生活大爆炸第十一季第一集中英剧本 下载本文

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S11E01 of The Big Bang Theory

《生活大爆炸》前情提要 Previously on The Big Bang Theory...

我得到了普林斯顿大学的夏季研究奖学金 I was offered a summer research fellowship at Princeton. 很不错的大学 A fine institution.

阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦教过书的地方 The place where Albert Einstein taught, 莱纳德也是在那里拿到博士学位 and where Leonard got his PhD, 所以那学校可能没落了 so it may have gone downhill.

各位 还记得诺维茨基博士吗 Gentlemen, you may remember Dr. Nowitzki. 她又回来加州理工读博士后啦 She's back at Caltech for her postdoc.

问一下 你是想和我发展恋爱关系吗 Question. are you seeking a romantic relationship with me? 如果我是呢 What if I were?

这会引起一系列的问题 Well, that would raise a number of problems. 我们是同事 我现在有女友 We're colleagues, I'm currently in a relation... 艾米 艾米 Amy? Amy. 艾米 Amy? 时至今日 and now

你愿意嫁给我吗 Will you marry me? 请稍等我一下 One moment, please.

不是吧 你要在这节骨眼接电话吗 Really, you're going to answer that right now? 是莱纳德打来 It's Leonard.

我不想失礼嘛 I don't want to be rude. 你好 Hello?

你上哪去了 Oh, hey, where you been?

打你电话找你好久了 We've been calling you for hours.

抱歉 我的手机之前开了飞行模式 Oh, I'm sorry, my phone was on \为什么 Why?

因为我在飞机上啊 Because I was on an airplane. 开免提 Hey, put him on speaker. 你去哪里了 Yeah. ?Hey, where are you?

我来普林斯顿大学找艾米 I came to Princeton to see Amy. 说来也挺有意思 It's a funny story, actually.

我当时在跟诺维茨基博士共进午餐 I was having lunch with Dr. Nowitzki, 然后她亲吻了我 and she kissed me. 什么 Excuse me? - What? 你说什么 I'm sorry?

在那一刻我意识到 And in that moment, I realized

艾米才是我余生 that Amy was the only woman I ever wanted to kiss 唯一想亲吻的女人 for the rest of my life.

所以我来新泽西跟她求婚 So I came to New Jersey to ask her to marry me. 你真是太贴心了 Oh, that's so sweet.

谢尔顿... -不过呢 - Sheldon... - Yeah, although

我的确是先去征求了某位男士的祝福 there was one man whose blessing I needed first. 我想过了 我确实想要 I've thought about it, and I really want to spend 与艾米共度余生 the rest of my life with Amy.


你会祝福我吗 Do I have your blessing? 谢尔顿 Well, Sheldon...

我觉得你应该将她的手指像土星一样 ...I think you should make her finger like Saturn 套一个\环\在上面 and put a ring on it.

你去问了霍金博士而不是艾米的父亲吗 You asked Stephen Hawking and not her father? 霍金博士是个天才 Stephen Hawking's a genius.

如果他不支持 我才不要浪费时间去问她爸呢 If he said no, I wasn't gonna waste my time on her father.

那你有问过我父亲吧 But you did ask my father? 有 他同意 I did. He said yes.

但不是用机械人式语音说的 所以没那么酷Although, not in a robot voice, so it wasn't nearly as cool. 我的天啊 真不敢相信你们订婚了 Okay. Oh, my God, I can't believe you guys are engaged. 还没订上婚呢 We're not engaged, yet. 她还没答应我 She's taking forever to answer.

那是因为你一直在讲电话 Because you're on the phone! 我们稍后回电 We'll call you back. 她同意了 She said yes. 恭喜你们 Yay! ?Congratulations!

母亲 我有好消息与你分享 Mother, I have some good news to share. 我们订婚啦 We're engaged.

我真为你们开心 但我一点都不惊讶 I am so happy for you two, but I'm not surprised. 我一直在为这事祈祷 I've been praying for this.

这件事上帝没半点功劳 Well, God had nothing to do with it.

