(外研社)英语五年级上册 Module 6 Unit 1 You can play football well 教学方案设计 下载本文

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(外研社)英语五年级上册 Module 6 Unite 1 T You can play

football well 教学方案设计

单 元 M6U1 课题 You can play football well. 课时 1 课型 New lesson 知识与能力 教学 目标 过程与方法 情感Through learning this passage, we’ll educate Ss’ sense:Sports is very 与态important to our health. So we should do exercises in our daily life. 度 1.New words and phrases :Enable Ss listen, say, read and recite: goalkeeper, catch, well, badly, control, team, really, fantastic, catch the ball(well/badly), control the ball(well/badly) 重点 2.Languages: Ss can make use of the drills: Can you…? I can … well. I …badly. You can…(well/badly). to communicate with each other freely. Make use of “well, badly” to give proper assessment to yourself and others 难点 according to their behaviors. 教法 Task-based method, situational method, game method 学法 Listen, read, repeat, work in work in pairs or groups, cooperation 教学 Multimedia, word cards, tape and recorder, football 准备 1.Circle new words and phrases; 预习2.Read the short passage and underline knowledge Ss don’t know. 设计 3.Set the questions: Can Lingling run fast? Can Lingling catch the ball well? 教学过程 Step1 Warming up 1.Greeting. 2.Game:I do and you say. Review the phrases: listen to 施教者调整 1.Enable Ss listen, say, read and recite new words and phrases: catch, well, badly, control, team, goalkeeper, really, fantastic, catch,the ball(well/badly),control the ball(well/badly) 2.Enable Ss be familiar with new words and phrases and communicate with each other freely using the following drills: a. Can you …? Yes, I can./No, I can’t. b. You can… (well/badly). c. I can … well. I …badly Encourage Ss to learn the short passage and knowledge in the following way: cooperation, work in pairs or groups, situational methods. 第 1 页

music, run fast, jump high, play football/basketball/table tennis,swim,jump far… 3.Teacher and Ss (Ss work in pairs) practices the following drills: I can\\ can’t… Can you…? Step2 Presentation 1.Show Ss a ppt of Beckhamand ask Ss:Who’s he? After Ss answering and I’ll ask:What can he do well ?help Ss answer like this:He can play football well .Then Show Ss a football and ask Ss:Can you play football well? Ss’ll answer :Yes, I can.Find one student to come to the blackboard and do the action of playing football. Then I’ll tell Ss: You can play football well. Write the topic on the blackboard.Practice it with collective reading,individual reading and so on in many ways. 2.Create situation and induce new words and phrases. A. Show Ss a ppt of Yaoming and tell Ss: Yao Ming can play basketball well.He is good at basketball .He can jump really high.Then induce the important phrases:play basketball well;be good at;jump really high,learn them with Ss and write the phrases on the blackboard. B. Make use of really and be good at: … is really clever/cute/beautiful/… I’m good at English.What are you good at? Help Ss answer like this:I’m good at …. C.Now Yaoming is in NBA team. Write team on the blackboard.Ss’ll practice it with word card.Induce Ss to speak out football team,basketball team… D. Make use of team:Do you want to be in our football team/ violin team/ basketball team? Help Ss answer like 第 2 页

this:Yes,I do./I want to be in… team. E.T:Some of you want to be in football team, you must catch the ball well.Make an example for Ss and say:catch, catch the ball, catch the ball well(write them on the blackboard).We’ll practice together in many ways,eg:do the action.I’ll catch the ball with one student dand say: Catch the ball!Be careful!When the student catch the ball, I’ll induce the new word: fantastic(write fantastic on the blackboard). F. T:To be a good football player, you must not only catch the ball well, but also control the ball well. Help Ss to understand control, control the ball and control the ball well (write them on the blackboard). We’ll practice together with the action. T: There is an important person in the football team. He can play football with hands. And he can catch the ball very well. Guess“Who’s he?” Ss:“守门员”,induce and practice the new word:goalkeeper(write it on the blackboard). 3.Consolidate new words:show word cards one by one,find various pupils to read.Try our best to practice at the quick speed.Give good behaviors encouragement. 4.Practice the structure(show ppt) T:Beckhamand can play football well.Can you play football well? S:Yes,I can./No, I can’t. T:(point one student and say)you can play football well. T:Yaoming can play basketball well.Can you play basketball well? 第 3 页