2016-2017学年第一学期新版PEP六年级英语期末测试题(7) 下载本文

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一、判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的标上S,不同的标上D。(10分) ( )1. A. happy B. sorry ( )2. A. angry B. afraid ( )3. A. cinema

B. pilot ( )4. A. stop B. hospital ( )5. A. museum

B. must 二、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(10分) ( )1. A. cinema

B. hospital

C. scientist

( )2. A. ship

B. subway C. foot ( )3. A. happy B. sorry

C. worried ( )4. A. science B. fisherman C. coach ( )5. A. studies

B. always

C. Goes


) (

) (

) (

) (

)A. playing football

B. see a film C. by train D. angry

E. police officer

四、选择正确的应答语。(20分) ( )1. Where is the cinema? A. I like doing kung fu. ( )2. How do we get there?

B. Yes, he does.

( )3. What are you going to do today? C. She works on a plane. ( )4. Where are you going?

D. It’s behind the bookstore. ( )5. What are your hobbies?

E. You should do more exercise.

( )6. Does he live in China?

G. I’m going to visit my grandparents.

( )7. Is your father a businessman? H. By taxi. ( )8. What does he do?

I. Yes, he is.

( )9. Where does she work? J. I’m going to the science museum. ( )10.What should I do?

K.He is a singer.


( )1.遇到黄灯时,应该怎么办? A. Slow down and stop.

B. Slow down and wait?

( )2.在你回家的路上,你看见一条恶狗,你可能会有什么样的感觉? A. Angry.

B. Afraid.

( )3.明天冷空气来临,气温骤降,你的家人可能会嘱咐你什么? A. You shold wear warm clothes.

B. You should do more exercise.

( )4.张鹏的爸爸在邮局上班,他的工作可能是什么? A.He is a postman.

B.He is a businessman.

( )5.别人问你要去做什么,你可以怎样回答? A. I am going hiking .

B. I am going to go hiking.

六、选择正确的汉语意思。(15分) ( )1. crossing A. 明信片 ( )2. by ferry

B. 向右转 ( )3. cooks Chinese food C. 工厂工人 ( )4. postcard

D. 做中国菜 ( )5. comic book

E. 十字路口 ( )6. take a deep breath F. 单词书 ( )7. factory worker

G. 乘渡轮

( )8. post office H. 邮局 ( )9. take a trip I. 深呼吸 ( )10. turn right

J. 向左转 ( )11.count to ten K. 学汉语 ( )12.word book L. 乘船 ( )13.turn left M. 连环画 ( )14. by ship

N. 数到十 ( )15.studies Chinese

O. 去旅行


Hu Bin likes sports. He is good at football,ping-pong and basketball. He often goes running after school. He wants to work in a gym.

Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Yifan’s grandfather. He studies very hard, and he wants to work in a university.

( )1. Hu Bin likes playing football, ping-pong and basketball. ( )2. Hu Bin often plays football after school. ( )3.Hu Bin can be a coach.

( )4. Wu Yifan’s grandfather is a teacher. ( )5. Robin can be a scientist.


1.How ____ she feel?(do) She _______________.(be, happy)

2.Where ____ he going? ____________________________.(be going to,hospital)

3.What ____ Li Ming’s hobbies? He __________________.(like, sing) 4.What ____ they do? (do) They ____ factory workers.(be) 5.Where ____ your father work?(do) He ______(work) at sea.