完全是因为我跟别的女人接了吻 It happened because I was kissing another woman, 令我意识到我想跟艾米共度余生 and it made me realize I wanted to be with Amy. 居然有超过一名女性对你有兴趣 More than one woman was interested in you? 我可能祈祷得太猛了 I might have prayed a little too hard. 等等 我想先... Wait, oh, and I just...

我想现在就跟你说清楚 I want to let you know right now

我们不会在教堂里成婚 that we are not getting married in a church. 没关系 谢尔顿 That's all right, Sheldon.

耶稣在哪里 那便是教堂 Anywhere Jesus is is a church. 但他不会在我们婚礼上 Well, he won't be at our wedding. 他会在我心里 所以只要我人在 He's in my heart, so if I'm there, 他就在 he'll be there.

行 那他就是你带的伴 Okay, well, then, he's your plus-one. 你带人的名额就用完了 You don't get to bring anyone else. 没关系 爱你 That's fine. Love you. 我也爱你 再见 Love you, too. Bye. 主啊 谢谢您 Lord, thank you.

虽然您无所不能 Even though you can do anything, 但这事真显出了您的无上威能 that was mighty impressive. 我们订婚了 We're engaged.

天啊 太棒了 Oh, my God, that's amazing!


慢着 快告诉我整个经过 Wait, uh, tell me everything.

是这样的 诺维茨基博士亲了我 Well, Dr. Nowitzki was kissing me...

你可以别再用这事当故事开头了 Okay, you can stop leading with that part of the story. 恭喜你们啊 Well, congratulations.

太为你们俩高兴了 I'm so happy for you two.

稍等 我得告诉伯纳黛特 Hold on, I have to tell Bernadette. 妮妮 你猜怎么着 Hey, Bernie, guess what?

谢尔顿跟艾米订婚啦 你相信吗? Sheldon and Amy got engaged. Can you believe it? 天啊 我真不敢相信 Oh, my God. I cannot believe it.

她好像高兴到... 在喜极而泣啊 She's so happy... I think she's crying. 你觉得谢尔顿会想要办类似 Do you think Sheldon's gonna want 奇葩的《星舰迷航》主题的婚礼吗 some weird Star Trek wedding? 我不知道 I don't know.

莱纳德当时想说 Well, Leonard could barely finish the words \《神秘博士》婚礼蛋糕\, \还没说完就被我狠狠拒绝 before I shut that down hard. 你有在听我说话吗 Are you listening to me?

有啊 你对莱纳德毫无人性 我听到了 Yeah, you're mean to Leonard. I heard you. 你还好吗 Is everything okay?

我要告诉你一件事 Look, I'm gonna tell you something, 但你不许惊慌失措 but you can't freak out,

因为我已经很手足无措了 because I'm already freaking out. 天啊 什么事 Oh, my God, what is it? 我又怀孕了 I'm pregnant again. 什... Wha...

有点儿意思 Interesting.

霍华德知道了会疯的 Howard's gonna lose his mind. 慢着 你还没告诉他吗 Wait, you haven't told him yet? 没有 No.

你第一个告诉我吗 噢,妮妮小亲亲 You told me first? Oh, Bernie!

这事不应该啊 我们很小心的 This wasn't supposed to happen-- we were careful. 对啊 我本来还以为哺乳期内 Yeah, I didn't even think you could get pregnant 女人是不会怀孕的呢 while you were breastfeeding. 结果呢 老娘就怀了 Well, guess what? You can.

好吧 听着 这是一件好事 Okay, look, look, this is a good thing. 这样哈雷就会有个弟弟 Halley's gonna have a little brother 或者妹妹陪她玩了 or sister to play with.

我想那应该是会挺可爱的 I guess that would be pretty cute.

你知道吗 我也是我爸妈的意外之喜 And, you, know, I was a surprise to my parents, 我爸说我是发生在他们身上 and my dad said it was the best thing 最美好的事 that ever happened to them.

好吧 也许这个宝宝是上天的恩赐 Okay. Maybe this baby actually is a blessing. 天啊 亲爱的 当然了 Oh, my God, honey, of course it is. 我怎么会又怀上了呢 How am I pregnant again?