自考《英语一》00012讲义 - Unit - 02 - (含课文、生词表、课后练习及答案) 下载本文

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【答案解析】课文第七段第一句提到,the water bearer felt sorry for the old

cracked pot,即挑水工对旧罐子感到同情。feel sorry for与have pity on是同义短语,同情……。答案为A。

4. The water bearer showed the cracked pot the flowers on the way to_______. A) discourage the perfect pot B) draw attention to its merit C) praise the beauty of nature

D) point out the imperfection of the flowers [答疑编号506494020304:针对该题提问]




5. The water bearer picked up the flowers to decorate_______. A) the perfect pot B) the master's house C) the cracked pot D) his own house




倒数第二句提到,挑水工能够采摘到这些鲜花来decorate the master’s table.., to grace his house。答案为B。

Ⅱ Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words gin the brackets.

1. One_______ of living in the town is the lack of safe places for children to play. (advantage, disadvantage)



【答案解析】句意:住在城市中的一个不利之处就是缺少让孩子玩耍的安全地方。根据后面的句意可知缺少让孩子玩耍的安全地方是一项缺点。advantage 优势;disadvantage 缺


2. All mail _______ were officially stopped for a short time during the strike. (deliver, deliveries)




一起在句子中作主语,因此应该填入一个名词形式的词。mail delivery 邮递,是固定搭配。答案为deliveries。

3. The students _______ the task in less than ten minutes. (accomplished, accomplishment) [答疑编号506494020308:针对该题提问]



4. This effect was_______ understood by designers at that time. (imperfect, imperfectly) [答疑编号506494020309:针对该题提问]



修饰后面的动词understand,因此应该填入副词imperfectly 不完美地。答案为imperfectly。

5. She manages to stay _______ despite everything. (cheer, cheerful) [答疑编号506494020310:针对该题提问]




6. We have to change the public's _______ that money is being wasted. (perceive, perceptio [答疑编号506494020311:针对该题提问]



Section B

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.④decorate ⑥imperfection ⑤miserable portion ③flaws ①cracked ②compassion reply 1. She passed her tongue over her dry and_____ lips and tried to speak. [答疑编号506494020312:针对该题提问]




2. I was hoping she might show a little _____ for victims of war. [答疑编号506494020313:针对该题提问]



词show的宾语,同时前面有形容词little 修饰,因此应填入一个名词,且根据后面的 victims of war可知,compassion同情,符合题意。答案为compassion。

3. There are serious ______ in the way we train our teachers. [答疑编号506494020314:针对该题提问]



词,因此空格中应该填入一个名词的复数形式。空格中的词是评价说明后面的the way,因此flaws(错误、缺陷),符合题意。答案为flaws。

4. You can use shells to ______ boxes, trays, mirrors or even pots. [答疑编号506494020315:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】句意:你可以用贝壳装饰盒子、盘子、镜子或者罐子。use something to do

something 使用某物做某事,因此空格中应该填入动词形式。由shell与后面的box 等的逻辑关系可知, decorate 装饰,符合题意。答案为decorate。

5. She knows what has made life ______ for her employees. [答疑编号506494020316:针对该题提问]



语。空格中的词修饰前面的名词life,因此应该填入逻辑上能修饰员工生活的形容词,miserable 悲惨的,符合题意。答案为miserable。

6. My father used to be a perfectionist and would never tolerate ______. [答疑编号506494020317:针对该题提问]



tolerate 的宾语,同时根据前面的 perfectionist的属性可知,imperfection瑕疵,符合题意。答案为 imperfection。

Section C

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1. You should be apologizing _____ your customers for wasting their money. [答疑编号506494020318:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】句意:你应该为浪费顾客的金钱而向他们道歉。apologize to somebody是固定短语,向某人道歉。答案为to。

2. You should be ashamed _____ yourself for telling such lies. [答疑编号506494020319:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】句意:你应该为撒谎而感到羞愧。be ashamed of是固定搭配,为……感到羞愧。答案为of。

3. The details were supposed to be secret but somehow leaked _____. [答疑编号506494020320:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】句意:细节本应该保密,但是不知怎么被泄露了。leak out 是固定搭配,泄漏。be supposed to 本应该。答案为out。

4. I feel sorry ______ anyone who has to drive in this sort of weather.