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Trip Itinerary

Travel period: Jan 1, 2019 - Feb 2, 2019 In Schengen Area: Jan 2, 2019 – Feb 1, 2019 Destination: France Day 1 - 2 Date Jan 1 - Jan 2 Itinerary Shanghai - Paris Accommodation On flight Transportation Flight XXXX Arrival time: XX:XX Jan 1 2019 2 - 31 Jan 2 - Feb 1 XX:XX-XX:XX Place XX:XX-XX:XX Place (Hotel Address) Metro/Bus 31 - 32 Feb 1 - Feb 2 Paris - Shanghai On flight Flight XXXX Departure time: XX:XX Feb 1 2019 Explanation:

? (E.g. )The accommodation during the program is provided by the hosting organization as can been seen

in the invitation letter. ?