暗黑3戒指与护身符分析解析 下载本文

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恐惧敌人后移动速度提高 (45-60)%,持续 4 秒

Gain (45-60)%increased movement speed for 4 seconds after Fearing an enemy.

昏迷效果的持续时间延长 (20-25)%

Increases durationof Stun effects by (20-25)%. 击中时有机会媚惑敌人。被媚惑的敌人受到的伤害提高 35% Chance on hit tocharm the enemy. While charmed, the enemy takes 35% more damage.

获得屠杀殆尽的奖励后,召唤出 (4-6) 个骷髅守护者,持续 10 秒 After earning amassacre bonus, (4-6) Skeletons are summoned to fight by your side for 10seconds.

击中时有机会将其他敌人拉向你的目标,并使其移动速度降低 (60-80)%

Chance on hit topull in enemies toward your target and Slow them by (60-80)%.

防止受到所有秘法伤害,并恢复相当于 (20-25)% 伤害值的生命值 Prevent all Arcanedamage taken and heal yourself for (20-25)% of the amount prevented.

当受到足以致命的伤害时,你将恢复至生命值上限与能量上限的 100%。但此物品亦将同时毁坏

When receivingfatal damage, you are instead restored to 100%

of maximum Life and resources.This item is destroyed in the process.

击昏敌人时,召唤暗影化身协助你战斗。此效果每 30 秒可触发一次 Summons shadowclones to your aid when you Stun an enemy. This effect may occur once every 30seconds.

防止受到所有毒素伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值 Prevent all Poisondamage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

防止受到神圣所有伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值 Prevent all Holydamage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

.防止受到所有冰寒伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值 Prevent all Colddamage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

防止受到所有火焰伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值 Prevent all Firedamage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

防止受到电击所有伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值 Prevent allLightning damage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

防止受到秘法所有伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值 Prevent all Arcanedamage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)%

of the amount prevented.

防止受到物理所有伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值 Prevent allPhysical damage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

击中 15 码内的敌人有一定机率召唤出护体的秘能晶石,在敌人接近时爆炸,对 15 码内的敌人造成 (240-320)% 武器伤害值的秘法伤害 Hitting an enemywithin 15 yards has a chance to ward you with shards of Arcane energy thatexplode when enemies get close, dealing (240-320)% weapon damage as Arcane toenemies within 15 yards.

根据损失的生命值而提高每秒生命恢复,最多可提高 (75-100)% Increase your Lifeper Second by up to (75-100)% based on your missing Life.


Zombie Dogs insteadsummons a single gargantuan dog with more damage and health than all other dogscombined. 向周遭的敌人吸取生命力

You drain life fromenemies around you. 受到的伤害会均分给穿戴这个装备的角色

All damage taken issplit between wearers of this item. 电击伤害法术有 (13-17)% 的机率使敌人昏迷 1.5 秒