国际经济学基础考试重点总结 下载本文

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英译汉&汉译英 Basis for trade Gains from trade Pattern of trade Mercantilism Absolute advantage Laissez-faire Law of comparative advantage Labor theory of value Opportunity cost theory Production possibility frontier Constant opportunity costs Relative commodity prices Complete specialization Small-country case Increasing opportunity costs Marginal rate of transformation Community indifference curve Marginal rate of substitution Autarky Revealed comparative advantage Incomplete specialization Terms of trade Deindustrialization Offer curve Reciprocal demand curve Heckscher-Ohlin theory Heckscher-Ohlin theorem Factor-proportions /factor endowment theory Factor-price equalization theorem Stolper-Samuelson throrem Specific-factors model Lenotief paradox Increasing returns to scale International economic of scale Differentiated products Intra-industry trade Technological gap model Product cycle model 贸易基础 贸易所得 贸易模式 重商主义 绝对优势 自由放任 比较优势理论 劳动价值论 机会成本理论 生产可能性曲线 固定机会成本 相对商品价格 完全专业化 小国模型 机会成本递增 边际转换率 社会无差异曲线 边际替代率 自给自足 显示性比较优势 不完专业化 贸易条件 去工业化 供应条件曲线 相互需求曲线 赫克俄林理论 赫克俄林定理 要素禀赋理论 要素价格均等化定理 斯托尔珀-萨缪尔森定理 特定要素模型 列昂惕夫之谜 规模报酬递增 国际规模经济 差异化市场 产业内贸易 技术差距模型 产品周期模型 Equilibrium-relative commodity price isolation 孤立均衡的相对商品价格 Equilibrium-relative commodity price with trade 均衡相对商品价格

Transportation coats Nontraded goods and services Environmental standards Monopolistic competition Trade or commercial policies Import tariff Ad valorem tariff Specific tariff Compound tariff Consumption effect of a tariff Production effect of a tariff Trade effect of a tariff Revenue effect a tariff Consumer surplus Rent or producer surplus Protection cost or deadweight loss of a tariff Terms of trade effect of a tariff Optimum tariff Prohibitive tariff Nominal tariff Rate of effective protection Quota Nontariff trade barriers New protectionism Voluntary export restraints International cartel Dumping Persistent dumping Predatory dumping Sporadic dumping Trigger-price mechanism Export-Import Bank Foreign Sales Corporations Countervailing duties Scientific tariff Infant-industry argument Strategic trade policy Industrial policy Most-favored-nation principle Bilateral trade General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Multilateral trade negotiations 运输成本 非贸易产品与服务 环境标准 垄断竞争 贸易或商业政策 进口关税 从价税 从量税 混合关税 关税的消费效应 关税的生产效应 关税的贸易效应 关税的收入效应 消费者剩余 租金或生产者剩余 关税的保护成本或净损失 关说的贸易条件效应 最优关税 禁止性关说 名义关税 有效保护率 配额 非关税壁垒 新保护主义 自动出口限制 国际卡特尔 倾销 持续性倾销 掠夺性倾销 偶然性倾销 触发价格机制 进出口银行 外国销售公司 反补贴税 科学关税 幼稚工业观点 战略性贸易政策 产业政策 最惠国原则 双边贸易 关税总协定 多边贸易谈判 Technical, administrative, and other regulations 技 术、行政和其他法规调控

Escape clause Export subsidies Economic integration Preferential trade arrangements Free trade area Customs union Common market Economic union Duty-free zones or free economic zones Trade creation Trade diversion Tariff factories Trade deflection Bulk purchasing Interdependence International trade theory International trade policy Balance of payments Foreign exchange markets Adjustment in the balance of payments Microeconomics Macroeconomics Open-economy macroeconomics International finance Globalization Anti-globalization movement Balanced growth Engine of growth Regions of recent settlement Vent for surplus Endogenous growth theory Income terms of trade Immiserizing growth Export instability Buffer stocks Export controls Purchase contracts Import-substitution industrialization (ISI) Export-oriented industrialization Foreign debt Brazil, Russia, India, China (BRICs) Portfolio investment Direct investments 豁免条款 出口补贴 经济一体化 特惠贸易协定 自由贸易区 关税同盟 共同市场 经济联盟 免税区或自由经济区 贸易创造 贸易转移 关税工厂 贸易偏转 大量采购 相互依存 国际贸易理论 国际贸易政策 国际收支平衡表 外汇市场 国际收支失衡调整 微观 宏观 宏观开放经济学 国际金融 全球化 反全球化运动 平衡增长 增长动力 新居民地 剩余出口 内生型增长理论 贸易收入条件 贫困化增长 出口波动 缓冲库存储备 出口管制 购货合同 进口替代工业化 出口导向工业化 外债 金砖国家 间接投资 直接投资