川农《大学英语(四)0004》18春在线作业1 下载本文

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(单选题) 1: — What do you think of this novel? — _______

A: I've read it.

B: It's well-written.

C: It was written by my uncle. D: I bought it yesterday. 正确答案:

(单选题) 2: I have the complacent feeling ______ I'm highly intelligent. A: what B: which C: that D: this 正确答案:

(单选题) 3: We’re using technology to _______ our levels of service. A: enhance B: extend C: expand D: amplify 正确答案:

(单选题) 4: It is not until he came back _______ I knew it. A: when B: after C: before D: that 正确答案:

(单选题) 5: Peter worked so fast with the maths problems ______ a lot of mistakes. A: as to make B: that made C: to make

D: that he made 正确答案:

(单选题) 6: — How about going fishing? — ____________, I have no patience for that. A: Excuse me B: Sorry C: Pardon D: Apologize 正确答案:

(单选题) 7: She suffered temporary loss of _______ after being struck on the head.- A: view B: vision C: illusion D: eye 正确答案:

(单选题) 8: _______ they met each other and became good friends. A: It was in the countryside where B: Being in the countryside

C: It was in the countrysidewhen D: It was in the countryside that 正确答案:

(单选题) 9: It is essential that these application forms _______ back as early as possible. A: must be sent B: will be sent C: are sent



D: sent 正确答案:

(单选题) 10: — Are you feeling better today, Jack? — _______ A: There must be something wrong. B: Just have a good rest.

C: Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good. D: Don't worry about me. 正确答案:

(单选题) 11: I wish I _______ what to do. A: knew

B: have known C: know

D: would know 正确答案:

(单选题) 12: — Hello, I'm David Chen. Nice to meet you. — _______ A: Are you?

B: Nice to meet you too. C: Yes.

D: Very nice. 正确答案:

(单选题) 13: If you _______ me, I shall be very grateful to you. A: must help B: will help C: may help D: need help 正确答案:

(单选题) 14: We came finally _________ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time. A: of B: into C: to D: at


(单选题) 15: — Do you think I could borrow these magazines? — _______ A: No, you can’t.

B: You could borrow other magazines. C: The magazines aren’t here now.

D: I’m sorry, but the magazines you want are out. 正确答案:

(单选题) 16: The old lady _______ is Tom’s grandmother. A: you talked

B: who you talked to her C: whom you talked D: to whom you talked 正确答案:

(单选题) 17: After Mr. Smith retired, his son took over his company. A: 史密斯先生退休后,他的儿子接管了他的公司。 B: 在史密斯先生退休前,他的儿子接管了他的公司。 C: 史密斯先生退休是因为他的儿子接管了他的公司。 D: 史密斯先生一退休他的儿子就接管了他的公司。 正确答案:

(单选题) 18: A number of people _______ at the street corner. A: am B: is



C: are D: be


(单选题) 19: We are next-door _______. A: neighborhoods B: neighbor C: neighborhood D: neighbors 正确答案:

(单选题) 20: — Good-bye for now. — _______ A: The same to you. B: That's OK. C: See you.

D: Long time no see. 正确答案:

(单选题) 21: —Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? — _______.

A: Hello! International Airline

B: You'd better look up the schedule first C: I'm sorry, but it's completely booked D: I'm afraid you have to change 正确答案:

(单选题) 22: A pair of spectacles ________ what I need at the moment. A: is B: are C: has D: have 正确答案:

(单选题) 23: The pilot of an airplane is responsible _______ the safety of the passengers. A: of B: with C: for D: about 正确答案:

(单选题) 24: Physics _______ always my strong point. A: is B: are C: being D: to be 正确答案:

(单选题) 25: — Will he have to be hospitalized? — _______

A: No, he will recover soon. B: It will last long.

C: There is nothing wrong with me. D: He has a serious headache. 正确答案:

(单选题) 26: The organization works hard to _______ friendship between nations. A: promote B: speed C: hasten D: hurry 正确答案:



(单选题) 27: Sending the child abroad alone would mean putting him at risk. A: 让孩子一个人去国外有危险。 B: 送孩子去国外就等于冒险。

C: 把孩子单独送到国外就意味着让他去冒风险。 D: 把孩子单独送到国外意味着把他放在风险中。 正确答案:

(单选题) 28: — Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? — ________

A: I'd rather stay here if you don't mind. B: Sorry, I don't like neither. C: Certainly, why not?

D: Yes, we like these two places. 正确答案:

(单选题) 29: — Let's go to the library this afternoon. — _______ A: Yes, that's right. B: No. I can't. C: What about you? D: That's a good idea. 正确答案:

(单选题) 30: I was satisfied with her explanation, _________. A: so my classmates were B: so were my classmates C: so my classmates did D: so did my classmates 正确答案:

(单选题) 31: — ____I put my coat here? — Sorry, you ______. A: May; mustn't B: Do; don't C: Can; needn't D: May; can't 正确答案:

(单选题) 32: How ______ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article? A: can B: must C: need D: may 正确答案:

(单选题) 33: You'd better wear more clothes. It's ______ cold today. A: much too B: too much C: very much D: much very 正确答案:

(单选题) 34: — What’s your major? — _______

A: I take a course in literature. B: I’m interested in medicine.

C: I’m thinking of taking the linguistics course D: I take world history as my major. 正确答案:

(单选题) 35: — I think he is a good lecturer. — _______