战略合作框架协议书-精选【新版】 下载本文

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Strategic Co-operation Frame Agreement


Party A : ZonDy Cyber Group, Co., LTD. 乙方: Party B : 鉴于 Whereas,

甲方总部设立在中国,是中国境内最大的空间信息处理工具及空间数据服务 提供商,致力于为客户提供空间信息领域的专业GIS平台、工具及全面的空间信息解决方案。 Party A company’s headquarter is located in Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R.China. It's China’s largest spatial information processing tools and spatial data services provider who is committed to providing customers with professional GIS platform, tools, and complete spatial information solution.

乙方为 (省略),经营范围为 (省略):

Party B’s major operation in the Southeast Asia, the main business fields are as follow: 甲乙双方经友好协商,就整合双方的优势资源开展国际合作,结成战略合作一事达成如下协议:

Through friendly discussion, with the desire of integrating competitive advantages for international business development, both Party A and Party B have mutually agreed the following items for strategic co-operation.

一、 合作领域

Co-operation Domain.


Party A and Party B have agreed on the following co-operation (included but not limited to the following)


Market Development and Business Promotion: Each party should follow the principle of mutual benefit. This principle must detailedly indicate the interest space and mutual benefit policies in detail . In Addition, each party should strive to project bidding, market development, as well as efficiently improve market share for both parties in the ASEAN area.


Technical Co-operation: Each party must keep tracking market demands, and be persistent on current technologies' application and generalization, meanwhile, promote the international application of technologies from both parties. 3、国际交流:甲乙双方共同参与在东南亚地区开展的有关地理空间信息的商务交流以及学术交流,并共同承办相关的重大会议,共享彼此信息。 International Communication: Part A and Part B will co-operate in organizing important meeting and conferences, or participate in the geo-spatial info related business communication and academic exchange, and share the information with each other. 二、 合作方式

Manner of Co-operation



Both Parties will mutually develop periodical management communication system to ensure smooth development of co-operation business.

2、甲乙双方各自认定对方为其在对方所在国的战略合作伙伴;为共同项目合作成功而努力。 Both Parties will recognize another party as the strategic partner in its own territory and strive for the success on co-operation business.


Both Parties agreed, in this agreement validity period, one party can use another party’s legally licensed documents and legally authorized wordings, sound tracks and pictures, resources and etc. If another party uses these kinds of resources in his own website, the source of information should be clearly stated.


Regarding the expenses and profit sharing for the Business Investigation program and specific co-operation project, both parties agree to resolve it in another agreement. 三、 合作承诺:

Co-operation Commitment

1、 友好合作、紧密配合、互相尊重、互相学习为基础;认可客观各国文化差 异性,吸收优秀文化,谋求中西融合、和谐发展。

Both Parties agreed that the co-operation is built up on foundation of friendly co-operation, closely support, mutually respect and co-learning base. Both Parties will objectively recognize cultural differences, learning the best parts from each other, striking for the best harmonic development.


Both Parties agreed to work deliberately with integrity, operate legally and be responsible for individual’s own duties.

四、 甲乙双方均认可本协议是对双方合作的一种框架性安排,涉及到具体项目再另 行签订相关合同书。

Both Parties fully recognize that this agreement only serves as a framework of co-operation. For the details of individual co-operation project, another independent agreement will be agreed and signed.

五、 未尽事宜双方协商解决。

For the matters not mentioned in this agreement, both parties will mutually discuss them. . 六、 本协议有效期为1 年,从 2011 年7 月 1 日始至2012 年 6 月 30 日止。协议期满,甲乙双方另行协商续签。

This Agreement is valid from 2011-7-1 to 2011-6-30. Upon expiry, both Parties will discuss about the renewal issue.

七、 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,签字盖章即具法律效力。


This Agreement is written in both Chinese and English languages and two copies have been printed for both parties to have one each. It will be legally binding upon signing and stamping.

甲 方 Party A: 乙 方 Party B:

代表人 Representative: 代表人 Representative: 日 期 Date: 日 期 Date:
