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学术英语课后练习答案 Unit1

Language building-up (page 6) Task 1/Specialized vocabulary 1. 饲料经销商;饲料批发商 2. 为他自己的收益而工作 3. 技能与劳动力 4. 制造塑料 5. 私人交易 6. 包装并定价 7. 无形之手

Task 3/Formal English (page 8)

1. very many 2. buying or selling 3. a large group of 4. more huge 5. understand 6. troubled Unit2

Language building-up (page 27) Task 1/Specialized vocabulary 1 无形之手 2 自由企业制度

3 股东 4 经济体制 5 开发产品和服务 6 市场调节作用 7 金融机构 8 严重衰退 9 破产 10 stock price 11 mission 12 corporate motto 13 assets 14 maximize profits 15 financial system

Task 3/Formal English (page 28) 1 understanding 2 agree with

3 forces...to be accepted 4 bad/negative/side 5 purpose 6 charitable 7 given/contributed 8 famous/well-known Unit3

Language building-up (page48) Task 1/Specialized vocabulary 1.充满敬畏与感激

2.与外部世界隔离 3.陷入绝望 4.易感抑郁 5.恢复体能 6.界定性特征 7.暂时的挫折 8.不因挫败而慌乱 9.竞选职务 10.吹着欢快的曲子

Task 3/Formal English (page 51) 1. full of

2. is (immediately) alert and energetic 3. keeping thinking about

4. been deeply involved in a sense of hopelessness 5. likely to suffer from 6. not easily disturbed

7. murmuring about commonplace remarks 8. officially approved Unit4

Language building-up (page72)