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sympathize with this woman who realized her errors and correct mistakes in her own way,but also help people to know the true features of that society. Nancy was a girl who was not just a signal of simple figure but a unique and vivid character which was deep impress to readers.It is clear that the character of Nancy is play a significant role in the studies on Oliver Twister.
In the early twenty-first century,The studies on Oliver Twister has a further development.A considerable amount of research has been done to analyze the novel. Oliver Twister:Look up at the Heavens in misery was published by Tang Xicheng.By introducing briefly Dickens and his works,providing a brief background of the story,doing some deep researches into the setting of the 19th century of England,the author made readers have a good understanding of Oliver whose fate was extreme terrible.This is the battle of a little boy without any weapons, just with his kindness and his mentality, fighting for his freedom.This kind of analysis provided an insight for readers to keep a positive attitude towards life.
As time goes on,some people began to concern the Judaism problem.The Anti-Semitism in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twister was written by the Qiao Guoqiang who was a professor of English at the School of Foreign Languages,Central China Normal University,specializing in American literature and intellectuals.As for the social criminal mentioned in the novel,he thought that the truth was not really exposed. On the contrary,Standing the racism standpoint,he insisted that Jew was born with the character of evil and Jew was not a part of the mankind’s civilization society. Fagin was a typical Jew in Oliver Twister.To some extent,he was the classical represent of Jew and he was the protagonist who was been researched.From the point of racism,it is believed that the studies on Oliver Twister began a new journey.
The research of coincidences is another meas of study. The Brief Analysis of Coincidences in Oliver Twister was written by Yan Xiaoru who was a student in the English Department of Qingyang Teachers College.The author considered that Oliver Twister was characterized by a few coincidences especially happy encounters,about which some reviews are unfavorable.Sharing quite opposite opinions to the unfavorable ones,the author proved to people that coincidences have advantages by means of systematic analysis from the following four points:background of
production and publication,Dickens’ radical idea and his unique artistic style.As a matter of fact,the coincidence is very important to the further study.
According to the Critical Realism of the Oliver Twister written by Haolu,Charles Dickens was the greatest representative of English critical realism in the 19th century and Dickens exposed the chief traits of English society and the hypocrisy,greed,ruthlessness upper classes and bourgeois and criticizes the capitalist system from a democratic and humanistic viewpoint.The author said “Oliver Twister is Dickens first structured and coherent realistic novel and it takes the English capitalist society as the background,describing the miserable life of London poor children”(Journal of Hubei Adult Education Institute,2010.).Based on the study of the creation background,social environment and characters of Oliver Twister,and by analyzing Dickens’s intention and artistic characteristics in Oliver Twister,Haolu managed to further study the impact and the contribution that the critical realism made on western literature.
Glory of Conscience--a Character Analysis of Oliver,Nancy and Rose in Oliver Twister was written by Zhang Sainan in 2012.The author tried to do a further study of the glory of conscience from the character analysis of Olive,Nancy and Rose in Oliver Twister,trying to interpret the important influence of the conscience on human,society and nation.His research makes the following findings:whether Oliver having a tragic life experience,Nancy hovering good and evil or Rose known as an angel,they all had a common characteristic—conscience.Furthermore,touches of conscience can be sensed with ease in their deed and manner.People are good in nature.No matter how dark that society is,how cruel the system is,and how harsh the environment seems,people can till find the bright spot of human nature-conscience,and find the silver lining to a lackluster life,which can encourage them to move on.As for the significance,the author’s thesis would be helpful to explore the meaning of conscience,to cause the thinking of conscience,to carry forward the glory of conscience ,and to call the return of conscience.
From the researches mentioned above, we might find that the foreign research is different from the domestic research. Foreign scholars are mainly focused on the writer Dickens rather than the book Oliver Twister with a angle of philosophy and an
attitude of critic.Whereas,in China,the characters,background,writing styles and conscience are the important research objects.
3. Conclusion
Looking back to the research on Oliver Twister,both domestic and foreign,the understanding of this novel is increasingly deepening.Different people have different opinions.Due to individual differences,the perception of every notion may differ in each person. Some of previous studies may have subjective point of view and some of them was not really complete. With the time passing,from one-sided understanding to fully knowing,much values of the novel is excavated.As a great critical realism novel,the potential values of the novel will more enriched.Nowadays,the society is becoming more and more pluralistic,and the value of people differ from each other greatly.People’s behavior tend to be more personalized.
As for the purity and conscience,the previous researchers mainly want to find and study purity and conscience by analyzing the main characters.But in my opinion,their research is not very complete. This paper not only find the purity and conscience but also analyze the necessity of purity in a corrupt world.This paper is to testify the strength of purity in a corrupt world. Through them, the author will show that the darkness and evil will not erode people’s souls forever and the pure quality will overcome the corrupt world eventually. We can not deny that social environment has a great effect on human’s character. However, whatever the environment is, it may never tarnish the goodness in human nature. It is believed that more new values,which is benefit for human and society will be fund in the future.
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