(1):131-135 YE Jinsong,LIU Shengping,YU Zhimin. Monitoring and Control Measures of Noise Pollution of Agricultural Product Markets in Shushan District of Hefei City. 第二届亚欧环境技术与知识转化国际会议, 2008年6月 SCI 20 SCI 21 22 SCI、EI 23 ISTP 24 叶劲松,吴克,蔡敬民,俞志敏,陈天虎好氧堆肥微生物研究方法进展. 《安徽农业科学》,2008, 36(30) :13287 - 13291 25 李市场, 葛春梅, 古绍斌, 潘仁瑞, 余增亮. 低能离子修饰技术在L-乳酸菌诱变中的应用. 安徽农业科学,2007,35(15):4397 - 4399 26 Chunmei GE, Shouguo SHEN, Jie ZHANG, Xianwen LIU, Ke WU, Renrui PAN, Jingmin CAI, Bioconversion from Sweet Potato Scum to L-lactic Acid by Rhizopus oryzae; Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Asian-European Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer, Jun5-6. 2008, 477-478 Sun Qinying,Ge Chunmei, Advances in comprehensive utilization of crops straw with white rot fungi, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Asian-European Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer, Jun5-6. 2008, 136-139 ISTP 27 ISTP 28 Shu-Ming Huang, Xin-Lin Yang. HPLC Fingerprinting of a New Injectable Antitumor Drug Extracted From Ganoderma Lucidum,2008 China-Japan-Korea Symposium on Environmental and Food Analytical Chemistry in Xiamen University 29 30 31 吴克,俞志敏,金杰.合肥城市居民生活废弃物资源化利用.中国资源综合利用,2008,7(7) 吴克,俞志敏,金杰.合肥城市生活垃圾处理方案选择探讨.合肥学院学报,2008,18(3) Yue Mei, Zhao fenghua. Leaching experiments to study the release of trace elements from mineral separates from Chinese coals. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2008 (73): 43-51 SCI,EI 32 33 34 35 36 岳梅,赵峰华,孙洪福等.煤矿酸性水中亚稳态矿物Schwertmannite的形成与转变. 矿物学报,2006.1(26):43-46 岳梅,赵峰华,任德贻. 模拟实验研究煤矿酸性水中Co、Ni、Zn、Cd、Al、Cr、As、Pb可溶性金属迁移行为. 环境科学学报,2006.6(26):949-954 许光泉,岳梅等.四台煤矿酸性矿井水化学特征分析与防.煤炭科学技,2007, 9(35):106-108 郑礼全,胡振琪,赵艳玲,岳梅.采煤沉陷地土地复垦中土壤重构数学模型的研究[J]. 中国煤炭,2008,34(4):54-56 Mei Yue, Fenghua Zhao, Ren Deyi. Studying of the harmful elements releasing with pyrite weathering in acid coal-mine drainage.The 23rd Annual Meeting of The Society for Organic Petrology Abstracts and Program. Chen-Lin Chou, Shifeng Dai, and Kuili Jin(eds.) 2006.9. 23: 301-302. ISBN1060-7250 国际会议 2006, 9北京 Yue Mei, Xu, G. Q. Geology and Water Chemical Characters of Acid Drainage in Coal Mining Area. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 6th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference and the Acid Rock Drainage Symposium. Huang S.W. and Li Y. T (eds). 2008,9:308-309. ISBN 978-7-5359-4714-7 国际会议,2008,9广州 Yue Mei. Research of Behavior of Ni、Zn、Co、Cd Release from Mine Sulfidic Wastes Slag. Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on Asia-European Enviornmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer. Michael N., Cai J.M and Wu K. (eds).2008-06:235-237.ISBN 978-3-00-024606-7 国际会议,2008,6 合肥 Yue Mei, The Study on the Environment Geochemistry Information of the Coal Mine Acid Mining Drainage. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 6th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference and the Acid Rock Drainage Symposium. Lin C.H. Huang S.W. and Li Y. T (eds).2008-06: 235-237. ISBN978-3-00- 024606-7 国际会议,2008,9广州 G. Xu, Q. Jiang, M. Yue. Research on hydrochemical chaacteristics of acid mine drainage and its prevention. Water-Rock Interaction- Bullen and Wang (eds). 2007 Taylor and Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-45136-9 国际会议2007,4 昆明, Wang Ling-ling, Yue Mei, Qing Jia-zhong. Review of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in Treatment of Sulfidic Wastes of Mining Industry. Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on Asia-European Enviornmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer. Michael Nelles, Cai J.M and Wu K. (eds). 2008-06:232-234. ISBN 978-3-00-024606-7 国际会议,2008,6 合肥 G. Xu, M. Yue.. Research on the Distribution of Pyrite and Sulphur in Different Coals and Formatation of Acid Mine Drainage. Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on Asia-European Enviornmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer. Michael Nelles, Cai J.M and Wu K. (eds). 2008-06:229-231. ISBN 978-3-00-024606-7 国际会议,2008,6 合肥 俞志敏,陈天虎,吴克等. 即时合成LDH处理含Co~(2+)电镀废水研究. 新技术新工艺, 2007,9: 81-84 37 38 39 40 41 ISTP 42 ISTP 43