2018-2019年英语外研版小学五年级上册M6U1优质课教案 (1)(1) 下载本文

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Module 6


1.知识目标:使学生能听说、认读单词well, team, good at, healthy, really, catch, fantastic;能了解字母p, pp, b, t, d在单词中常见的读音/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/;能朗诵诗歌How well do you play?;能准确理解并熟练地运用“I/ He/ She/ You can…well/ badly: Can you…? Yes, I can / No, I can’t do… at all.


3、情感目标:使学生能主动表达自己,学会正确地评价自己和别人;培养学生良好的语言学习习惯,让英语课堂真正生活化。 二、教学向导 1.语言功能:评价自己和他人 2.教学重点和难点:

①在真实情景中灵活运用新知识进行自我评价,相互评价,肯定与鼓励。 三、教学程序

Unit I. You can play football well.



Ⅰ. Warm-up【热身复习】

1. Greeting

2. 听口令,做动作,复习有关活动和运动的词组:listen to music, run fast, play football, jump high, play basketball.

3. Free talk

Q1: What do you do at the weekend?

Q2: Can you sing a song / play basket ball/ …? Q3:Can you sing / play/ …well?(教授well/ badly)

Ⅱ.Pre-task【任务呈现】——[为学校足球俱乐部创作海报] 1.导入

Free talk: Talk about football. Do you like football? Can you play football? Can you play it well?

2. 任务呈现——组建足球队

Today, We’re going to set up a football team. What can you do? (教授team) Ⅲ.While-task【任务实施】

1. 导入:“选拔运动员比赛”:What can you do? Can you run fast/ jump high/ control the ball/ catch the ball?

(教授well, badly, control, really, catch, fantastic, goalkeeper.)


师:Now we have got a football team.

X X can run fast. XX Can jump high. XX can control the ball well. Lingling wants to join us. Is she good at football? Is she a

fantastic goalkeeper? Listen and answer questions. 教师播放课文录音,进行听法指导,并同时让学生完成课堂活动用书练习1——圈对或错。


1. Can Lingling run fast? 2. Can Lingling jump high?

3. Can Lingling control the ball well? 4. Can Lingling catch the ball well?

5. So Lingling can be a good goalkeeper, Yes or no? Ⅳ.Post-task【任务展示】


如:Can you run fast? Can you jump high? Can you control the ball well?

Can you catch the ball well? Please join us. V.Listen and say

Can you run fast? No,I cant Homework【作业超市】 1、表演,朗诵对话 2、完成课堂活动用书练习3 自选:1、为学校俱乐部创作海报